The Power of LEVERAGE

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Dennis Ng
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The Power of LEVERAGE

Post by Dennis Ng »

Almost all successful individuals understand the power of leverage. And that success in any endeavor is accelerated by using leverage. You may become successful without using leverage but, you if you aren?t using it, that means you are willing to compromise the level of success, speed, and time necessary to get to each level.

2. Leverage is an action or mechanical effect to help achieve a purpose.

Leverage has been used since time immemorial. In fact, each of us has experienced, used, or witnessed leverage, but we are not all aware of the importance and the incredible power of leverage in everything that we do. The cost of not utilizing leverage in your personal life and business strategy is huge. We need to get intentional and strategic in the use of leverage in every part of our lives.

Let?s go and describe where leverage is being used by successful individuals every day.

In the TV show The Apprentice, Donald Trump was expounding about his large real estate and development projects, including the almost $1 billion new Trump Tower in Chicago.

Do you think for a moment that he?s using is own money? Not a chance; his projects are being built with other people?s money. What about the design? Would he be using other people?s experience, expertise, and ideas to design and fulfill his project objectives? Of course. Who is going to build this tower? It will be the work of other people. In fact, Donald?s projects are impossible without leverage. Yes, some will argue he is leveraged (has borrowed) too much, but that is not the point. Without leverage, none of this would have been possible. The greater the amount of leverage (if done correctly and soundly), the greater the speed to achievement.

The key to leverage is to be aware, strategic, and intentional in its use everywhere, both personally and in our businesses. To best illustrate leverage, here are examples of the contrast between using it and not using it.

>> Buying a home

Purchase home with cash: No Leverage

Mortgage: Money Leverage

>> Learning a new computer program

Teach yourself with help books: No Leverage

Hire an expert to teach you in half the time: Expertise Leverage

>> Determining your personal purpose and career

Do it on your own without help: No Leverage

Complete an assessment to accelerate the process: Time & Expertise Leverage

>> Building a successful business

Do it on your own: No Leverage

Create strategic alliances and JV partnerships: Contact & Credibility Leverage

Of course the list can go on forever in every aspect of our lives. In some cases, using leverage is not appropriate, but it should be considered in most situations.

By going it alone, you are without leverage. You will have to rely on your own time, contacts, experience, expertise, money, and other resources. This is a painfully slow way to proceed and it will limit, hinder, and reduce your success.

Interestingly enough, we tend to react in the opposite direction when we are under stress or pressure; we contract (to save money or resources) using fewer contacts and less leverage at the exact time when we need to expand our reach and impact via leverage.

If you embrace leverage as a foundational strategy, you will feel release and freedom because you no longer have to be everything to everybody all the time by yourself.

3. Action Steps

Apply this summary of leverage points to all of your activities. Identify where you can intentionally implement more leverage:

>> Connect with someone who is already a master at leverage and get his or her feedback/coaching on how to expand this concept in your life. (By the way, this strategy is leverage in itself)

>> To maximize the strategy of leverage, you will have to give up your ego. If you want to be the center of attention, designer, and creator of all that you have, this process will not be as successful.

>> Be intentional about creating Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures, but only JV with individuals or organizations with like-values. (Use the CRG Online Values Preference Indicator as a starting point.)

>> I want to challenge you to double your expectations around your objectives in life ? by the end of this week. The only way you can achieve that is by outside resources (leverage). Force yourself to think of all the ways, relationships, and processes that would help you achieve that goal.

>> Continuously be on the lookout for enhancements and new opportunities to increase your leverage. What started out for me as a one-on-one coaching business has lead to seminars (50 people per session) to tele-seminars (hundreds of people) to training company and e-zine (thousands) and a Website (millions).

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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