Hi ngtfook,
It's a healthy exchange of point of view.
Why I reply to your comment, because you mentioned "He missed out a very important factor....
appreciation of property value. "
And, my comment is that he didn't missed that out (he used the term "capital gain").
Anyway, what I saw from Dennis' point of view, or his focus, or his strategy, is on capital gain FIRST.
And if you see that, he based his argument on Robert's own Cash Flow Game, if you ever play, whereby in many ways, the game's strategy is ACTUALLY to get out of the rat-race is by
capital-gain-intensive winnings.
THEREAFTER, we can focus on the cash-flow part.
Then it will become easier for someone to have a GREAT cash flow, if you have $1m cash.
Just invest on something that gives you return 3% - 5% per year, it will give you $30k - $50k per year, which is more than enough for one's basic necessities (food, cloth, other expenses).
This is the cash-flow part, which is the SECOND priority.
So, it's just about focusing on the capital gain, which can be "faster" in term of timing to reach the $1m than by focusing on cash-flow.
Based on his experience, that I know of, by focusing on capital gain, from $50k he made $1m in cash within 15 years (saving 10 years), by catching 1 big market cycles from 2003 low to 2008.
He then invested on some properties as well at pretty low price, then this is where the cash-flow is more meaningful, when the property is rented out.
I do agree with you, that property will rise, rental will rise, and eventually one can be rich, using the scenario.
Just for sharing, by focusing on capital gain, I am able from 2012- 2013 to get 30% return, and in this year (2014) about 20% (realised), in stock investment alone (I'm focusing in SG market only).
In 2011, I also bought a property in Tanglin area for that "cash-flow" purpose, and hopefuly, of course, the capital gain in future.
At the end of the day, it all depends on the circumstances of the person (how much capital he has), current cycle (high/low), the investment time horizon, etc.
Each of us will have different point of views and strategies to reach our goals, and it's all about executing the strategies and take necessary actions a long the way.
ngtfook wrote:Hi Hendra,
Glad to see your comment.
Dennis example of using property to generate passive income (cash flow) and concluded that cash-flow strategy does not work. He was refer to Robert Kiyosaki's cashflow does not make one rich.
My example show otherwise.
That's why I dispute Dennis's view.
Dennis said one can only be rich or millionaire by investing by focus on capital gain. This capital gain methodology is buy low and sell high. You have to be very skillful and have consecutive win before you can turn $100K to $1,000K. IMO, only few people can achieve that.
Whereas, investing in property for cashflow does not need to buy and sell during the entire 25 years to accumulate the "capital gain". It is quite passive in nature except doing rental errant.