Hi all,
it is very sad as I watch all these videos on how this group of people, some called them "Money Masters', "Illuminati", Bilderberg Group, Freemasons...who try to control the World through the Financial Markets.
Now it became clear to me why the Rules of Money and Wealth are NOT taught in Schools. Schools teach you many things, from history, to literature, yet NOTHING on Rules of Money and Wealth.
Investment Textbooks teach you the WRONG stuff (is it deliberate), such as Efficient Market Hypothesis; Volatility is Risk, measured by standard deviation; U.S government bonds are Risk Free Asset and Interest Rate on U.S government bonds are called Risk Free Rate...
The Truth is all these things they taught you in Investment Books do NOT work in Real Life and by year 2012, the world will awaken that U.S. government bonds are probably one of the most Dangerous Investments, very, very far from being Risk Free.
why the Rules of Money and Wealth are NOT taught in Schools?
Becos these very powerful and Rich people do NOT want the average person to be financially literate, since they want to Control the rest of the humankind as their "slaves". This Powerful Group of People see themselves as semi-Gods, as Superior Beings, while the average person are of a lower class and should just be led by them.
So it is now very clear to me that if you want to make money from investing, you need to know FA, TA and also know how to see "invisible hands", and try to figure out what the "invisible hands" are trying to do...
These people are the ULTIMATE "Invisible Hands". Whoever controls money, controls Human Beings.
The ONLY solution is for people to know the Formula for Wealth, to know that Money is just an AGREED Medium of Exchange, the value of Money can go down to zero if it is NO longer recognised as an agreed Medium of Exchange.
Now, globally, US$ is the Recognised MONEY, all things are priced in US$, from Sugar to Rice, Oil to Gold...
It is clear that part of their strategy is to Devalue US$ to almost worth NOTHING in the years ahead, probably in the next 10 to 20 years. Do NOT be surprised if US$ drops in value by 50% within the next 5 to 10 years.
It is clear that MOST of the world (probably 90%) are Financially Illiterate. There are still many people putting their hard earned savings into Banks earning miserable interest of less than 1%, without knowing that the bank only has 10% capital and Borrow 90% (mainly deposits from depositors) and they use YOUR MONEY (your deposits) to Lend to Other People (which include you, when you use a Credit Card, buy a House, buy a Car etc, etc) and charge you a higher interest rate to EARN the difference.
They further LEVERAGE the money by lending to hedge funds and other institutions which can have even higher Leverage. Hedge Fund can take in $1 of Investor's Money (fund) and borrow up to $30, leverage 3,000%, even more than banks (banks with Capital Adequacy of 10% means they borrow 90% or Leverage 900%.
Hedge Funds further Leverage the money as they can now invest the $30 into Derivatives which have High Leverage themselves eg. Options might have leverage of 1000%...so it is Leverage on Leverage on Leverage on Other People's Money (the other people is YOU, the Savers).
They further make more money by creating Bull and Bear Markets from Stock Markets to Commodities Markets...each time Trillions of dollars might be lost from markets, but MUCH (not 100%) of those Trillions may end up as Profits in their Pockets, since they can Buy Low and Sell High and Sell High (short) and Buy Low.
Imagine you're an American, you have been dutifully doing your job, yet now becos of the U.S. government printing money, each American is burdened with National Debt of about US$47,000, while over 50% of Americans earn about US$46,500 a YEAR...isn't it Sad? Why the Billionaires, such as Bill Gates is also burdened with US$47,000 National Debt.
It is No wonder that some of these Billionaires now feel the pain for people and ask the government to tax them more.
For instance, in Singapore, if you're an individual and earns S$300,000 a year, you're taxed at 20% income tax rate. If you're a Pte Limited Company and earns S$300,000 a year, you're taxed at preferential rates of 8.5% (instead of usual corporate tax rate of 17%).
So those people who are Financially Literate and KNOW the Game of Money will know how to get Richer from ALL these Financial Crisis...
I reached my first Million dollars in year 2008 just when the Financial Crisis hits...and from Oct 2008, I started buying stocks at low prices and made Realised Capital Gains of over 60% in the last 2 years...and with the Investment knowledge I have I can again avoid the next Stock Market Crash...
What about the average person out there? They will find that much of their Wealth and Savings would be wiped out in each Financial Crisis, that they wonder how come they seem to work harder and harder over the years, yet have very little to show in terms of Savings...
They are tempted by Business People to buy things eg. LV bags for thousand of dollars, Branded Goods etc, which cost a fraction of the Price Tags they are sold. They Live Like the Rich, instead of Investing Like the Rich, and wonder why by age 60, they have little money to retire on...
I have learned from the Rich on the Rules of Money and how to Grow our money and reached Millionaire status myself. Since year 2009, I have made it my Full Time Committment to FOCUS my time, efforts and energy to Awakening the Public and to Educate the Public on Financial Matters, through Books, Seminars, interviews and comments on Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and TV.
Each Seminar Graduate can also help to spread the knowledge you learned to your relatives and friends so that we can Survive the next Global Financial Crisis and emerge Richer, NOT Poorer.