What is the Difference between Money and Wealth?
Moderators: alvin, learner, Dennis Ng
What is the Difference between Money and Wealth?
What is Wealth?
What is Money?
Is Money Wealth? Does Money Equate to Wealth?
Few people ever think of such questions. Have you?
I want you to think of these questions and share with me your answer.
I will NOT be surprised that some of you would say that Wealth is Assets, or Health is Wealth. Sorry, I think you are confused. They are NOT.
Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange for Goods and Services. It is NOT wealth itself.
Throughout history, many things had been used as money, Sea shells, Gold, Silver, Paper Money. If you really think about it, Money is NOT wealth, it is just a medium of exchange.
Thus, Money by itself has NO value, it is what we agreed as Value that gives Money Value. Gold is just a metal. How much this Metal is worth, depends on the value we attach to this Metal, that's all, in comparison to say, Silver. So Gold can be used as Money, but Gold is NOT Wealth.
Many people chase after money. This is because they confuse that Money is Wealth.
Now if you know that Money is just Medium of Exchange of Value and is NOT Wealth you would probably realise that why many people chase after money but they are NOT Rich.
Because Money is NOT Wealth!
So what is Wealth?
If you really think about it, it is the actual Provision of Goods and Services that is Wealth. For instance, if you drink milk, the milk is the product and is the actual Wealth. The money you pay for the Milk is just an agreed Value for Milk, that’s all.
I hope by reading up to now, you’re getting clearer about Wealth and Money, not getting more confused.
So what’s the formula for Wealth? Goods and services have to be provided and NEEDED and/or WANTED by PEOPLE to be of Value.
So what determines the Value of Goods and Services? It is the Perceived Value Add a Good or Service has.
Why Perceived Value? Because Value lies in the eye of the Beholder. To someone, a bag with the 2 letters LV is probably worth (perceived to be valued) for S$2,000 or more. So if someone offers you a LV Bag for say, S$1,000, to you, this may be a Good Bargain and you would gladly rush to exchange your S$1,000 for a Bag you perceived to be valued at least S$2,000.
Hope you’re getting clearer now about how it is really the PERCEIVED Value that is really important, since Value is a subjective thing.
So part of the Formula of Wealth is Perceived Value.
Just now we mentioned that Goods and Services have to be Needed and Wanted by people to be of value. A Dog cannot pay for Dog food, it is the Dog Owner (human being) that can pay for Dog Food. So another part of the Formula of Wealth is People.
Obviously, the MORE People who Need or Want something, means more Customers.
So by now we can deduce that Wealth is NOT Money. Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange of Value.
Wealth is linked to the Number of People and the Amount of Perceived Value. So by combining the 2, we can deduce that the Formula for Wealth to be equal to the Number of People we serve (customers) x Amount of Perceived Value.
For instance, if you serve 1 million people, but the Perceived Value is say, S$1, you may be able to charge S$0.50 for providing this service or product, so your Wealth would equal 1 million x S$0.50 (Price of product/service), or S$500,000.
If you want to be Wealthier, simple, you can
1. Increase the number of people you serve, say to 2 million people, instead of 1 million people.
2. Increase the Value Add, instead of S$1, say double to S$2, then you can double your price to S$1.
So now you will earn 2 million x S$1 or S$2 million a year.
Please take note that for you to have Repeated customers. or to have More Customers (many customers probably come to you by word of mouth), the Price you charge must be Less than the Perceived Value you provide. Otherwise, you’re just CONNING people money.
So do you want Wealth?
Simple, just follow the Formula for Wealth. Do NOT focus on chasing money. Focus on increasing the Number of People you Serve and Focus on Increasing the Perceived Value you provide.
Remember Perceived Value is the Value perceived by the People you Serve (customers), and NOT by you.
That’s why there are a lot of so-called Talented but unhappy people. They think they are very talented and provide lots of Value, but they did NOT realise that it is they themselves Perceive they Provide Lots of Value.
The people they serve (customers) do NOT share the same view and think they provide little Value. That’s why these so-called “Talented People” remained Poor.
For some, what I have just written and what you’ve just Read will be the “aha” moment in your life.
That for the very first time, you finally know the difference between Wealth and Money and the Secrets to Wealth.
I would say that if anyone follow the Formula for Wealth, the person is Guaranteed to become Wealthier and Wealthier. And if you’re NOW earning a Low Income if you really analyse the reason WHY is because you Serve very few people and provide very Low Perceived Value Add.
Do NOT get offended by my words.
Read and re-read this article and you would realise that I’m just speaking the Truth, and NOTHING but the Whole Truth.
I realised that I’ve been given a Gift.
The Gift to understand all these Truths and the ability to share the Knowledge, or I would rather say, Wisdom, in a way that the average person can understand.
And I know that you’re NOT alone. Probably 90% of the World does NOT know the Formula for Wealth and are thus erroneously chasing after Money and wonder why they are NOT Wealthy.
Don’t bother chasing after money, because nobody will give you any money. But people will gladly pay you S$2,198 or even bigger amount if the Perceived Value of what they learn from you is more than this amount. And if you collect S$2,198 from someone and provide Value Add of S$10,000 or more to people that you’re actually Contributing to the Society. And many more people will be willing to pay you S$2,198 or more for your Product or Service.
Do you realise that if everyone in the world do NOT chase after money, but instead FOCUS on Serving More People, and Increasing Value Add to people, that the World will be a Better Place to Live in, and EVERYONE will be Wealthier in the Process?
Think about it.
Wealth is Abundance. The More Value you Give, the More People You Give to (Serve), the Wealthier you’ll become, and so will the Society benefit and become Wealthier as well.
Once you know this Truth, you will NOT be Selfish anymore (think of your own self-interest), but instead think of how to Increase Value Add to others, and How to Serve More People.
Give and You Shall Receive. Do NOT withhold from Giving, unless you want to receive little or NOTHING.
You will NOT be thinking of Competing, and Think Win/Lose because you know that Wealth is Abundance and it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier than they are currently (when they are ignorant about Formula for Wealth). You will be Thinking Win/Win. You’ll probably be like me, try to share with more people your Knowledge/Wisdom and Gifts.
You have NOT joined a Seminar. You have Joined a Revolution of Wealth.
With the NEXT Global Financial Crisis already started without most people noticing, it is important that we start spreading this knowledge/wisdom to as many people as we can, so that everyone will NOT become Poor in the Crisis (losing Money), but may actually become Wealthier through the Crisis (Increasing Wealth – serving more people, increasing Value Add).
Yours sincerely,
Dennis Ng
Sharing my Financial Enlightenment with you.
What is Money?
Is Money Wealth? Does Money Equate to Wealth?
Few people ever think of such questions. Have you?
I want you to think of these questions and share with me your answer.
I will NOT be surprised that some of you would say that Wealth is Assets, or Health is Wealth. Sorry, I think you are confused. They are NOT.
Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange for Goods and Services. It is NOT wealth itself.
Throughout history, many things had been used as money, Sea shells, Gold, Silver, Paper Money. If you really think about it, Money is NOT wealth, it is just a medium of exchange.
Thus, Money by itself has NO value, it is what we agreed as Value that gives Money Value. Gold is just a metal. How much this Metal is worth, depends on the value we attach to this Metal, that's all, in comparison to say, Silver. So Gold can be used as Money, but Gold is NOT Wealth.
Many people chase after money. This is because they confuse that Money is Wealth.
Now if you know that Money is just Medium of Exchange of Value and is NOT Wealth you would probably realise that why many people chase after money but they are NOT Rich.
Because Money is NOT Wealth!
So what is Wealth?
If you really think about it, it is the actual Provision of Goods and Services that is Wealth. For instance, if you drink milk, the milk is the product and is the actual Wealth. The money you pay for the Milk is just an agreed Value for Milk, that’s all.
I hope by reading up to now, you’re getting clearer about Wealth and Money, not getting more confused.
So what’s the formula for Wealth? Goods and services have to be provided and NEEDED and/or WANTED by PEOPLE to be of Value.
So what determines the Value of Goods and Services? It is the Perceived Value Add a Good or Service has.
Why Perceived Value? Because Value lies in the eye of the Beholder. To someone, a bag with the 2 letters LV is probably worth (perceived to be valued) for S$2,000 or more. So if someone offers you a LV Bag for say, S$1,000, to you, this may be a Good Bargain and you would gladly rush to exchange your S$1,000 for a Bag you perceived to be valued at least S$2,000.
Hope you’re getting clearer now about how it is really the PERCEIVED Value that is really important, since Value is a subjective thing.
So part of the Formula of Wealth is Perceived Value.
Just now we mentioned that Goods and Services have to be Needed and Wanted by people to be of value. A Dog cannot pay for Dog food, it is the Dog Owner (human being) that can pay for Dog Food. So another part of the Formula of Wealth is People.
Obviously, the MORE People who Need or Want something, means more Customers.
So by now we can deduce that Wealth is NOT Money. Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange of Value.
Wealth is linked to the Number of People and the Amount of Perceived Value. So by combining the 2, we can deduce that the Formula for Wealth to be equal to the Number of People we serve (customers) x Amount of Perceived Value.
For instance, if you serve 1 million people, but the Perceived Value is say, S$1, you may be able to charge S$0.50 for providing this service or product, so your Wealth would equal 1 million x S$0.50 (Price of product/service), or S$500,000.
If you want to be Wealthier, simple, you can
1. Increase the number of people you serve, say to 2 million people, instead of 1 million people.
2. Increase the Value Add, instead of S$1, say double to S$2, then you can double your price to S$1.
So now you will earn 2 million x S$1 or S$2 million a year.
Please take note that for you to have Repeated customers. or to have More Customers (many customers probably come to you by word of mouth), the Price you charge must be Less than the Perceived Value you provide. Otherwise, you’re just CONNING people money.
So do you want Wealth?
Simple, just follow the Formula for Wealth. Do NOT focus on chasing money. Focus on increasing the Number of People you Serve and Focus on Increasing the Perceived Value you provide.
Remember Perceived Value is the Value perceived by the People you Serve (customers), and NOT by you.
That’s why there are a lot of so-called Talented but unhappy people. They think they are very talented and provide lots of Value, but they did NOT realise that it is they themselves Perceive they Provide Lots of Value.
The people they serve (customers) do NOT share the same view and think they provide little Value. That’s why these so-called “Talented People” remained Poor.
For some, what I have just written and what you’ve just Read will be the “aha” moment in your life.
That for the very first time, you finally know the difference between Wealth and Money and the Secrets to Wealth.
I would say that if anyone follow the Formula for Wealth, the person is Guaranteed to become Wealthier and Wealthier. And if you’re NOW earning a Low Income if you really analyse the reason WHY is because you Serve very few people and provide very Low Perceived Value Add.
Do NOT get offended by my words.
Read and re-read this article and you would realise that I’m just speaking the Truth, and NOTHING but the Whole Truth.
I realised that I’ve been given a Gift.
The Gift to understand all these Truths and the ability to share the Knowledge, or I would rather say, Wisdom, in a way that the average person can understand.
And I know that you’re NOT alone. Probably 90% of the World does NOT know the Formula for Wealth and are thus erroneously chasing after Money and wonder why they are NOT Wealthy.
Don’t bother chasing after money, because nobody will give you any money. But people will gladly pay you S$2,198 or even bigger amount if the Perceived Value of what they learn from you is more than this amount. And if you collect S$2,198 from someone and provide Value Add of S$10,000 or more to people that you’re actually Contributing to the Society. And many more people will be willing to pay you S$2,198 or more for your Product or Service.
Do you realise that if everyone in the world do NOT chase after money, but instead FOCUS on Serving More People, and Increasing Value Add to people, that the World will be a Better Place to Live in, and EVERYONE will be Wealthier in the Process?
Think about it.
Wealth is Abundance. The More Value you Give, the More People You Give to (Serve), the Wealthier you’ll become, and so will the Society benefit and become Wealthier as well.
Once you know this Truth, you will NOT be Selfish anymore (think of your own self-interest), but instead think of how to Increase Value Add to others, and How to Serve More People.
Give and You Shall Receive. Do NOT withhold from Giving, unless you want to receive little or NOTHING.
You will NOT be thinking of Competing, and Think Win/Lose because you know that Wealth is Abundance and it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier than they are currently (when they are ignorant about Formula for Wealth). You will be Thinking Win/Win. You’ll probably be like me, try to share with more people your Knowledge/Wisdom and Gifts.
You have NOT joined a Seminar. You have Joined a Revolution of Wealth.
With the NEXT Global Financial Crisis already started without most people noticing, it is important that we start spreading this knowledge/wisdom to as many people as we can, so that everyone will NOT become Poor in the Crisis (losing Money), but may actually become Wealthier through the Crisis (Increasing Wealth – serving more people, increasing Value Add).
Yours sincerely,
Dennis Ng
Sharing my Financial Enlightenment with you.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
- Gold Forum Contributor
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:31 pm
Re: What is the Difference between Money and Wealth?
Hi Dennis,Dennis Ng wrote:What is Wealth?
What is Money?
Is Money Wealth? Does Money Equate to Wealth?
Few people ever think of such questions. Have you?
I want you to think of these questions and share with me your answer.
I will NOT be surprised that some of you would say that Wealth is Assets, or Health is Wealth. Sorry, I think you are confused. They are NOT.
Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange for Goods and Services. It is NOT wealth itself.
Throughout history, many things had been used as money, Sea shells, Gold, Silver, Paper Money. If you really think about it, Money is NOT wealth, it is just a medium of exchange.
Thus, Money by itself has NO value, it is what we agreed as Value that gives Money Value. Gold is just a metal. How much this Metal is worth, depends on the value we attach to this Metal, that's all, in comparison to say, Silver. So Gold can be used as Money, but Gold is NOT Wealth.
Many people chase after money. This is because they confuse that Money is Wealth.
Now if you know that Money is just Medium of Exchange of Value and is NOT Wealth you would probably realise that why many people chase after money but they are NOT Rich.
Because Money is NOT Wealth!
So what is Wealth?
If you really think about it, it is the actual Provision of Goods and Services that is Wealth. For instance, if you drink milk, the milk is the product and is the actual Wealth. The money you pay for the Milk is just an agreed Value for Milk, that’s all.
I hope by reading up to now, you’re getting clearer about Wealth and Money, not getting more confused.
So what’s the formula for Wealth? Goods and services have to be provided and NEEDED and/or WANTED by PEOPLE to be of Value.
So what determines the Value of Goods and Services? It is the Perceived Value Add a Good or Service has.
Why Perceived Value? Because Value lies in the eye of the Beholder. To someone, a bag with the 2 letters LV is probably worth (perceived to be valued) for S$2,000 or more. So if someone offers you a LV Bag for say, S$1,000, to you, this may be a Good Bargain and you would gladly rush to exchange your S$1,000 for a Bag you perceived to be valued at least S$2,000.
Hope you’re getting clearer now about how it is really the PERCEIVED Value that is really important, since Value is a subjective thing.
So part of the Formula of Wealth is Perceived Value.
Just now we mentioned that Goods and Services have to be Needed and Wanted by people to be of value. A Dog cannot pay for Dog food, it is the Dog Owner (human being) that can pay for Dog Food. So another part of the Formula of Wealth is People.
Obviously, the MORE People who Need or Want something, means more Customers.
So by now we can deduce that Wealth is NOT Money. Money is just an agreed Medium of Exchange of Value.
Wealth is linked to the Number of People and the Amount of Perceived Value. So by combining the 2, we can deduce that the Formula for Wealth to be equal to the Number of People we serve (customers) x Amount of Perceived Value.
For instance, if you serve 1 million people, but the Perceived Value is say, S$1, you may be able to charge S$0.50 for providing this service or product, so your Wealth would equal 1 million x S$0.50 (Price of product/service), or S$500,000.
If you want to be Wealthier, simple, you can
1. Increase the number of people you serve, say to 2 million people, instead of 1 million people.
2. Increase the Value Add, instead of S$1, say double to S$2, then you can double your price to S$1.
So now you will earn 2 million x S$1 or S$2 million a year.
Please take note that for you to have Repeated customers. or to have More Customers (many customers probably come to you by word of mouth), the Price you charge must be Less than the Perceived Value you provide. Otherwise, you’re just CONNING people money.
So do you want Wealth?
Simple, just follow the Formula for Wealth. Do NOT focus on chasing money. Focus on increasing the Number of People you Serve and Focus on Increasing the Perceived Value you provide.
Remember Perceived Value is the Value perceived by the People you Serve (customers), and NOT by you.
That’s why there are a lot of so-called Talented but unhappy people. They think they are very talented and provide lots of Value, but they did NOT realise that it is they themselves Perceive they Provide Lots of Value.
The people they serve (customers) do NOT share the same view and think they provide little Value. That’s why these so-called “Talented People” remained Poor.
For some, what I have just written and what you’ve just Read will be the “aha” moment in your life.
That for the very first time, you finally know the difference between Wealth and Money and the Secrets to Wealth.
I would say that if anyone follow the Formula for Wealth, the person is Guaranteed to become Wealthier and Wealthier. And if you’re NOW earning a Low Income if you really analyse the reason WHY is because you Serve very few people and provide very Low Perceived Value Add.
Do NOT get offended by my words.
Read and re-read this article and you would realise that I’m just speaking the Truth, and NOTHING but the Whole Truth.
I realised that I’ve been given a Gift.
The Gift to understand all these Truths and the ability to share the Knowledge, or I would rather say, Wisdom, in a way that the average person can understand.
And I know that you’re NOT alone. Probably 90% of the World does NOT know the Formula for Wealth and are thus erroneously chasing after Money and wonder why they are NOT Wealthy.
Don’t bother chasing after money, because nobody will give you any money. But people will gladly pay you S$2,198 or even bigger amount if the Perceived Value of what they learn from you is more than this amount. And if you collect S$2,198 from someone and provide Value Add of S$10,000 or more to people that you’re actually Contributing to the Society. And many more people will be willing to pay you S$2,198 or more for your Product or Service.
Do you realise that if everyone in the world do NOT chase after money, but instead FOCUS on Serving More People, and Increasing Value Add to people, that the World will be a Better Place to Live in, and EVERYONE will be Wealthier in the Process?
Think about it.
Wealth is Abundance. The More Value you Give, the More People You Give to (Serve), the Wealthier you’ll become, and so will the Society benefit and become Wealthier as well.
Once you know this Truth, you will NOT be Selfish anymore (think of your own self-interest), but instead think of how to Increase Value Add to others, and How to Serve More People.
Give and You Shall Receive. Do NOT withhold from Giving, unless you want to receive little or NOTHING.
You will NOT be thinking of Competing, and Think Win/Lose because you know that Wealth is Abundance and it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier than they are currently (when they are ignorant about Formula for Wealth). You will be Thinking Win/Win. You’ll probably be like me, try to share with more people your Knowledge/Wisdom and Gifts.
You have NOT joined a Seminar. You have Joined a Revolution of Wealth.
With the NEXT Global Financial Crisis already started without most people noticing, it is important that we start spreading this knowledge/wisdom to as many people as we can, so that everyone will NOT become Poor in the Crisis (losing Money), but may actually become Wealthier through the Crisis (Increasing Wealth – serving more people, increasing Value Add).
Yours sincerely,
Dennis Ng
Sharing my Financial Enlightenment with you.
this is a nice read, reminds me of Marxist commodity fetishism and the aliennation it brings about. Thats why I always try to make small with the cashier or shopkeeper selling the goods to try to establish a relationship such that I am not merely buying goods in which the person selling does not play a part in producing or packaging and trying to use the good as a medium to establish relationship.
Back to the point of the article, I certainly agree wholeheartedly with you, even if one does not get monetary return for the service, favour, assitance etc, when u do so with sincerity, most of the time ppl can feel it and it can certainly make ur "way around" less difficult
Hi ilovecck,ilovecck wrote:待人以诚,人亦以诚待我。
But i think sometimes must do so with eyes opened haha, to prevent kena stabbed in back
if you do enough good, even if someone tries to stab you in the back, you'll be warned beforehand. This is my personal experience.
I have shared the Formula for Wealth. Apply it and become Wealthier. Without applying it, most people would just continue to struggle through life and wonder why.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Read and re-read, extracted from a posting I made at 1 am this morning.
Dennis Ng
Dennis Ng
Dennis Ng wrote:
Many people chase after money. This is because they confuse that Money is Wealth.
Now if you know that Money is just Medium of Exchange of Value and is NOT Wealth you would probably realise that why many people chase after money but they are NOT Rich.
Because Money is NOT Wealth!
So what is Wealth?
Wealth is linked to the Number of People and the Amount of Perceived Value. So by combining the 2, we can deduce that the Formula for Wealth to be equal to the Number of People we serve (customers) x Amount of Perceived Value.
For instance, if you serve 1 million people, but the Perceived Value is say, S$1, you may be able to charge S$0.50 for providing this service or product, so your Wealth would equal 1 million x S$0.50 (Price of product/service), or S$500,000.
If you want to be Wealthier, simple, you can
1. Increase the number of people you serve, say to 2 million people, instead of 1 million people.
2. Increase the Value Add, instead of S$1, say double to S$2, then you can double your price to S$1.
So now you will earn 2 million x S$1 or S$2 million a year.
Do you realise that if everyone in the world do NOT chase after money, but instead FOCUS on Serving More People, and Increasing Value Add to people, that the World will be a Better Place to Live in, and EVERYONE will be Wealthier in the Process?
Think about it.
Wealth is Abundance. The More Value you Give, the More People You Give to (Serve), the Wealthier you’ll become, and so will the Society benefit and become Wealthier as well.
Once you know this Truth, you will NOT be Selfish anymore (think of your own self-interest), but instead think of how to Increase Value Add to others, and How to Serve More People.
Give and You Shall Receive. Do NOT withhold from Giving, unless you want to receive little or NOTHING.
You will NOT be thinking of Competing, and Think Win/Lose because you know that Wealth is Abundance and it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier than they are currently (when they are ignorant about Formula for Wealth). You will be Thinking Win/Win. You’ll probably be like me, try to share with more people your Knowledge/Wisdom and Gifts.
You have NOT joined a Seminar. You have Joined a Revolution of Wealth.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Sharing questions by a Seminar Graduate Dolly Yeo and my reply to her:
Dolly Yeo:
Dennis your education on real wealth is so clear now for me. You took the time to share so succinctly & generously. It brought tears of joy knowing the simply truths. Now I need to learn the process of my first next step. Would appreciate yr guidance:) thank you so much:)
Dennis Ng:
Hi Dolly, ask yourself what is your Gift? Then focus on serving as many people as possible and increasing your Value Add, and you'll just get Wealthier and Wealthier. It is GUARANTEED becos this is the Formula for Wealth.
The more important thing is I derive tremendous Joy and Happiness in serving and helping people, so the additional Wealth that results, is just a nice bonus, it is actually NOT what I'm chasing after.
Each year, I just ask myself:
1. How can I be better? So that I can increase my Value Add to others.
2. How can I serve more people?
3. How can I increase the Value Add I provide to people?
This is what motivates me everyday.
Wealth is Abundance, the formula shows that it can only Grow, it cannot shrink.
From the Formula for Wealth we also know that it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier and in fact the world will be an even better place if people start focusing on how to Serve more people and how to increase Value Add to others.
Wouldn't you agree?
Problem is most people confuse Money as Wealth, and thus, they play the Win/Lose Money Game instead of the Win/Win Wealth Game.
Dolly Yeo:
Dennis your education on real wealth is so clear now for me. You took the time to share so succinctly & generously. It brought tears of joy knowing the simply truths. Now I need to learn the process of my first next step. Would appreciate yr guidance:) thank you so much:)
Dennis Ng:
Hi Dolly, ask yourself what is your Gift? Then focus on serving as many people as possible and increasing your Value Add, and you'll just get Wealthier and Wealthier. It is GUARANTEED becos this is the Formula for Wealth.
The more important thing is I derive tremendous Joy and Happiness in serving and helping people, so the additional Wealth that results, is just a nice bonus, it is actually NOT what I'm chasing after.
Each year, I just ask myself:
1. How can I be better? So that I can increase my Value Add to others.
2. How can I serve more people?
3. How can I increase the Value Add I provide to people?
This is what motivates me everyday.
Wealth is Abundance, the formula shows that it can only Grow, it cannot shrink.
From the Formula for Wealth we also know that it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier and in fact the world will be an even better place if people start focusing on how to Serve more people and how to increase Value Add to others.
Wouldn't you agree?
Problem is most people confuse Money as Wealth, and thus, they play the Win/Lose Money Game instead of the Win/Win Wealth Game.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Hi DennisDennis Ng wrote:it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier and in fact the world will be an even better place if people start focusing on how to Serve more people and how to increase Value Add to others.
Thank you for sharing such an interesting and eye opening concept. It certainly removes money from the concept of wealth.
Imagine if everybody subscribes to this belief.
We could enjoy a five star dining experience with good food and service at a hawker centre without having to pay a cent more. It would be a win-win situation.
The hawker gets wealthy from having more business and we get great value for money, making us feel wealthy.
Unfortunately, human nature dictates that there will always be slackers who aim to get maximum pay for minimum effort, and who cannot understand why they are not rich.
This is the equivalent of saying the world would be a better place if everybody makes an effort to be nice to each other. Such a simple concept, yet the world is still plagued by conflicts and war since time immemorial.
Here's a quote from Planet of The Apes.
Cornelius: [reading from the sacred scrolls of the apes] 'Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.'
It does make us look less civilised than monkeys, doesn't it?
Nevertheless, I totally agree with you that it is an ideal which we should all strive for.
Hi jazzmama,
I just want to share and remind you these words:
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Do NOT Stop from doing something just becos NOT everybody will do it. How do we change the world? By changing ourselves first. Starting from yourself. ALL Revolution starts from 1 person before it spreads.
You need to ask yourself:"Who do you choose to be? A money-chasing beast just like many people out there or a Human Being? This is a CHOICE you can make and have to make yourself. Nobody can make this Choice and Decision for you.
Start doing and practising this and you'll realise that you'll get Richer. That is how I know I am GUARANTEED to be Richer every year becos I have learned and now I practise this every year.
Yes, the world will become a much, much better place if more people practise this. I hope that our Seminar Graduates can set as Real Life examples and start practising this. When friends and relatives find that you're getting Richer, they will be interested to learn how you do it, and then you can share with them this Concept, which they will be ready to listen becos they have seen the change in your Financial status.
This is basically what I aim to do. Teach NOT by telling, but by Demonstrating to ALL seminar graduates and members of Public through my daily Thoughts and Actions.
Don't listen to what I say, see what I say and do and ask yourself, whether am I just telling you theories or knowledge OR am I really teaching and demonstrating WISDOM.
Knowing is NOT knowing. You truly KNOW when you DO what you know. I DO what I know and in the process I become a better ME, and this starts a Virtuous Cycle, becos a Better ME can DO better and ACHIEVE (Have) even more. And when I have even more, I have more to Give and the process and the never-ending cycle of Give and Receive kicks in.
Even if Global Financial Crisis hits us, I know that I'll be getting Richer and Richer and contribute MORE and more to society by practising the Formula for Wealth.
You have NOT joined a seminar. You have joined a movement, a Revolution of Wealth. We will change the world and make the world a better place by changing ourselves first and becoming Better ourselves.
Dennis Ng
I just want to share and remind you these words:
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Do NOT Stop from doing something just becos NOT everybody will do it. How do we change the world? By changing ourselves first. Starting from yourself. ALL Revolution starts from 1 person before it spreads.
You need to ask yourself:"Who do you choose to be? A money-chasing beast just like many people out there or a Human Being? This is a CHOICE you can make and have to make yourself. Nobody can make this Choice and Decision for you.
Start doing and practising this and you'll realise that you'll get Richer. That is how I know I am GUARANTEED to be Richer every year becos I have learned and now I practise this every year.
Yes, the world will become a much, much better place if more people practise this. I hope that our Seminar Graduates can set as Real Life examples and start practising this. When friends and relatives find that you're getting Richer, they will be interested to learn how you do it, and then you can share with them this Concept, which they will be ready to listen becos they have seen the change in your Financial status.
This is basically what I aim to do. Teach NOT by telling, but by Demonstrating to ALL seminar graduates and members of Public through my daily Thoughts and Actions.
Don't listen to what I say, see what I say and do and ask yourself, whether am I just telling you theories or knowledge OR am I really teaching and demonstrating WISDOM.
Knowing is NOT knowing. You truly KNOW when you DO what you know. I DO what I know and in the process I become a better ME, and this starts a Virtuous Cycle, becos a Better ME can DO better and ACHIEVE (Have) even more. And when I have even more, I have more to Give and the process and the never-ending cycle of Give and Receive kicks in.
Even if Global Financial Crisis hits us, I know that I'll be getting Richer and Richer and contribute MORE and more to society by practising the Formula for Wealth.
You have NOT joined a seminar. You have joined a movement, a Revolution of Wealth. We will change the world and make the world a better place by changing ourselves first and becoming Better ourselves.
Dennis Ng
jazzmama wrote:Hi DennisDennis Ng wrote:it is possible for everyone to become Wealthier and in fact the world will be an even better place if people start focusing on how to Serve more people and how to increase Value Add to others.
Thank you for sharing such an interesting and eye opening concept. It certainly removes money from the concept of wealth.
Imagine if everybody subscribes to this belief.
We could enjoy a five star dining experience with good food and service at a hawker centre without having to pay a cent more. It would be a win-win situation.
The hawker gets wealthy from having more business and we get great value for money, making us feel wealthy.
Unfortunately, human nature dictates that there will always be slackers who aim to get maximum pay for minimum effort, and who cannot understand why they are not rich.
This is the equivalent of saying the world would be a better place if everybody makes an effort to be nice to each other. Such a simple concept, yet the world is still plagued by conflicts and war since time immemorial.
Here's a quote from Planet of The Apes.
Cornelius: [reading from the sacred scrolls of the apes] 'Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.'
It does make us look less civilised than monkeys, doesn't it?
Nevertheless, I totally agree with you that it is an ideal which we should all strive for.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Just some questions...
I totally agree that wealth is about serving more people and increasing value add to others...
But if the cause of the financial crisis is the financial industry itself and greed... then why do people working in the bank get paid so much?
I am not disagreeing with this fact that wealth is primarily the exchange of value.. however, sometimes this rule(or law) sometimes just doesnt make sense.. just why are bankers or doctors paid that much? because they save lives? or because they help people to make more money?
just trying to make sense of things..
I totally agree that wealth is about serving more people and increasing value add to others...
But if the cause of the financial crisis is the financial industry itself and greed... then why do people working in the bank get paid so much?
I am not disagreeing with this fact that wealth is primarily the exchange of value.. however, sometimes this rule(or law) sometimes just doesnt make sense.. just why are bankers or doctors paid that much? because they save lives? or because they help people to make more money?
just trying to make sense of things..
Hi Ax,Ax wrote:Just some questions...
I totally agree that wealth is about serving more people and increasing value add to others...
But if the cause of the financial crisis is the financial industry itself and greed... then why do people working in the bank get paid so much?
I am not disagreeing with this fact that wealth is primarily the exchange of value.. however, sometimes this rule(or law) sometimes just doesnt make sense.. just why are bankers or doctors paid that much? because they save lives? or because they help people to make more money?
just trying to make sense of things..
the people in the bank are playing money game.
For instance, Goldman Sachs sell to clients CDO in year 2008 and yet, they were actually short-selling CDO at the same time. So their clients lose most of their money and Goldman Sachs made money at the expense of their clients.
Is this Wealth? This is just Money Game, and playing a Win/Lose Game.
Most people in the world play Win/Lose game. In school, we were taught to "beat" our classmates to be No. 1 in class. In Sports day, we were taught to "beat" our classmates to be No. 1 in Sports.
The schools teach us Win/Lose mentality and Winner takes it all, and loser standing small.
It is ALL wrong and is the teachings of Devil.
We have BEEN taught and blinded by Devil all this while. Time to wake up.
I hope you can wake up. I woke up and now I am getting Richer and at the same time doing good and making a difference to society.
In fact, the more people I serve, the Richer I become.
You can choose Win/Lose way to make money.
I choose to APPLY the Real Formula of Wealth to get Richer.
You have a choice. I made my choice.
Try to poke holes in this Real formula of Wealth, there is NO hole you can poke. It shows it is the Truth. I did NOT invent the Truth, I only learned the Truth. I'm NOT the first person to learn the Truth.
We can change the world from dog eat dog world to each person focusing on giving to each other, serving each other. Which Choice will make the World Hell, which choice will make the World a Better Place?
It is clear, unless you refuse to see the TRUTH I'm sharing.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Hi Ax,Ax wrote:Dennis...
I understand now...
wealth is created constructively rather than through destructive methods... after all we all belong to one universe...
yes, Money is NOT Wealth. Money is just an Agreed Medium of Exchange, it only has value becos it is recognised and agreed. If we do NOT have confidence in US$ anymore, and do NOT recognise its value, then the value of US Dollar can go to zero.
However, the Provision of Goods and Services has Value, each good and service has value, it cannot go to zero.
How do we serve others, through Provision of Goods and Services!
As long as the Value we deliver is much more than the price we charge, we are actually contributing to the society. We don't need to do it FREE, in fact doing it free is wrong as the Universal Law says Give and You Shall Receive. If people receive goods and services for free, then it does NOT really comply with the Universal Law. It also teach the wrong thing to expect "something for nothing", which is what most people expect, without realising that having such a thought is WHY they are NOT getting ahead in life, why they are NOT getting Richer.
Becos there is NO such thing as Something for Nothing.
We'll be paid more for the good or service if the Perceived Value of the Good or Service by the "customers" (people we serve) is high. If the perceived value is Low, then the Price we're paid for the provision of Good or Service will be low.
Look at LV bags, it is made of cheap material, if you say the design is really nice, it is just a subjective opinion. So why is LV bags sold for S$2,000 and above and another bag with the letter eg. VL (being treated as "fake" good and deemed cheap and NO value?)
Nowadays, cosmetic surgeons can be paid more than a General Practitioner? Why? Becos the concept of Perceived Value has changed, the society is focused on "external beauty and looks"...without realising that True Beauty lies within, NOT without (external).
The World is heading in the Wrong direction, becoming more and more Selfish, harming the environment and nature and fellow human beings for the sake of Making More Money (becos of Greed).
If human beings do NOT awaken IN TIME, earth will head towards destruction. It is clear for all to see, unless one chooses NOT to see this Truth.
There is NOTHING Selfish, Ugly and Greedy in the REAL Formula for Wealth...it is Giving, it is serving, it is thinking of others, (selfless)...if everyone make a living by applying the REAL Formula for Wealth, the world will definitely be a better place, that we'll make Heaven a Place on Earth (as the title of one pop song).
Where can it start? Look at the person in the Mirror. It starts from that person. I hope ALL 2,500 of my seminar graduates can change and apply the Real Formula for Wealth, spread this message to as many people as possible, there is NO copyright on Truth, copy is Right, you can copy and paste this message and share with as many people as possible.
With internet and social media, changing the World is NOT an illusion or far-fetch, it can be done, by each of us, just doing our part.
I am doing my part daily. (Do you realise that?) This has NOW become my full-time Focus and Committment. Nobody ask me to do this, it is just something I know I can do and I just do it.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
This is what I often tell my friends, but sadly most of the time their answer is always "but the world is like that, so just live like that lah, why think so much?"Dennis Ng wrote: Look at LV bags, it is made of cheap material, if you say the design is really nice, it is just a subjective opinion. So why is LV bags sold for S$2,000 and above and another bag with the letter eg. VL (being treated as "fake" good and deemed cheap and NO value?)
Nowadays, cosmetic surgeons can be paid more than a General Practitioner? Why? Becos the concept of Perceived Value has changed, the society is focused on "external beauty and looks"...without realising that True Beauty lies within, NOT without (external).
hi, juz "kaypoh" a bit here.This is what I often tell my friends, but sadly most of the time their answer is always "but the world is like that, so just live like that lah, why think so much?"
so start changing "you" first lor.
then plus one, plus two, plus three............. dun bother how long, it will become many many later on....
dennis also from 1.6 to 16 to 160 to 1600 (dunno when yet but should be there, haha)
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising