Remember the talk: Strategies to Refinance Your Housing Loan Wisely” I gave at Smart Property Expo in Nov 2008 where more than 150 people attended?
We have received requests from people who missed the talk whether I'll be conducting this talk again.
The Good News is we have made the Video of Part 1 of part 4 of this Talk available at now.
Here’s the Video:
Please feel free to share with your friends and contacts.
Video: Talk on Strategies to Refinance Housing Loan Wisely
Moderators: alvin, learner, Dennis Ng
Video: Talk on Strategies to Refinance Housing Loan Wisely
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.