Frank Comments by Dennis Ng on various Topics
Moderators: alvin, learner, Dennis Ng
There are students who will buy or make gifts for their Teachers. All these are deeply appreciated.
However, I realise that the BEST way to Thank and honour your teacher is to actually Learn and Practise what he/she teaches, it is to help Spread what he/she teaches to others.
Any other forms of gestures of appreciation will pale in comparison.
Please remember this.
However, I realise that the BEST way to Thank and honour your teacher is to actually Learn and Practise what he/she teaches, it is to help Spread what he/she teaches to others.
Any other forms of gestures of appreciation will pale in comparison.
Please remember this.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
How can we be successful in life?
After many years, I realised that the KEY to Success is actually we need to Live by the Laws of Nature and the Universal Laws. By doing so, becos we are in total harmony with the Universe, we'll be assured of "success".
One of these Universal Laws is the Law of Cause and Effect. We Reap what we Sow.
If we want a peach tree, we sow a peach seed. If we want an Apple Tree, we sow an Apple Tree.
This Law also shows us that the Formula is Give and you Shall Receive. You must first Give (Sow) before you can Receive (Reap).
The problem is nowadays, many people want Instant Success. They look at the success of other people and feel envious or jealous and they also want the same Result (Fruits) as those who are successful.
However, they don't understand that you cannot just Get the Fruits. You need to Give before you Get.
And our education system teaches us that there can only be 1 winner, 1 No. 1 in the Class, 1 No. 1 in the Sports we grow up with the Mindset of "for me to win, somebody need to lose", we grow up with a Win/Lose mindset.
We don't realise that the Universe is a World of Abundance, so there is actually NO need for someone to lose, for someone to gain. It is possible for everyone to gain and possible for everyone to get Richer.
The REAL Formula for Wealth is determined by the Number of People we Serve, multiplied by the Value Add we provide. In this formula, we do NOT need to be selfish, in fact, selfish will NOT lead to Wealth.
The REAL Formula for Wealth shows that the Secret to Success is to be "selfless", think about others only, NOT ourselves. Think about how to increase Value Add to others, think about how to Serve More People...
As we observe nature, there is a Season for Sowing and a Season for Reaping. Human beings do NOT control timing. We also cannot control the Harvest, how much we'll get.
What's within our Control, the Sowing. We can choose to decide:
1. When to Sow (start now or later, the later you start Sowing, the later you Reap).
2. How much to Sow (the more you Sow, the more you Reap).
3. What to Sow (remember that Sow Good, Reap Good. Sow Bad, Reap Bad). Knowing this truth, it should be easy to make a choice whether to Sow Good or Sow Bad.
4. For whom we Sow (try to serve as many people as possible, so the most will be the Whole World and NOT just human beings, but to serve ALL living things on Earth and the Universe.
Try to "poke holes" in what I just shared with you. There are no holes you can poke. What does that show?
This shows that what I'm sharing with you is the TRUTH, it is NOT my theory.
I am a living example what I share with you work. 11 years ago, I earned S$2,500 a month. This year, I donated average S$5,000 a month...NOT saying this to boast to you, but to Show to you that the More you Give, the more you Receive. Unbelieveable but true. Next year, I aim to give S$10,000 a month.
BUt whatever I give is very limited, so that's why I want to teach. If I have 10,000 seminar graduates, each donating S$1,000 a YEAR, each year we can donate S$10,000,000 (yes, S$10 million a year), much more than what I can Give personally.
There is NO copyright to what I just share with you. Please share with as many people as possible.
If everyone live according to these Universal Laws, thinking of how to increase Value Add, how to serve more people, will the World become a Better Place?
Definitely. So please start spreading the message to as many people as possible.
After many years, I realised that the KEY to Success is actually we need to Live by the Laws of Nature and the Universal Laws. By doing so, becos we are in total harmony with the Universe, we'll be assured of "success".
One of these Universal Laws is the Law of Cause and Effect. We Reap what we Sow.
If we want a peach tree, we sow a peach seed. If we want an Apple Tree, we sow an Apple Tree.
This Law also shows us that the Formula is Give and you Shall Receive. You must first Give (Sow) before you can Receive (Reap).
The problem is nowadays, many people want Instant Success. They look at the success of other people and feel envious or jealous and they also want the same Result (Fruits) as those who are successful.
However, they don't understand that you cannot just Get the Fruits. You need to Give before you Get.
And our education system teaches us that there can only be 1 winner, 1 No. 1 in the Class, 1 No. 1 in the Sports we grow up with the Mindset of "for me to win, somebody need to lose", we grow up with a Win/Lose mindset.
We don't realise that the Universe is a World of Abundance, so there is actually NO need for someone to lose, for someone to gain. It is possible for everyone to gain and possible for everyone to get Richer.
The REAL Formula for Wealth is determined by the Number of People we Serve, multiplied by the Value Add we provide. In this formula, we do NOT need to be selfish, in fact, selfish will NOT lead to Wealth.
The REAL Formula for Wealth shows that the Secret to Success is to be "selfless", think about others only, NOT ourselves. Think about how to increase Value Add to others, think about how to Serve More People...
As we observe nature, there is a Season for Sowing and a Season for Reaping. Human beings do NOT control timing. We also cannot control the Harvest, how much we'll get.
What's within our Control, the Sowing. We can choose to decide:
1. When to Sow (start now or later, the later you start Sowing, the later you Reap).
2. How much to Sow (the more you Sow, the more you Reap).
3. What to Sow (remember that Sow Good, Reap Good. Sow Bad, Reap Bad). Knowing this truth, it should be easy to make a choice whether to Sow Good or Sow Bad.
4. For whom we Sow (try to serve as many people as possible, so the most will be the Whole World and NOT just human beings, but to serve ALL living things on Earth and the Universe.
Try to "poke holes" in what I just shared with you. There are no holes you can poke. What does that show?
This shows that what I'm sharing with you is the TRUTH, it is NOT my theory.
I am a living example what I share with you work. 11 years ago, I earned S$2,500 a month. This year, I donated average S$5,000 a month...NOT saying this to boast to you, but to Show to you that the More you Give, the more you Receive. Unbelieveable but true. Next year, I aim to give S$10,000 a month.
BUt whatever I give is very limited, so that's why I want to teach. If I have 10,000 seminar graduates, each donating S$1,000 a YEAR, each year we can donate S$10,000,000 (yes, S$10 million a year), much more than what I can Give personally.
There is NO copyright to what I just share with you. Please share with as many people as possible.
If everyone live according to these Universal Laws, thinking of how to increase Value Add, how to serve more people, will the World become a Better Place?
Definitely. So please start spreading the message to as many people as possible.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
cincin wrote:曾淵滄專欄 2011 09 26
美國聯儲局宣佈推出扭曲操作政策的最直接結果是全世界股市暴跌,唯一上升的是美元滙價,理由是美國不再印鈔票了,過去,美國推出 QE1、 QE2,大量印鈔票,這些鈔票流到全世界,炒起黃金價格,炒起世界各地的貨幣滙率,現在,那些借美元買黃金、買其他國家貨幣的投資者不得不急急平倉,把錢換回美元,於是美元升值了。
美元升值對全球都不利, 1997年的亞洲金融風暴的基礎就是美元升值,美元升值引來大鱷在亞洲到美國之間進行狙擊,狙擊的不單是貨幣,也包括股市,現在,大家要千萬小心一場新的亞洲金融風暴隨時會爆發,看看亞洲一些新興國家的貨幣滙率,近一段日子貶值速度之快令人吃驚。
市場許多事往往是當群眾出來吵吵鬧鬧時轉勢, 1997年回歸前,大量市民吵着要求政府打壓樓價,結果是樓市見頂,現在許多人要求港元與美元脫鈎,結果是美元見底。這再次說明了,群眾的眼光永遠是不正確的,這也是為甚麼股市永遠是輸錢的人多,賺錢的人少。
昨日,股市再出現另一輪急跌,前一陣子曾經傳出一些問題的雨潤( 1068)更是出現清倉式急跌,在熊市中,這些曾經傳出問題之股份的股價跌幅是可以跌到你不信,大家不妨看看自己手上還有沒有一些曾經傳出問題的股份,若有,是可以考慮忍痛拋掉。
昨日,中國建材( 3323)跌至 6.44元,當此股早前跌破 10元時,我有不少朋友都說很便宜了,想買,但我警告他們,此股是從不足 1元的水平升上來的。
现在,曾渊仓博士也警告,但他只提到可能有金融风暴,而我在2010 年10 月便警告说全球金融风暴可能在2011年底或2012 引爆。唯一不确定的是何时引爆而已!
这是我看得一清二楚,金融风暴的问题没有被解救,而是被 “推迟”,延后了。全世界将问题如“铁罐子”般,向前 “一脚踢”。问题是我们很快到达路的尽头,踢无可踢了。 ..(你能想象我居然再昨晚的一个现场的电台的广播节目,93.8调频说这些话?两个 DJ们对我的言谈感到震惊,并表示为何我不设法用“糖衣”包装我的话......我告诉他们,我只是告诉公众“老实话”,“心里话”,为何要虚假地包装我的话?公众需要听坦诚的的意见,而不是分析师说的一些空洞,秣陵两可的意见。
吴加万 Dennis Ng
I was the first who warned the coming Global Financial Crisis.
Now, Prof Chan also warns, but he only mentions "risk" of a Financial Crisis, while I have said the Global Financial Crisis will hit us (NOT may happen), probably in late 2011 or year 2012 since Oct 2010.
The year 2008 Financial Crisis was caused by too much debt. In the last 2 1/2 years, what did governments all over the world do? Governments, including U.S. and Europe simply Borrow more money!
A too much Debt problem cannot be solved by having more debt. This is Crystal Clear to me, which is why my opinion is that the Problem was "postponed" and NOT solved, the world simply "kicked the can" further down the road", the problem is we are reaching end of the road soon...(can you imagine I actually said this on a "Live" Radio show on News Radio 93.8 FM yesterday? The 2 DJs were shocked and said I didn't even bother to sugar coat my words...I told them I just tell it as it is, why sugar coat things? The public needs to listen to Frank comments, not some wishy washy comments from analysts who do NOT want to stick their necks out.
Dennis Ng
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Wealth gotten through the wrong means will NOT last. Look at Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers....they were No. 4 and No. 5 largest Investment Banks in U.S. in year 2007, but are now gone...
The Truth is one does NOT need to get Rich through Greed....
The amount of Wealth you have is determined by no. of people you serve and the value add you provide.
You can get Wealthier and at the same time, make a difference to society. Choose the RIGHT Path to Wealth.
The Truth is one does NOT need to get Rich through Greed....
The amount of Wealth you have is determined by no. of people you serve and the value add you provide.
You can get Wealthier and at the same time, make a difference to society. Choose the RIGHT Path to Wealth.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Goldman Sachs rule the world
In my opinion, This is a typical example of greed which Dennis has been sharing with us all along. So all of us small retail investors swim among the sharks like Goldman and other big institutions. This is the message that I got from this. ... hoax-group ... hoax-group
Sick and tired of hearing my warning of a Global Financial Crisis since Oct 2010? Why not hear from somebody else?
it's obvious the Global Financial Crisis is coming, this trader says it frankly, just as I've done.
The governments do NOT rule the World, Goldman Sachs rule the world.
The markets are going to Crash. But if you learn, you can make money from a downward market. In less than 12 months, the savings of millions of people is going to vanish, and this is just the Beginning...
Act to protect your assets. Be prepared and act now. The biggest risk people can take right now is not acting. ... r_embedded#!
it's obvious the Global Financial Crisis is coming, this trader says it frankly, just as I've done.
The governments do NOT rule the World, Goldman Sachs rule the world.
The markets are going to Crash. But if you learn, you can make money from a downward market. In less than 12 months, the savings of millions of people is going to vanish, and this is just the Beginning...
Act to protect your assets. Be prepared and act now. The biggest risk people can take right now is not acting. ... r_embedded#!
Dennis Ng wrote:Some call this group, the "Bilderberg Group", some call the group "Illuminati".
Are they the Biggest "Invisible Hands" behind Bull and Bear Markets in Stocks, Commodities, Oil etc?
I quote zipink:Watch this Video entitled "The Endgame" or what this group wants to create is a New World Order, so that they can control the entire the video, it's very thought provoking.zipink wrote: Basically, the conspiracy is that a secret society group of super-rich elite people who are controlling the world.
The economy, Fed, food, medicine, disease, Hollywood, stock market and even the London riots are all planned and they have their motives (basically to their advantage).
It's up to individual to decide whether such conspiracy is real or unreal. ... Bilderberg
Obama is just a puppet: ... ption.html
Dennis Ng
For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. * Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. * Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. * Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. * View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.
zipink wrote: Yes, I believed there's such a conspiracy all these while too.
Before Dennis talked about a "conspiracy by the US", I wasn't too comfortable sharing about it, because I thought people might find it too absurd and ridiculous, or thought I might be sprouting nonsense.
Go and google/youtube and search for "Illuminati"
Basically, the conspiracy is that a secret society group of super-rich elite people who are controlling the world.
The economy, Fed, food, medicine, disease, Hollywood, stock market and even the London riots are all planned and they have their motives (basically to their advantage).
Obama is just a puppet.
I strongly believe the current stock market turmoil is a "play" by them.
It's up to individual to decide whether such conspiracy is real or unreal.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
- Silver Forum Contributor
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:34 pm
- Location: Singapore
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downward investing
hi he mentioned about downward investing...specifically does it mean options? anything else beside that we can apply?
Dennis Ng wrote:Sick and tired of hearing my warning of a Global Financial Crisis since Oct 2010? Why not hear from somebody else?
it's obvious the Global Financial Crisis is coming, this trader says it frankly, just as I've done.
The governments do NOT rule the World, Goldman Sachs rule the world.
The markets are going to Crash. But if you learn, you can make money from a downward market. In less than 12 months, the savings of millions of people is going to vanish, and this is just the Beginning...
Act to protect your assets. Be prepared and act now. The biggest risk people can take right now is not acting. ... r_embedded#!
Dennis Ng wrote:Some call this group, the "Bilderberg Group", some call the group "Illuminati".
Are they the Biggest "Invisible Hands" behind Bull and Bear Markets in Stocks, Commodities, Oil etc?
I quote zipink:Watch this Video entitled "The Endgame" or what this group wants to create is a New World Order, so that they can control the entire the video, it's very thought provoking.zipink wrote: Basically, the conspiracy is that a secret society group of super-rich elite people who are controlling the world.
The economy, Fed, food, medicine, disease, Hollywood, stock market and even the London riots are all planned and they have their motives (basically to their advantage).
It's up to individual to decide whether such conspiracy is real or unreal. ... Bilderberg
Obama is just a puppet: ... ption.html
Dennis Ng
For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. * Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. * Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. * Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. * View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.
zipink wrote: Yes, I believed there's such a conspiracy all these while too.
Before Dennis talked about a "conspiracy by the US", I wasn't too comfortable sharing about it, because I thought people might find it too absurd and ridiculous, or thought I might be sprouting nonsense.
Go and google/youtube and search for "Illuminati"
Basically, the conspiracy is that a secret society group of super-rich elite people who are controlling the world.
The economy, Fed, food, medicine, disease, Hollywood, stock market and even the London riots are all planned and they have their motives (basically to their advantage).
Obama is just a puppet.
I strongly believe the current stock market turmoil is a "play" by them.
It's up to individual to decide whether such conspiracy is real or unreal.
Re: downward investing
Hi sheiwah,
one can easily make money from a market downtrend using CFD, no need Options. Option trading only active in U.S., not in other countries.
You can short different stock market index using CFD, very Simple.
For CMC Markets, they are the only one that allow you to choose to short with ZERO Leverage or up to max 90% Leverage, each transaction you can choose level of Leverage as simple as adjusting the sound volume of your computer! Amazing!
Dennis Ng
one can easily make money from a market downtrend using CFD, no need Options. Option trading only active in U.S., not in other countries.
You can short different stock market index using CFD, very Simple.
For CMC Markets, they are the only one that allow you to choose to short with ZERO Leverage or up to max 90% Leverage, each transaction you can choose level of Leverage as simple as adjusting the sound volume of your computer! Amazing!
Dennis Ng
Dennis Ng wrote:Hi all,
Good News!
CMC Markets has made it easy for my seminar Graduates to sign up for and open CMC Markets account, you can just do it yourself. But in order that you can be entitled to the Special only minimum deposit of S$1,000 available for my seminar graduates, they provided this special link where they know that people who sign up from here are my seminar graduates:
Just go to this link to Register an account with CMC Markets:
Once your account is opened, they will communicate further with you via email and also provide ontact number for you to contact if you have further queries.
So this will be much faster than if you email your info to me and I email them and then they need to try to contact you...
Dennis Ng
sheiwah wrote:hi he mentioned about downward investing...specifically does it mean options? anything else beside that we can apply?
Dennis Ng wrote: it's obvious the Global Financial Crisis is coming, this trader says it frankly, just as I've done.
The governments do NOT rule the World, Goldman Sachs rule the world.
The markets are going to Crash. But if you learn, you can make money from a downward market. ... r_embedded#!
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Hi Dennis,
Pardon my ignorance.
If we use CFD to short a share e.g. share A at $2.00, thus if 1 lot it will cost us $2000 without any leverage.
If share price goes down to $1.50 and we buy back at $1500, we make a profit of $500.
Does it mean we will get back a total of $2500 (profit plus initial capital)?
Just registered with CMC but intend to invest with no leverage as I do not want more risk that I can bear i.e. invest in money I can afford to lose or taking care of "what if I m wrong. will I be Ok?".
Pardon my ignorance.
If we use CFD to short a share e.g. share A at $2.00, thus if 1 lot it will cost us $2000 without any leverage.
If share price goes down to $1.50 and we buy back at $1500, we make a profit of $500.
Does it mean we will get back a total of $2500 (profit plus initial capital)?
Just registered with CMC but intend to invest with no leverage as I do not want more risk that I can bear i.e. invest in money I can afford to lose or taking care of "what if I m wrong. will I be Ok?".
Hi mort,mort wrote:Hi Dennis,
Pardon my ignorance.
If we use CFD to short a share e.g. share A at $2.00, thus if 1 lot it will cost us $2000 without any leverage.
If share price goes down to $1.50 and we buy back at $1500, we make a profit of $500.
Does it mean we will get back a total of $2500 (profit plus initial capital)?
Just registered with CMC but intend to invest with no leverage as I do not want more risk that I can bear i.e. invest in money I can afford to lose or taking care of "what if I m wrong. will I be Ok?".
reply from CMC Markets:
That is accurate. However, do note that when client does shorting, the maximum that he can lose is unlimited.
Regardless of long or short, client will need to post minimum margins (or he can also choose to fund his positions fully to avoid paying financing charges).
i.e. if the client shorted at $2 for 1,000 shares, the total exposure is $2,000. If client posts up in full, then he will not need to pay financing.
Otherwise, he can choose to fund only the minimum margin requirement (i.e. 10% for index stocks) and pay financing for the $1,800 that is unfunded.
Financing is charged at annual interest rate of SIBOR (3 months) + 2%, or about 2.35% as SIBOR is about 0.35% currently.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Hi stanlee,stanlee wrote:Hi Dennis,
thanks for sharing. yes agreed we live in ironical and infact upside down world as one of the graduates shares.. so its even more important for us to live with Right values and hopefully we can change the society..
Famous quote from Michael Ellner
- ‘Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyer destroys justice, universities destroy knowledge, government destroys freedom, the major media destroys information and religions destroy spirituality.
yes, I'm so glad that you're joining the Force for Good.
For everyone else out there, we need to ask ourselves, do we want to be like most people, selfish and self-centred?
We change the world by changing ourselves first. When we change ourselves, we can then start influencing and changing those around us.
We cannot give excuse that what's the point of us changing when everyone else is NOT changing?
We cannot control what others think or do. We can only control what we think and Do.
We need to awaken. I'm awakened and I do NOT want to go back to living unconsciously.
We don't need to be selfish. The REAL Formula for wealth shows clearly how to become Wealthier, it is about Serving MORE People, it is about Increasing Value Add to People (and Society)...NO part of the formula requires us to be selfish.
I am practising the formula for the last 2 years, and have increased my income by over 200% when I apply the formula. So it works, I know becos it worked for me.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
- Investing Mentor
- Posts: 297
- Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:07 pm
- Location: Singapore
Hi mort,
When buying stocks with no leverage & no contra, the maximum loss is whatever amount you spent on the purchase.
When shorting using CFD, loss is unlimited.
Using back the example below, if we short 1 lot at $2.00 and the price goes up to $2.50, then we have floating loss of $500.
The kind broker is NOT going to sit idle and let its clients chalk up huge floating losses.
Therefore, "floating loss" will eat into the funds we put into the account. If balance funds is too low, there will be margin call.
If margin call is not met with top up of fresh funds in time, broker can force close ALL open positions in the account.
If you read the Terms & Conditions, you will find something familiar there.
Meaning to say, with $2000 in account, I don't think it is possible to short 1 lot at $2.00 with zero leverage.
Because that position will use up all available funds.
When price starts going up, there will be floating loss which is not backed by any funds.
This means that the risk is completely borne by the broker, which obviously they will avoid.
So let's say I have $2500 in the account and I short 1 lot at $2.00.
If price suddenly shoots up near $2.45 and quickly retreats back to $2.00, there is still a chance the margin call & force close of positions will be triggered.
Therefore, my simple suggestion to new traders/investors is to stay off CFD shorting completely. In fact, don't trade CFD if you can buy stocks.
Take time to learn, ask questions and find out more from your friends, fellow forumers, etc.
Can save a lot of tuition fees.
Without proper and through understanding of how margin works and when margin call can be triggered, there may situations where we are caught by surprise and all the money in the account is lost.
Pls do not under-estimate how fast and easy it is to LOSE MONEY!!!
I think it is a bit like being all excited about driving an F1 race car.
But without the proper skills, knowledge & experience, it is easy to crash it in less than 3 seconds!!! Because we under-estimate how powerful the engine is, and we don't have similar experience to provide reference.
When buying stocks with no leverage & no contra, the maximum loss is whatever amount you spent on the purchase.
When shorting using CFD, loss is unlimited.
Using back the example below, if we short 1 lot at $2.00 and the price goes up to $2.50, then we have floating loss of $500.
The kind broker is NOT going to sit idle and let its clients chalk up huge floating losses.
Therefore, "floating loss" will eat into the funds we put into the account. If balance funds is too low, there will be margin call.
If margin call is not met with top up of fresh funds in time, broker can force close ALL open positions in the account.
If you read the Terms & Conditions, you will find something familiar there.
Meaning to say, with $2000 in account, I don't think it is possible to short 1 lot at $2.00 with zero leverage.
Because that position will use up all available funds.
When price starts going up, there will be floating loss which is not backed by any funds.
This means that the risk is completely borne by the broker, which obviously they will avoid.
So let's say I have $2500 in the account and I short 1 lot at $2.00.
If price suddenly shoots up near $2.45 and quickly retreats back to $2.00, there is still a chance the margin call & force close of positions will be triggered.
Therefore, my simple suggestion to new traders/investors is to stay off CFD shorting completely. In fact, don't trade CFD if you can buy stocks.
Take time to learn, ask questions and find out more from your friends, fellow forumers, etc.
Can save a lot of tuition fees.
Without proper and through understanding of how margin works and when margin call can be triggered, there may situations where we are caught by surprise and all the money in the account is lost.
Pls do not under-estimate how fast and easy it is to LOSE MONEY!!!
I think it is a bit like being all excited about driving an F1 race car.
But without the proper skills, knowledge & experience, it is easy to crash it in less than 3 seconds!!! Because we under-estimate how powerful the engine is, and we don't have similar experience to provide reference.
Dennis Ng wrote:Hi mort,mort wrote:Hi Dennis,
Pardon my ignorance.
If we use CFD to short a share e.g. share A at $2.00, thus if 1 lot it will cost us $2000 without any leverage.
If share price goes down to $1.50 and we buy back at $1500, we make a profit of $500.
Does it mean we will get back a total of $2500 (profit plus initial capital)?
Just registered with CMC but intend to invest with no leverage as I do not want more risk that I can bear i.e. invest in money I can afford to lose or taking care of "what if I m wrong. will I be Ok?".
reply from CMC Markets:
That is accurate. However, do note that when client does shorting, the maximum that he can lose is unlimited.
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Hi Slee,
I think the key is ABUNDANCE.
Typically, people exhibit selfish behavior when they have Greed or Fear (or both).
If we enjoy ABUNDANCE, more likely we are able to express love, joy and compassion.
And we can think about others, instead of just about ourselves.
The Conceive, Believe, Achieve principle that Dennis shared is useful in leading us towards the path of ABUNDANCE.
I think the key is ABUNDANCE.
Typically, people exhibit selfish behavior when they have Greed or Fear (or both).
If we enjoy ABUNDANCE, more likely we are able to express love, joy and compassion.
And we can think about others, instead of just about ourselves.
The Conceive, Believe, Achieve principle that Dennis shared is useful in leading us towards the path of ABUNDANCE.
slee wrote:Hi Dennis,
Sometimes i do experience the battle between the evil (selfish) and the good (selfless) self in all aspect of life. Any effective mind controlling techniques to share?