Does Mr Oei Hong Leong think Timing is important?
Is timing important? This is one of the most common questions many people have asked, including myself.
I've read many books that said that Time in Market is more important than TIMING. That it is impossible to time the market consistently.
Over time, I've sort of arrived at my own views on this matter.
yes, I still believe that timing the market in the short run (say, weeks or 1 or 2 months) is almost IMPOSSIBLE to do so on a consistent basis to make serious money.
However, is it IMPOSSIBLE to estimate roughly at which stage of a business/economic/market cycle we are currently in? I think it is quite possible to do and I've done it and benefitted from doing it. (eg. I sold out most of my stocks last year when stock markets were making NEW historical highs almost every week).
How did I slowly evolve into my current way of seeing things?
Well, I have to say Mr Oei Hong Leong was one of the persons who contributed to me having this current view.
A few years ago, at a conference organised by Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I had the opportunity to speak to Mr Oei one-on-one after his talk.
I asked Mr Oei this question:"some people say time in market is more important than timing, Mr Oei, in your opinion, do you think "timing" is important?"
He stared at me as though I've asked an unbelieveable question. He then looked me straight in the eye and said:"it is all about timing."
There is a time for everything. Sunrise, sunset; High tide, low tide; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. To say that timing is unimportant is actually in violation of laws of nature.
Think about it.
Does Mr Oei Hong Leong think Timing is important?
Moderators: alvin, learner, Dennis Ng
Does Mr Oei Hong Leong think Timing is important?
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.