Frank Comments by Dennis Ng on various Topics

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Post by stanlee »

zipink wrote:For those who are interested to find out more on such conspiracy, I will recommend this book:

The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America ... 0061970689

I bought the book not too long ago, reading 3/4 into it. A very interesting book. It tells how the Fed was created by in the early twentieth century by a privately owned banking syndicate and why Fed is the biggest "ponzi" scam. How the H1N1 is manually released so that the big pharma can make money by selling vaccines. How the education in US is dumb- down so that people don't question and forever be a working slave for the rich etc.

"Marrs is the best-selling author of several books covering alleged cover-ups and conspiracies, including The Rise of the Fourth Reich, 2008. Here he presents a mix of both right-wing conspiracy theories, such as New World Order domination by the Illuminati, and left-wing conspiracy theories, like the planned failure of deregulation, along with charges we can all agree on, such as the bank bailout as a financial coup d’état for the privileged ultrawealthy.

From Reagan to Obama to Congress, he leaves no president or party out of the conspiracy blame game, outlining a plan for world domination that goes back to 1913. Big corporations, banks, schools, and even psychiatrists are all implicated. Amid the paranoia are a number of genuine alarming trends showing that this country and the world are on a path to economic destruction; these include the overreaching power of the Fed, the disparity between the haves and the have-nots, and the increasing role of corporations in shaping public policy."
Hi Zipink,

Thanks for sharing, I've ordered online and keen to find out whether i'm one of the victims all these while :shock:
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Post by danielcheng »

It is a mega ponzi scheme. The earlier participants will get the lucrative benefits promised but sad to said, the later participants will be the suckers!

I worry for our future generations but ultimately, i believe it is part of the universal evolution. Some "Big Bang" event will happen & all things will be reset. Ice-Age will come...& go, & new life form will evolve again.

Our fossils will worth millions$ when unearthed & be displayed in museums in the then Planet Earth version 2.1 :D
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

djwongdj wrote:This video explains the Rothchild empire and their tactics simply and plainly - ... re=related
Hi all,
it is very sad as I watch all these videos on how this group of people, some called them "Money Masters', "Illuminati", Bilderberg Group, Freemasons...who try to control the World through the Financial Markets.

Now it became clear to me why the Rules of Money and Wealth are NOT taught in Schools. Schools teach you many things, from history, to literature, yet NOTHING on Rules of Money and Wealth.

Investment Textbooks teach you the WRONG stuff (is it deliberate), such as Efficient Market Hypothesis; Volatility is Risk, measured by standard deviation; U.S government bonds are Risk Free Asset and Interest Rate on U.S government bonds are called Risk Free Rate...

The Truth is all these things they taught you in Investment Books do NOT work in Real Life and by year 2012, the world will awaken that U.S. government bonds are probably one of the most Dangerous Investments, very, very far from being Risk Free.

why the Rules of Money and Wealth are NOT taught in Schools?
Becos these very powerful and Rich people do NOT want the average person to be financially literate, since they want to Control the rest of the humankind as their "slaves". This Powerful Group of People see themselves as semi-Gods, as Superior Beings, while the average person are of a lower class and should just be led by them.

So it is now very clear to me that if you want to make money from investing, you need to know FA, TA and also know how to see "invisible hands", and try to figure out what the "invisible hands" are trying to do...

These people are the ULTIMATE "Invisible Hands". Whoever controls money, controls Human Beings.

The ONLY solution is for people to know the Formula for Wealth, to know that Money is just an AGREED Medium of Exchange, the value of Money can go down to zero if it is NO longer recognised as an agreed Medium of Exchange.

Now, globally, US$ is the Recognised MONEY, all things are priced in US$, from Sugar to Rice, Oil to Gold...

It is clear that part of their strategy is to Devalue US$ to almost worth NOTHING in the years ahead, probably in the next 10 to 20 years. Do NOT be surprised if US$ drops in value by 50% within the next 5 to 10 years.

It is clear that MOST of the world (probably 90%) are Financially Illiterate. There are still many people putting their hard earned savings into Banks earning miserable interest of less than 1%, without knowing that the bank only has 10% capital and Borrow 90% (mainly deposits from depositors) and they use YOUR MONEY (your deposits) to Lend to Other People (which include you, when you use a Credit Card, buy a House, buy a Car etc, etc) and charge you a higher interest rate to EARN the difference.

They further LEVERAGE the money by lending to hedge funds and other institutions which can have even higher Leverage. Hedge Fund can take in $1 of Investor's Money (fund) and borrow up to $30, leverage 3,000%, even more than banks (banks with Capital Adequacy of 10% means they borrow 90% or Leverage 900%.

Hedge Funds further Leverage the money as they can now invest the $30 into Derivatives which have High Leverage themselves eg. Options might have leverage of it is Leverage on Leverage on Leverage on Other People's Money (the other people is YOU, the Savers).

They further make more money by creating Bull and Bear Markets from Stock Markets to Commodities Markets...each time Trillions of dollars might be lost from markets, but MUCH (not 100%) of those Trillions may end up as Profits in their Pockets, since they can Buy Low and Sell High and Sell High (short) and Buy Low.

Imagine you're an American, you have been dutifully doing your job, yet now becos of the U.S. government printing money, each American is burdened with National Debt of about US$47,000, while over 50% of Americans earn about US$46,500 a YEAR...isn't it Sad? Why the Billionaires, such as Bill Gates is also burdened with US$47,000 National Debt.

It is No wonder that some of these Billionaires now feel the pain for people and ask the government to tax them more.

For instance, in Singapore, if you're an individual and earns S$300,000 a year, you're taxed at 20% income tax rate. If you're a Pte Limited Company and earns S$300,000 a year, you're taxed at preferential rates of 8.5% (instead of usual corporate tax rate of 17%).

So those people who are Financially Literate and KNOW the Game of Money will know how to get Richer from ALL these Financial Crisis...

I reached my first Million dollars in year 2008 just when the Financial Crisis hits...and from Oct 2008, I started buying stocks at low prices and made Realised Capital Gains of over 60% in the last 2 years...and with the Investment knowledge I have I can again avoid the next Stock Market Crash...

What about the average person out there? They will find that much of their Wealth and Savings would be wiped out in each Financial Crisis, that they wonder how come they seem to work harder and harder over the years, yet have very little to show in terms of Savings...

They are tempted by Business People to buy things eg. LV bags for thousand of dollars, Branded Goods etc, which cost a fraction of the Price Tags they are sold. They Live Like the Rich, instead of Investing Like the Rich, and wonder why by age 60, they have little money to retire on...

I have learned from the Rich on the Rules of Money and how to Grow our money and reached Millionaire status myself. Since year 2009, I have made it my Full Time Committment to FOCUS my time, efforts and energy to Awakening the Public and to Educate the Public on Financial Matters, through Books, Seminars, interviews and comments on Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and TV.

Each Seminar Graduate can also help to spread the knowledge you learned to your relatives and friends so that we can Survive the next Global Financial Crisis and emerge Richer, NOT Poorer.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

Hi cellobear (Chin Hong),

a few weeks ago, at a Thank You luncheon given by CPF Board to voluntary speakers for CPF seminars, I sat in the same table with other speakers from different backgrounds, including lawyer, financial planner and a Senior Official from MOE (she is in charge of training teachers in NIE).

During the lunch, she dropped off info such as so and so, Principals of some of the most famous schools were all trained by her...

I then asked her what does Education mean to her?

Guess what she replied? She said:"if I were to explain, it will take 3 days and 3 nights and I still cannot finish explaining what is education to you..."

I said that I understand it may take her a long time to teach me about education, but I'm asking what does Education mean to her? She then said, it means putting in knowledge into students, so as to give them a headstart in life.

I said that is she sure that Education really means putting in? She then said that, well, this is a happy occasion and she does not want our argument to spoil the atmosphere.

I said to her: I'm not arguing with you, I'm asking you that are you sure that Eucation means putting in knowledge?

I then quoted the meaning of Educate:
Educate comes from the Latin Word "Educo" (the first company I set up in year 2001 is Educo Associates, set up becos MINDEF and other organisations when they engage speakers, they want to sign agreements with company, not individuals).

Education derives from the verb educe, which means "to draw forth from within." The original teaching method of Socrates of drawing from within has been largely displaced by professorial deference to received scholarly authority. Students are taught how to take exams but not how to think, write or find their own path.

So it seems to me that the meaning of Educate is to draw out the potential of students, to help them learn how to think, write and find their own path and answers...

Yet, we need to ask ourselves, how much of our current Education system (whether in Singapore or in the whole world) really succeed in "educating people". The focus seem to be on passing exams and giving model answers to questions which already have answers.

This is the main reason I think why many people have mid-life Crisis, where they discovered that whatever they learned from School CANNOT help them Find answers to Questions and Problems that they have never encountered before.

Seminar Graduates might actually notice that the Focus of my teaching is on guiding students on a Thinking Process, on what questions to ask, and what factors to consider before each of you make your OWN decisions based on what is being taught, FA, TA and CSA (Common Sense Analysis).

I don't typically just provide answers. I think the Reasoning and the WHY behind the answer and the Thinking Process in arriving at the answers/conclusions are MORE Important than the answers persay.

Becos Educate is really all about developing and drawing out Potential from Humans, it is NOT about putting in.

It's unfortunate that this Senior Official from MOE is NOT open minded enough to listen to what I have to say on my understanding of the word Educate and Education, that she is so happy and satisfied of training many teachers who became Principals of famous schools...which make me feel really sad for the Education system really.

If the person who Trains Teachers have a wrong Concept about Education, guess what happen to these Teachers trained by such a person, who in turn become Teacher and later rise to position of Principals would understand about the meaning of Educate and Education?

Yes, it is our own responsibility to continue to be educated, as cellobear (Chin Hong) has mentioned. But we must also be very selective of who we learn from, as we might learn the wrong things from the wrong people, who are not trying to teach us the wrong things, it is just that they themselves have wrong concepts as well, so they might perpetuate the wrong concepts to more and more students, and students of their students.


Dennis Ng
cellobear wrote:Hi Dennis,

What you shared strike a deep chord within me as this is exactly how I feel as well. Thanks for that.

I feel that education in recent years have not been balanced. Too much head knowledge instead of helping someone become 'educated' in the true sense of the word.

An educated person, in my humble opinion, is able to apply his mind and thinking well to all areas of his life (work, life, relationship, money etc) but it is obvious that there is much vested interest for people in authority or in conspiracy to skew it in particular areas.

Financial education is still but one part. Looking at the social fabric and the news out in recent years, a lot of people do not know how to behave even in public or private.

Its ironic that after spending 18 years (primary to tertiary) being taught in education that I am still struggling to be educated. :)


Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Post by smarthsf »

Hi Dennis, as a civil serveant we have the rule & standard to govern the manner to carry out our work. so not easy to change the thinking.
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

smarthsf wrote:Hi Dennis, as a civil serveant we have the rule & standard to govern the manner to carry out our work. so not easy to change the thinking.
yes, in the Civil Service, there are many Standard Operating Procedures, Rules and Procedures, what to do and what NOT to do.

However, people tend to forget that ALL these rules and procedures are made by men, and were Created for the first time, many years ago.

Over time, things might changed. What might work 20 years ago, might no longer work today. I know it is difficult to effect change within the Civil Service, this is why I did NOT join the Civil Service.

It is easier for me as an individual to try to change myself and those around me, which is why I even resigned from bank, becos bank also have LOTS of Rules and what a Bank Employee can say or do.

Now I'm my own boss. My only BOSS is my Conscience. I only speak my Conscience, True to my Heart, and NOTHING else matters to me, including other people's opinion of what I said. People can have different opinions about me, but it may NOT be True at all. I only want to be True to myself and Conscience.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Post by ilovecck »

Dennis Ng wrote:
djwongdj wrote:This video explains the Rothchild empire and their tactics simply and plainly - ... re=related
Hi all,
What about the average person out there? They will find that much of their Wealth and Savings would be wiped out in each Financial Crisis, that they wonder how come they seem to work harder and harder over the years, yet have very little to show in terms of Savings...

They are tempted by Business People to buy things eg. LV bags for thousand of dollars, Branded Goods etc, which cost a fraction of the Price Tags they are sold. They Live Like the Rich, instead of Investing Like the Rich, and wonder why by age 60, they have little money to retire on...

I have learned from the Rich on the Rules of Money and how to Grow our money and reached Millionaire status myself. Since year 2009, I have made it my Full Time Committment to FOCUS my time, efforts and energy to Awakening the Public and to Educate the Public on Financial Matters, through Books, Seminars, interviews and comments on Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and TV.

Each Seminar Graduate can also help to spread the knowledge you learned to your relatives and friends so that we can Survive the next Global Financial Crisis and emerge Richer, NOT Poorer.
Hi Dennis,

I feel this is quite similiar to Karl Marx views on commodity fetishism, also your views on percived values of an item (either abstract or physical), which I also agree. I was wondering if u have also come across his ideas before?
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

ilovecck wrote:
Dennis Ng wrote:
djwongdj wrote:This video explains the Rothchild empire and their tactics simply and plainly - ... re=related
Hi all,
What about the average person out there? They will find that much of their Wealth and Savings would be wiped out in each Financial Crisis, that they wonder how come they seem to work harder and harder over the years, yet have very little to show in terms of Savings...

They are tempted by Business People to buy things eg. LV bags for thousand of dollars, Branded Goods etc, which cost a fraction of the Price Tags they are sold. They Live Like the Rich, instead of Investing Like the Rich, and wonder why by age 60, they have little money to retire on...

I have learned from the Rich on the Rules of Money and how to Grow our money and reached Millionaire status myself. Since year 2009, I have made it my Full Time Committment to FOCUS my time, efforts and energy to Awakening the Public and to Educate the Public on Financial Matters, through Books, Seminars, interviews and comments on Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and TV.

Each Seminar Graduate can also help to spread the knowledge you learned to your relatives and friends so that we can Survive the next Global Financial Crisis and emerge Richer, NOT Poorer.
Hi Dennis,

I feel this is quite similiar to Karl Marx views on commodity fetishism, also your views on percived values of an item (either abstract or physical), which I also agree. I was wondering if u have also come across his ideas before?
the answer is No.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Education Spam

Post by archonmage »


It seems that U.S. has all sorts of problem yet to be solve.
Posted by Ian Cooper - Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

You thought the housing bubble ended poorly?

You ain't seen nothing.

Student loan debt is expected to hit $1 trillion before the year ends, surpassing that of credit card debt.

student loan bubble 090611

According to The Atlantic:

See that blue line for all other debt but student loans? This wasn't just any average period in history for household debt. This period included the inflation of a housing bubble so gigantic that it caused the financial sector to collapse and led to the worst recession since the Great Depression. But that other debt growth? It's dwarfed by student loan growth.

How does the housing bubble debt compare? If you add together mortgages and revolving home equity, then from the first quarter of 1999 to when housing-related debt peaked in the third quarter of 2008, the sum increased from $3.28 trillion to $9.98 trillion. Over this period, housing-related debt had increased threefold. Meanwhile, over the entire period shown on the chart, the balance of student loans grew by more than 6x. The growth of student loans has been twice as steep -- and it's showing no signs of slowing.

Obviously the number of students didn't grow by 511%. So why are education loans growing so rapidly? One reason could be availability. The government's backing lets credit to students flow very freely. And as the article from yesterday noted, universities are raising tuition aggressively since students are willing to pay more through those loans.

This student loan growth sure looks unsustainable. But it's hard to see how this bubble's inevitable pop might look.

But this is nothing new.

We've been arguing for the college debt bubble to pop for some time now.

We've been had by the biggest scam in U.S. history...

We believed the “experts” who encouraged us to borrow for college because it would pay off with great salaries in a robust workforce — much like we believed owning a home in 2007 was a great investment.

We ate up the idea that a college education was the key to getting a great job and living the “American dream”.

But as millions of students are realizing, the rosy picture that was painted for diploma-holding members of society isn't as rosy as it was made out to be...

Graduates are struggling to pay off hefty student loans as they stock shelves and wait tables.

We were had — and we may only have ourselves to blame.

What happened to pursuing an education without the clobbering $24,000 average debt that takes close to 20 years to pay off?

(That number may not sound bad to some of you, but it's quite a jump. In fact it's an 8% increase over the last year, and a 47% increase over the last ten years.)

Thus, we are absorbed by a trillion-dollar higher education debt bubble that's bankrupting college graduates and burying the rest of us in bills we simply can't pay.

Who Didn't See this Coming?

The same warning signs that preceded the housing bubble burst of 2007 are now rapidly unfolding in the higher education bubble.

The price of tuition is up more than 900% since 1978, while household income has increased just 150%.

Only 10% of all graduates can find work out of college
. Unemployment for college graduates sits at the highest rate since 1970, leaving many students with no jobs and tens of thousands in debt. And rising tuition costs even make inflation look tame...

Consumer prices rose some 30% over the last 10 years, while college costs have risen some 47%.

Tack on rising costs at most colleges across this fine land of ours — coupled with a “recovering” economy — and it's really no surprise students are taking out more private loans... or the infamously unpredictable adjustable rate loans, which took down housing.

There's real trouble ahead for graduates who are competing in the toughest job market in years.

My buddy David, who will have to start paying back $1,150 a month for student loans, on top of a mortgage and mounting credit card debt, simply can't find a job. And thousands more are in the same sinking boat.

Without a paycheck, those loans won't be paid back, either, resulting in possible default rates of 15%. And the skyrocketing cost of commodities and energies serves as an added burden to students, as well as to the greater population.

Is it really surprising to learn that applications for community colleges and other public institutions have skyrocketed more than 400%?

Or does it shock you to learn non-traditional online colleges are becoming successful at challenging higher-priced private schools?

Most shocking is that there are people out there that don't think we're headed for a student loan default disaster. It's coming. And it'll be bad... real bad.

“We live in a world where the cost of education has become disassociated with the value that the education provides,” say others. Tuition is too high. And the jobs market is pitiful... to a point where it'll be impossible to pay back those student loans. That's a fact.
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Post by smarthsf »

Hi Dennis, what is FA & TA? Like learn more
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Post by archonmage »

smarthsf wrote:Hi Dennis, what is FA & TA? Like learn more
Hi, smarthsf.

FA is Fundamental Analysis.
It is an approach to determine the intrinsic value of company, through analyzing the financial statements such as Profit and Loss, Cashflow and Balance Sheet. If you are interested in numbers, you can borrow Warren "Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable Competitive Advantage" from the community library.
This book is simple and self-explanatory.

TA is Technical Analysis.
It is an approach to anticipate the future price movement of a company based on past price's action. The methodology can be divided into trend lines, patterns and usage of candlestick. If you are interested in looking charts, you can also borrow and read this book, "Technical Analysis for the Rest of Us: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Increase Income, Minimize Risk, and Archieve Capital Gains". Easy understandable.

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Post by smarthsf »

Hi archonmage, thank. will go to look for the books.
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

Don't wait to do good, do a little right Now, do whatever you CAN Now.

There is NO future, only the Present, treasure the Present.

We can only Take Action in the Present, NOT future. We cannot act in Tomorrow, only when tomorrow comes, then we can Act, which is also another Present then, not a time in future.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Post by Dennis Ng »

archonmage wrote:
smarthsf wrote:Hi Dennis, what is FA & TA? Like learn more
Hi, smarthsf.

FA is Fundamental Analysis.
It is an approach to determine the intrinsic value of company, through analyzing the financial statements such as Profit and Loss, Cashflow and Balance Sheet. If you are interested in numbers, you can borrow Warren "Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable Competitive Advantage" from the community library.
This book is simple and self-explanatory.

TA is Technical Analysis.
It is an approach to anticipate the future price movement of a company based on past price's action. The methodology can be divided into trend lines, patterns and usage of candlestick. If you are interested in looking charts, you can also borrow and read this book, "Technical Analysis for the Rest of Us: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Increase Income, Minimize Risk, and Archieve Capital Gains". Easy understandable.

Hi smarthsf,
if you attend my Secrets to Making Money in Stocks, I teach Both FA and TA, and the FA and TA that work, that helped my multi-millionaires and myself make millions.

Of course, one can go to read possibly a 100 books, but some of the things I teach are NOT found in any books, as they are gleaned from years of experience, including Investment Mistakes that my multi-millionaire sifus and myself made.

The best thing about attending my seminar is you BUY Time, and you get immediate Enlightenment, instead of searching in the dark for years...I've tried many trials and errors and made many mistakes before, which is why I hope that by sharing my knowledge/experience, I can help seminar Graduates avoid some of these mistakes and speed up your Path to Financial Freedom.

The 2-day seminar took 2 days to teach, but the CONTENT within will take years to master, I'm really mean what I say. There is a huge difference between understanding something and really knowing, which is actually internalising the teachings and apply them in real life on a daily basis.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Post by AndrewNg »

Hi Dennis and Friend,

Not only in Civil Service but most big institution including educational institution. I always have high regard for educational institution because i thought they have the least politics and is a place where sharing and learning can take place. Unfortunately, having tasted first hand, i am very very wrong and disappointed. Work culture within my department operates and thrives on FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). It is like working in an imperial system where one has to be extra careful about every action and speech because even if we speak with conscience or offended people with power, we will be somehow marginalized (seen with own eyes). Standard Operating Procedures are created with the folks who does not even have ground experience and living in ivory tower. Good ideas will be leeched and used by the one in power to their advantage. Sometimes, i feel like a goat walking around a vulture infested region.

A lot of time, i wanted to call it quit but every time, when student show appreciation to me during teacher day, somehow, i cannot bear to throw them in the lurch. The only way for me to keep sanity is to focus my energy on educating students and at the same time, visiting this forum to educate myself on personal finance.

Dennis Ng wrote:
smarthsf wrote:Hi Dennis, as a civil serveant we have the rule & standard to govern the manner to carry out our work. so not easy to change the thinking.
yes, in the Civil Service, there are many Standard Operating Procedures, Rules and Procedures, what to do and what NOT to do.

However, people tend to forget that ALL these rules and procedures are made by men, and were Created for the first time, many years ago.

Over time, things might changed. What might work 20 years ago, might no longer work today. I know it is difficult to effect change within the Civil Service, this is why I did NOT join the Civil Service.

It is easier for me as an individual to try to change myself and those around me, which is why I even resigned from bank, becos bank also have LOTS of Rules and what a Bank Employee can say or do.

Now I'm my own boss. My only BOSS is my Conscience. I only speak my Conscience, True to my Heart, and NOTHING else matters to me, including other people's opinion of what I said. People can have different opinions about me, but it may NOT be True at all. I only want to be True to myself and Conscience.
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