Dennis Ng wrote:28 Dec 2011:
The shifting of Bubble since year 2000 and why the Ultimate Bubble likely to burst in year 2012...
Let's go back in time:
1. In Mar 2000, the Technology bubble burst. Nasdaq crashed from over 5,000 points to 1,200 points by end of year 2001.
2. U.S. was in danger of slipping into recession. Alan Greenspan "came to the rescue" and cut interest rates from 6% to as low as 1% by year 2003...he held interest rates at 1% till year 2004...
3. this fuelled the Property Bubble in U.S. and the extreme scenario whereby banks were lending 100% financing (NO cash needed to purchase house) for Sup-prime Credit (people with credit problem, or insufficient income or have problem repaying loans) at low interest rates...
4. This led to an extreme increase in demand for properties (which was unsustainable becos it was extreme) and property prices went up and up from year 2003 to year 2006...
5. Property prices in U.S. peaked in year 2006, started falling in year 2007, but the sub-prime Crisis only ballooned and exploded in year 2008...
6. On 15 Sep 2008, Lehman Brothers (4th largest investment bank in the world) collapsed, that trigger a massive Freeze in liquidity in Global financial markets and even once strong and formidable financial institutions such as JP Morgan & Chase, CITIGROUP and Goldman Sachs needs to be rescued to avoid collapse.
7. The U.S. government poured over US$1 trillion to rescue the U.S. Financial Sector...but the rescue money (even Goldman Sachs received US$10 billion) did NOT flow back into U.S. economy...this is why nearly 3 years after the Global Financial Crisis in year 2008, U.S. economy is still NOT recovering and unemployment remains high at 8.6%.
8. The U.S. financial institutions used the money to speculate in markets to make money....Stock markets throughout the world went up by over 100% from Crisis lows, Commodity markets such as Gold and Silver went up by over 100% as well....even property markets in Asia got a "viagra boost'...
9. All parties come to an the last few months, global liquidity begins to sell of "Risky Assets", basically everything except Risk Free Assets....and the No. 1 Risk Free Asset the whole world knows is called U.S. government bonds.
10. now the bubble has shifted to U.S. government bonds. 10 year U.S. government bonds at 2% yield is at historical Lowest Yield (lowest interest rates) or in other words, U.S. government bonds at Historical HIGHEST Price...
11. the odds are interest rates might be forced to rise in U.S. when inflation goes up, and when that happens, U.S. bond prices would fall.
With 10 year bond at 2%, if inflation goes up to 3% and if yield goes up to 3%, means U.S. bond prices would fall by 33%.
If inflation goes up to 4% and yield goes up to 4%, means U.S. bond prices would fall by 50%...
12. So the Last and ULTIMATE Bubble is U.S. government bonds. Most countries in the world hold at least 1/3 of their wealth in U.S. government bonds. eg. China has US$3 trillion, and US$1.13 trillion (China has sold about US$400 billion bonds in last few months) is in U.S. government bonds, even Singapore holds US$63.7 billion...
13. So when U.S. government bonds Crash, likely to happen in year 2012, many countries would be losing a BIG Portion of their Wealth...
14. So last few months investors have been selling other investments eg. stocks, commodities and all ESCAPING and running to buy U.S. government bonds, this lead to the strengthening of the U.S. Dollar and the historical lowest yield on U.S. government bonds...guess what will happen to confidence in Global Financial Markets when this ONLY last known "Safe Haven" is found to be unsafe?
15. Global Financial Crisis would hit, and this would be the worst Global Financial Crisis since 1929 Great Depression and likely to last much longer and deeper than the previous Crisis in year 2008...