One main thing I learned from Jim Rogers and Warren Buffett

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Dennis Ng
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One main thing I learned from Jim Rogers and Warren Buffett

Post by Dennis Ng »

Jim Rogers and Warren Buffett actually are quite different in investing. Jim Rogers invest and make money from "major trends". While Warren Buffett is famous for his Focused Value Investing strategies.

However, one main thing I learn from them is that it is important for Investor to have think independently and to have the Conviction to come to a view or conclusion which might be contrary (opposite) to widely held beliefs/views.

For instance, Jim Rogers say commodities bull run has started in year 1999 when most people have ZERO interest and confidence in commodities, such as gold, agriculture or oil.

Warren Buffett sold Petrochina in year 2007 and started say "Buy America" in Oct 2008. In year 2007, people were overly optimistic and said he sold too soon, he sold anyway. In year 2008, after collapse of Lehman Brothers on 15 Sep 2008, people were overly pessimistic and many were skeptical when he said "Buy America" in Oct 2008 and repeated his words of wisdom "Be Greedy When Others are Fearful". Most importantly, he put his money where his mouth is and bought into Goldman Sachs.

Similarly, if you know me, by now you know that I stick my neck out to say things, whether it fits with the Popular widely held view or not.

In year 2007, I was attacked in internet discussion forums when I warned that stock markets are high and might crash anytime.....finally led to my decision NOT to participate in Open Internet Discussion Forums becos I realised I was wasting time responding to nonsensical attacks.

Below are another 2 recent examples to illustrate that I learned from Jim Rogers and Warren Buffett to think independently and to have conviction to arrive at my own view.

In Aug 2009, I say Buy Breadtalk when it was at S$0.44 when NO stock broking firm say buy and Breadtalk has very low trading volume. In end Dec 2009, at least 2 stock broking firms finally issued Research Report to say Buy Breadtalk when price was S$0.57.

In Jan 2009, when CapMall Asia listed and price shot up to S$2.66, I say this stock is over-priced and likely to fall, when sentiment for this stock was red-hot, some remisers even tell their clients to buy becos the price might shoot up to S$3.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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