This forum is created to discuss everything about Investing, from investment principles, to theories, concepts, strategies to investment jargons to provide a easy reference for everyone
I am doing my homework and learning as much info i have on this website as possible. Creating a plan for investments. However i need guidance. I was wondering if i could just sit in into sessions with the mentors if you guys are meeting informally. Or at least is there any more revisions like what Dennis use to have? Thank you.
Thank you for your posting. There is a coming Stocks Seminar conducted by Dennis' students who are also Investing Mentors on 22 and 23 Sep 2012. If you are keen to come back for Revision, you may register with Roselin or Jane via email or or call 63399255. There is a revision fee payable for the 2 days seminar at $171.20 (inclusive of GST). However, as a graduate coming back for revision, you will not be allowed to play in the Stocks Game on Day 2 afternoon. Thank you.