25 Jul 2011
Sharing an email I wrote to a seminar graduate:
If today you're already a millionaire and financially free like me, what will you be doing?
In the book entitled "Notes from a Friend" (a very think book written by Anthony Robbins), this is a question that was asked...
Whatever the answer is, the answer might actually be what you really want to do. This is what your Passion really lies.
Few people have asked and answered this question, which is Sad.
I've seen clients who reached Financial Freedom by age 60, but they are NOT really happy becos there is no sense of direction or purpose in their lives. They merely managed to retire comfortably, that's all.
Money can help you buy luxury items, such as a Patek Philippe Watch, BMW/Mercedes, but it really cannot buy Happiness and Fulfillment. Trust me on this, since I've seen many clients who have money but do NOT feel really happy or fulfilled.
For me, when I asked myself this question in 1998, my answer is I will teach others how to reach Financial Freedom after I did it myself.
This is why I've been conducting seminars weekly since May 2009. If your answer is similar, actually you should think about how can you work with Wealth Directions to do this.
In 2 years' time, our plan will be to reach out of Singapore, to the region, including China.
Becos as Buckminster Fuller said, we should work for the entire humanity, and not just our own country (in my case, Singapore).
(I"m reading Critical Path right now), and many of Bucky's concepts and principles resonate with me.
I also think I'm just a function in the Universe, that each person is born in this world to serve the world, born with a Purpose to live.
And I'm glad I've found my purpose since 1998, which have led and guided me in the 13 year journey from year 1998 till the current moment.
We want to help 1,000,000 people to achieve Financial Freedom, and I really hope that you can be actively involved (eg. as a Trainer).
Think through again and reply.
If we work hard, we need to ask ourselves, is what we are working hard on really what we want to do or achieve in the long run? If not, then perhaps it's time to re-look, and possibly to re-start our journey, instead of just going down the path we have walked so far.
In 1998, after I discovered the answer to the question, I decided to pursue my Passion. I started planning to resign from the bank (which it took me 2 years to save enough money to quit the bank in year 2000)...
And in year 2000, I re-started on my journey, starting from ZERO, as a Financial Planner, 7 years after graduating from university.
8 years later, the decision I made helped me reached Financial Freedom in year 2008. Even though for the first 7 years of the journey from year 2000 to year 2007, I didn't earn much, especially duringthe initial first 3 years, I suffered a drop in income of over 50%, compared to my salary in the bank.
However, throughout the journey, the Happiness and Fulfillment that I enjoy and feel is what money cannot buy and a feeling I cannot use words to describe, it is simply Priceless.
And becos I reached Financial Freedom in year 2008, I could then Choose to decide what I want to do for the next phase of my life, I decided to start teaching others how to reach Financial Freedom, (something I set out to do since 1998), and this is why I relaunched
www.MasterYourFinance.com in Apr 2009; wrote and launched my first book in May 2009; started conducting seminars from 23 May 2009; set up Wealth Directions with co-founder Yew Kin in Jun 2010 to market my seminars; launched my 2nd book in Dec 2010;
In the last 2 years since I started conducting seminars, there are so many memorable and very happy occasions, especially when seminar graduates shared with me how my seminar helped them decide to change their career; change their spending habits; helped them have the courage to start investing again as they had lost money in investing before; how parents have shared/taught their children what was shared in the seminars and how their children have changed thereafter; how some of my seminar graduates made as much as a few hundred thousand dollars from applying what they learned in my seminar; how they have saved thousands (as much as over S$11,000 in insurance premiums per year) after my seminar....
Each time when seminar graduates shared with me such news, it reinforced to me that whatever I'm doing, especially sacrificing 2 of my weekday nights and almost all of my weekends conducting seminars is worthwhile...that it makes a difference to many others..as Buckminster fuller shared that he stopped working for himself and his family but only work for the benefit of all humanity at age 27. After I achieved Financial Freedom in year 2008, I also make this same decision.
If you wonder why I spend so much time daily in this forum; in facebook; in contributing to various media, including newspapers, Radio, TV etc...is becos
I am dedicating the rest of my life to educate, to help as many people as possible, reach Financial Freedom.
I really cannot do this on my own. I really hope some of my seminar graduates, can also join us (ON a Full Time Basis) for this Same Cause.
You have NOT joined a Seminar, you have joined a Movement, a Revolution of Wealth.
There are many ways to make money and many routes to Financial Freedom. Why NOT choose to help in teaching/guiding others how to Reach Financial Freedom?
The more successful you are in helping to spread Financial Education, the more people you help, and you make a very BIG difference to their lives. I mean, you yourself probably can feel the difference my seminars made to your life yourself. So the more people you help (serve), the more money you make, the sooner you reach Financial Freedom, and you also help others to speed up on their path to Financial Freedom.
Our aim is to help as many people as possible (we set 1 million people) to achieve one million dollars at least...the ONLY question is:
Do you want to get involved full-time to help us?