Andy Xie Article
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Andy Xie Article
新兴市场与盖特纳间的货币战争 2010-10-25 11:26
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠)
为什么中国提高利率后美元会飙升?用金融术语来说,就是“热钱”对风险资产的偏好下降了,意味着泡沫被吓了一跳。投机者正应美国财政部的号召,拉高新兴经济体的货币和资产市场。泡沫可以创造需求,抵消美元强势对出口的阻力,美国得以有机会扩大对新兴经济体的出口,从而提振美国经济。这种情况以前发生过。上世纪八九十年代,美国发生存贷危机之后,在较小的范围内用过同样的策略。结果是,1997年-2000年之间, 新兴经济体遭受了一场可怕的危机。
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠)
为什么中国提高利率后美元会飙升?用金融术语来说,就是“热钱”对风险资产的偏好下降了,意味着泡沫被吓了一跳。投机者正应美国财政部的号召,拉高新兴经济体的货币和资产市场。泡沫可以创造需求,抵消美元强势对出口的阻力,美国得以有机会扩大对新兴经济体的出口,从而提振美国经济。这种情况以前发生过。上世纪八九十年代,美国发生存贷危机之后,在较小的范围内用过同样的策略。结果是,1997年-2000年之间, 新兴经济体遭受了一场可怕的危机。
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
Appeared On - 2010-08-26 14:40
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠) 美国学者,包括一些诺贝尔奖获得者在内,都预测美国将出现日本式衰退,他们正敦促美联储采取新一轮量化宽松政策,以阻止西方经济体滑入冰河时代。在最近的议息会议上,美联储没有这样做,但承诺不从之前的量化宽松政策中撤钱出来,这也算是给担心通胀的人们一根骨头啃啃。
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠) 美国学者,包括一些诺贝尔奖获得者在内,都预测美国将出现日本式衰退,他们正敦促美联储采取新一轮量化宽松政策,以阻止西方经济体滑入冰河时代。在最近的议息会议上,美联储没有这样做,但承诺不从之前的量化宽松政策中撤钱出来,这也算是给担心通胀的人们一根骨头啃啃。
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
2010-11-02 09:10 提高利率 扎紧篱笆
本文来源于《新世纪》周刊 2010年第43期 出版日期2010年11月01日
美联储不久将宣布再度量化宽松(所谓QE II)的规模。 市场估计其规模在5000亿至1.5万亿美元之间。如果公布的数字超过1万亿美元,美元有可能贬值。反之亦然。虽然美联储公布政策后,货币波动可能有所减缓,但一旦美联储有意施加更多刺激,美元汇率将再次波动,因为货币刺激政策无法解决其结构性问题。
自两年前危机爆发以来,美联储的资产负债表已扩大至1.7万亿-2.6万亿美元。 除非通胀制约其政策自由,或经济复苏到足够水平,否则,美联储的资产负债表可能会继续扩大。经济复苏取决于失业率何时开始显著下降,而这需要经济增长率大大超过4%。问题是通胀,而非经济增长,将导致美联储改变其政策。还有一年的时间。在此之前,世界必须准备好应对货币波动。
美联储量化宽松政策影响货币市场,而非其预期目标——美国内需。 内需包括消费、投资和财政平衡。美国家庭部门过度杠杆化,而且正应对资产缩水。很难看出量化宽松政策所产生的额外流动性,将如何促使住房行业增加借贷和消费。如果家庭部门相信多年后将产生高通胀和低利率,即意味着未来的债务负担较轻,量化宽松政策可能会成功。因此,居民现在可能会增加借贷。但高通胀预期会促使大家出售国债。债务市场的崩溃将拖垮经济。因此,美联储现在无法创造高通胀预期。因此,量化宽松政策无法撬动家庭部门。
指望另一个泡沫是有风险的。鉴于其对上次泡沫的产生及其结果都负有责任,美联储再次追求泡沫就太离谱了。自市场开始预期量化QE II政策以来, 美国股市大约上扬了10%。 市场对于美元下跌反应大致相同。美元贬值将提升美国公司行业的国际收入。现在完全可以此解释市场升值的原因。但未来数月,股市可能也会变成泡沫。华尔街的收益在下降,因此肯定希望加入这场博弈中。就算股市真的产生泡沫,也不会再次鼓励家庭借贷和消费。它们对上次经济崩溃记忆犹新,不可能重染恶习。
现在的情况和1992年-1997年一样,只不过规模更大。 美联储放宽货币政策,应对金融危机。由于流动性涌入新兴经济体,这些国家的股市大幅上涨。国内流动性增加导致房价上涨。股价和房价高企催生了大量的融资和投资。经济因此快速增长。我们现在知道,曾经的繁荣其实只是泡沫。投资热潮产生的原因是资金富足,而不是看好未来的收益预期。流动性还将导致通胀。短期内,通胀将提高企业盈利,同时也会掩盖短期投资的后果。一旦流动性减弱,纸牌搭的房子就会轰然倒塌。
首先,新兴经济体必须想方设法阻断“热钱”流入。忘掉自由市场的教条。现在已到生死存亡之时。三个月后,市场可能会开始谈论美联储将采取储QE III的政策。 “热钱”可能会变为目前水平的2倍甚至3倍。金融市场总喜欢说,政府干预最终是无效的。这完全是无稽之谈。
本文来源于《新世纪》周刊 2010年第43期 出版日期2010年11月01日
美联储不久将宣布再度量化宽松(所谓QE II)的规模。 市场估计其规模在5000亿至1.5万亿美元之间。如果公布的数字超过1万亿美元,美元有可能贬值。反之亦然。虽然美联储公布政策后,货币波动可能有所减缓,但一旦美联储有意施加更多刺激,美元汇率将再次波动,因为货币刺激政策无法解决其结构性问题。
自两年前危机爆发以来,美联储的资产负债表已扩大至1.7万亿-2.6万亿美元。 除非通胀制约其政策自由,或经济复苏到足够水平,否则,美联储的资产负债表可能会继续扩大。经济复苏取决于失业率何时开始显著下降,而这需要经济增长率大大超过4%。问题是通胀,而非经济增长,将导致美联储改变其政策。还有一年的时间。在此之前,世界必须准备好应对货币波动。
美联储量化宽松政策影响货币市场,而非其预期目标——美国内需。 内需包括消费、投资和财政平衡。美国家庭部门过度杠杆化,而且正应对资产缩水。很难看出量化宽松政策所产生的额外流动性,将如何促使住房行业增加借贷和消费。如果家庭部门相信多年后将产生高通胀和低利率,即意味着未来的债务负担较轻,量化宽松政策可能会成功。因此,居民现在可能会增加借贷。但高通胀预期会促使大家出售国债。债务市场的崩溃将拖垮经济。因此,美联储现在无法创造高通胀预期。因此,量化宽松政策无法撬动家庭部门。
指望另一个泡沫是有风险的。鉴于其对上次泡沫的产生及其结果都负有责任,美联储再次追求泡沫就太离谱了。自市场开始预期量化QE II政策以来, 美国股市大约上扬了10%。 市场对于美元下跌反应大致相同。美元贬值将提升美国公司行业的国际收入。现在完全可以此解释市场升值的原因。但未来数月,股市可能也会变成泡沫。华尔街的收益在下降,因此肯定希望加入这场博弈中。就算股市真的产生泡沫,也不会再次鼓励家庭借贷和消费。它们对上次经济崩溃记忆犹新,不可能重染恶习。
现在的情况和1992年-1997年一样,只不过规模更大。 美联储放宽货币政策,应对金融危机。由于流动性涌入新兴经济体,这些国家的股市大幅上涨。国内流动性增加导致房价上涨。股价和房价高企催生了大量的融资和投资。经济因此快速增长。我们现在知道,曾经的繁荣其实只是泡沫。投资热潮产生的原因是资金富足,而不是看好未来的收益预期。流动性还将导致通胀。短期内,通胀将提高企业盈利,同时也会掩盖短期投资的后果。一旦流动性减弱,纸牌搭的房子就会轰然倒塌。
首先,新兴经济体必须想方设法阻断“热钱”流入。忘掉自由市场的教条。现在已到生死存亡之时。三个月后,市场可能会开始谈论美联储将采取储QE III的政策。 “热钱”可能会变为目前水平的2倍甚至3倍。金融市场总喜欢说,政府干预最终是无效的。这完全是无稽之谈。
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
2010-11-05 15:16 本文来源于财新网
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠) 全球性的货币战争爆发之前,硝烟的味道已到处弥漫。大家的武器是量化宽松(QE)。如果你印1万亿,我也印1万亿。当然,其他人也会这么干。大家都印1万亿后,汇率没变化?好吧,那么我们再来一轮吧,这就是第二轮量化宽松(QE2)。美国财长盖特纳这些人,如果你听了他们的话,世界末日不远矣。为了保值,中国人在买黄金,其他国家的富人也在买黄金。他们把黄金成吨地运回家。货币大幅贬值时,有了这些黄金,富人至少还能继续当富人。
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【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠) 全球性的货币战争爆发之前,硝烟的味道已到处弥漫。大家的武器是量化宽松(QE)。如果你印1万亿,我也印1万亿。当然,其他人也会这么干。大家都印1万亿后,汇率没变化?好吧,那么我们再来一轮吧,这就是第二轮量化宽松(QE2)。美国财长盖特纳这些人,如果你听了他们的话,世界末日不远矣。为了保值,中国人在买黄金,其他国家的富人也在买黄金。他们把黄金成吨地运回家。货币大幅贬值时,有了这些黄金,富人至少还能继续当富人。
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just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
Actually everything Andy Xie said in this article, written in Nov 2010, I have already mentioned in my article published on 6 Oct 2010 in My Paper. (written in Chinese), which I extracted the relevant content below for your easy reference:
2011 年股市展望
随着美国经济继续疲弱,美国联邦储备局非常可能被迫 再次出手“印钞票”,对市场注入大量的资金。届时,一部分资金将会 流入全球股市,而 因为 美国与欧洲仍旧疲弱,因此,有可能大量资金将涌入亚洲股市。 因此, 在 未来几个月,亚洲股市可能会再次上涨。其实,印尼与菲律宾的股市已经创下新的历史新高,比 2007 年的高峰还高。其他亚洲股市也蠢蠢欲动。
当然,当有一天股市狂升时我希望你会记得其实 当众人“贪婪”时正是风险增加的时候。因此,如果 股市狂升,我劝请大家届时不要过度兴奋,应该开始 部署后路,开始准备离场。
2011 年 可能出现货币“战争”
美国不断向中国施压,要求中国提高人民币的汇率。但是,中国由于目前仍主要依靠出口赚钱,因此,如果人民币大涨,可能会导致很多 以低盈利经营的工厂因此变得无利可图,甚至亏损。因此,2011 年 中国与美国对于“货币”的争执可能升温,甚至有可能引爆货币“战争”。
我担心的是当 股市 在 2011 年 再次上升后,但是因为美国经济可能再次疲弱,当众人意识到美国经济在 “二度注资”后,还无法强劲复苏,届时将可能因为 “信心下跌“而引起 继 2008 年后的 第二次金融风暴。这场风暴可能不会来 (希望如此), 也可能在 2011 年 或 2012 年 席卷全球。
作为 小投资者,我们无法控制或避免任何金融风暴的发生,但是我们可以先做好“准备”,未雨绸缪。届时,当大部分人都惊慌失措时,你却因为已经做好准备,能将危机变成转机,不但能够保住你的资金,而且能够进一步增加你的财富。
Below is the English translation done by Alvin Chow, one of our seminar graduates:
Asian stocks may rise
The Fed has been printing money and flooding the market with liquidity. Some of these funds would move to the stock market, resulting in a rise in demand and price in stocks.
With the weak USD and Euro, it is likely money would flow to Asia. As I speak, the Indonesia and Philippines stock markets have already made historical highs (more than the peak of 2007).
I would want to warn investors that we should be cautious when the market is rising irrationally. On the contrary, investors should be prepared to sell.
Repeat of Global Financial Crisis in year 2012?
Financial Crisis may repeat itself US has been pressuring China to allow Renminbi to rise. And this may escalate into a “currency war” in 2011. What’s more worrying is the strength of US economy. If the injection
of liquidity into the markets does not help US economy to recover, the loss in confidence may result in another financial crisis.
Let’s hope it does not. Being retail investors, we cannot control or prevent a financial crisis from happening, but we can be prepared for it.
We must protect our capital as much as possible, and after the crisis, buying stocks at depressed prices would be the best way to gain wealth.
In addition to the article, he mentioned he was none wiser to know when the crisis would be coming but according to him, it should be around end-2011 or 2012. It maybe brought about by the currency war that is slowing brewing currently, as well as the weakening US economy.
2011 年股市展望
随着美国经济继续疲弱,美国联邦储备局非常可能被迫 再次出手“印钞票”,对市场注入大量的资金。届时,一部分资金将会 流入全球股市,而 因为 美国与欧洲仍旧疲弱,因此,有可能大量资金将涌入亚洲股市。 因此, 在 未来几个月,亚洲股市可能会再次上涨。其实,印尼与菲律宾的股市已经创下新的历史新高,比 2007 年的高峰还高。其他亚洲股市也蠢蠢欲动。
当然,当有一天股市狂升时我希望你会记得其实 当众人“贪婪”时正是风险增加的时候。因此,如果 股市狂升,我劝请大家届时不要过度兴奋,应该开始 部署后路,开始准备离场。
2011 年 可能出现货币“战争”
美国不断向中国施压,要求中国提高人民币的汇率。但是,中国由于目前仍主要依靠出口赚钱,因此,如果人民币大涨,可能会导致很多 以低盈利经营的工厂因此变得无利可图,甚至亏损。因此,2011 年 中国与美国对于“货币”的争执可能升温,甚至有可能引爆货币“战争”。
我担心的是当 股市 在 2011 年 再次上升后,但是因为美国经济可能再次疲弱,当众人意识到美国经济在 “二度注资”后,还无法强劲复苏,届时将可能因为 “信心下跌“而引起 继 2008 年后的 第二次金融风暴。这场风暴可能不会来 (希望如此), 也可能在 2011 年 或 2012 年 席卷全球。
作为 小投资者,我们无法控制或避免任何金融风暴的发生,但是我们可以先做好“准备”,未雨绸缪。届时,当大部分人都惊慌失措时,你却因为已经做好准备,能将危机变成转机,不但能够保住你的资金,而且能够进一步增加你的财富。
Below is the English translation done by Alvin Chow, one of our seminar graduates:
Asian stocks may rise
The Fed has been printing money and flooding the market with liquidity. Some of these funds would move to the stock market, resulting in a rise in demand and price in stocks.
With the weak USD and Euro, it is likely money would flow to Asia. As I speak, the Indonesia and Philippines stock markets have already made historical highs (more than the peak of 2007).
I would want to warn investors that we should be cautious when the market is rising irrationally. On the contrary, investors should be prepared to sell.
Repeat of Global Financial Crisis in year 2012?
Financial Crisis may repeat itself US has been pressuring China to allow Renminbi to rise. And this may escalate into a “currency war” in 2011. What’s more worrying is the strength of US economy. If the injection
of liquidity into the markets does not help US economy to recover, the loss in confidence may result in another financial crisis.
Let’s hope it does not. Being retail investors, we cannot control or prevent a financial crisis from happening, but we can be prepared for it.
We must protect our capital as much as possible, and after the crisis, buying stocks at depressed prices would be the best way to gain wealth.
In addition to the article, he mentioned he was none wiser to know when the crisis would be coming but according to him, it should be around end-2011 or 2012. It maybe brought about by the currency war that is slowing brewing currently, as well as the weakening US economy.
JIMMYKKL wrote:2010-11-05 15:16 本文来源于财新网
【财新网】(专栏作家 谢国忠) 全球性的货币战争爆发之前,硝烟的味道已到处弥漫。大家的武器是量化宽松(QE)。如果你印1万亿,我也印1万亿。当然,其他人也会这么干。大家都印1万亿后,汇率没变化?好吧,那么我们再来一轮吧,这就是第二轮量化宽松(QE2)。美国财长盖特纳这些人,如果你听了他们的话,世界末日不远矣。为了保值,中国人在买黄金,其他国家的富人也在买黄金。他们把黄金成吨地运回家。货币大幅贬值时,有了这些黄金,富人至少还能继续当富人。
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Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
juz came across this good food for thought by Andy Xie......
本文来源于财新《新世纪》 2011年第38期 出版日期2011年09月26日 订阅《新世纪》|注册财新网
本文来源于财新《新世纪》 2011年第38期 出版日期2011年09月26日 订阅《新世纪》|注册财新网
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
我觉得212年,至少以后六个月是2008年以来最困难的时期。这个金融危机变成了经济危机现在变成了政治危机。周秘书长刚才也谈到了政治问题,起源是金融危机出现以后,各个国家的政府把这个看成是一个救市,经济要恢复就来刺激,是这样看问题的,并没有思考危机出现背后的深层次问题。为什么会出现这样的问题,因为这一代领导人是牛市当中产生的,牛市的领导在危机当中应对起来很困难,所以刺激就变成了唯一手段。2009年、2010年经济的恢复是一个假象,并没有解决结构性的问题,经济走向繁荣的基础是没有的,金融市场 已经看到了这一点,所以不愿意陪着政府玩儿,政府这几年都是靠借钱达到它的目的,金融市场认为政府这样借钱是不可持续的,所以金融市场和政府的博弈就形成了政治危机。
我觉得212年,至少以后六个月是2008年以来最困难的时期。这个金融危机变成了经济危机现在变成了政治危机。周秘书长刚才也谈到了政治问题,起源是金融危机出现以后,各个国家的政府把这个看成是一个救市,经济要恢复就来刺激,是这样看问题的,并没有思考危机出现背后的深层次问题。为什么会出现这样的问题,因为这一代领导人是牛市当中产生的,牛市的领导在危机当中应对起来很困难,所以刺激就变成了唯一手段。2009年、2010年经济的恢复是一个假象,并没有解决结构性的问题,经济走向繁荣的基础是没有的,金融市场 已经看到了这一点,所以不愿意陪着政府玩儿,政府这几年都是靠借钱达到它的目的,金融市场认为政府这样借钱是不可持续的,所以金融市场和政府的博弈就形成了政治危机。
just sharing, not advising
just sharing, not advising
Crisis than
This new wealth comes from the "New Century" published in 2011 38 Date of September 26, 2011 subscribe to "New Century" | Registered financial new network
Developed economies to maintain growth of about 1% -2%, inflation of 3% -5%; and emerging economic growth of approximately 4% -6%, inflation of 5% -10%. Likely to remain the global stagflation years
Andy Xie
To the global crisis has long-term crisis. Deal with the debt crisis of the euro zone policy, labeled a just another band-aid to ease the immediate pain and nothing more. The Fed is expected to implement the third round of quantitative easing and the Obama administration $ 447 billion fiscal stimulus plan as well. Structural problems and debt problems are affecting the global economy. Both in the short term is difficult to solve.
Some people expect serious than the U.S. debt crisis, this is wrong. Euro debt and the fiscal deficit is much lower than the United States. When the government runs out of resources that can contain the crisis, it will allow the European Central Bank to print money to solve the crisis. Eurozone crisis will last, but not as broke as the subprime mortgage crisis.
Europe "band-aid" type of measures likely to stimulate the appreciation of stocks and other risky assets. As before, the appreciation of the duration will be shorter, probably only three months. Recurrence of the crisis will give rise to short-period asset markets.
Developed economies to maintain growth of about 1% -2%, inflation of 3% -5%; and emerging economic growth of approximately 4% -6%, inflation of 5% -10%. Likely to remain the global stagflation decade.
Inflation is likely to bet the next decade will be the best investment. Although gold is stabilizing, but the bull market is not over. Energy and agriculture are also running on the same bull trend. For sale to multinational companies in emerging markets may have a very good development.
Debt trap
Greece is about to bankrupt the financial markets is expected to lead to a new round of turmoil. Euro area banks, especially Bank of France and Germany, holds a large number of Greek bonds. Fear is reflected in the following two aspects: First, banks are reluctant to lending to each other, and second, stock prices plummeted. Collapse of these banks so that investors expect the stock price before the fall of the Lehman situation.
Greek bond prices almost certainly indicates that Greece to bankruptcy, but the accounting rules, the official in Greece before the bankruptcy, the banks will not need to determine for the loss of Greek bonds. Therefore, even if these banks may be insolvent, they now do not raise capital. Other European countries, the debt crisis for Greece is no consensus, precisely because of this accounting factors.
Greece is in a vicious circle. With spending cuts to reduce the budget deficit, the economic decline, tax revenues decline even more powerful, so assistance can not be completed in the second EU deficit target specified. EU assistance has been the second time the next batch of 80 million euros capital injection postponed until next month to deliver. Greece in order to avoid bankruptcy, the money is required. Greece impossible goal, so the EU or lower the threshold, or to abandon Greece.
The market is waiting for bankruptcy. Greece bankruptcy is inevitable. Deep black hole of debt, and Greece become addicted. I think it will not be next month, because European banks not ready. France and Germany must take action to strengthen its banking, bankruptcy or confusion caused by the devastating blow.
If you hear France and Germany to take action to increase the bank's capital reserves, then the bankruptcy will be within sight of Greece.
Financial crisis from the financial markets over the past errors. In Europe, since the introduction of the euro on expectations, and the euro after the release of the German bond market interest rates will transfer to Southern economies, which lead to excessive demands on the credit support, thus promoting the rapid growth of German exports. Through the center of London's financial markets, Germany's trade surplus and transfer to the southern European countries that lack the cash to complete a cycle. Although ample financial market liquidity, 24 hour trading, but the efficiency is very low, and will lead to worldwide disaster, catastrophe frequency is also high.
Or those markets, and now are asking how the southern European economies that will repay its huge debts. Because these countries do not reply quickly enough to market requirements, its bond interest rates soared. Once interest rates high enough, a debtor will go bankrupt. Southern European countries in such a self-fulfilling farther and farther down the road to bankruptcy.
For example, Italy's national debt is 120% of its GDP. When the interest rate is 3% of the time, looks like you can afford, the market is not worried, are willing to let a moratorium on repayment of principal. When interest rates rose to 6% of the time, the interest burden can not afford, the market is no longer willing to let the moratorium on repayment of principal. Vicious cycle may soon lead to bankruptcy.
This over-reliance on financial markets to all countries a lesson. Money may come very easily, but when you need it most, it might run away. The cost of catastrophic. High interest rates, may dry up economies like Italy's capital, be dragged into the list of developing countries.
Over the past few years, Chinese local governments are taking the same path. They borrowed a lot of debt because of rising land prices would be expected to repay the money. Despite the fragmented real estate market around the world, but this is expected in China remains very strong.
Most local governments in China are difficult to repay debt. Urbanization requires economies of scale. Only a few cities in population, employment, infrastructure investment increased a virtuous circle. Those who spend a lot of money, hoping to attract foreign population increase employment of the city, many will eventually be disappointed.
Errors in financial markets in developed countries the debt bubble. The reason why this situation is tolerated because of the competitiveness, the developed countries gradually lost to developing countries. Bubble brought about by globalization just to fill the employment gap. The key challenge is how to solve structural problems. Otherwise, the crisis will never stop.
Europe is facing the same problem. Globalization has led to equalization of wages for similar jobs. In the past, a person's place of birth can decide about his or her standard of living. Information revolution and globalization makes international companies worldwide hire staff around the world can work. For the world as a whole, which improves efficiency, that is the whole pie bigger. This is the workers who compete with emerging countries, the workers have developed an unprecedented dramatic effect.
Division of labor within Europe, the southern European economies is mainly responsible for labor-intensive industries. Before globalization, everything is going well. Debt bubbles so that they can monetize the debt, so as to maintain the standard of living. Foam concentrate in the Greek government bonds to support through the areas of employment. Spain's real estate bubble will flow into the country foreign labor income.
European debt crisis of uncertainty exists one and a half, and looks to continue for a long time. If France and Germany decided to give their bank funding, uncertainty will temporarily disappear. However, Europe needs the fact that long-term fiscal austerity will lead to future political uncertainty to the global economy and financial markets have a negative impact.
The local population aging, as well as emerging economies continue to improve productivity, curb Europe's growth potential. Europe must be frugal in order to break even, that is, the Europeans must accept the sharp drop in living standards, reducing benefits, raising taxes or raising the retirement age. Over the past decade, Germany has done this, other countries must follow suit. But this is very difficult. Many people refused to lower euro-zone countries, the standard of living, to pressure their respective governments, trying to find another way out. But another way is more debt, will eventually lead to more crises.
Similar to the United States with Europe. Part of their economy is similar to Southern Europe. U.S. unemployment rate is high, more because of the reality of globalization, rather than domestic demand is insufficient. Obama administration's stimulus will not solve the problem.
Sluggish growth and high unemployment in the next decade will be entangled with developed economies, lingering. Germany are doomed. Developed economies of the future policy direction is tight and not stimulating.
The next decade developed economies facing economic difficulties may lead to social instability. London-style unrest could spread to other major cities. This will make it difficult for policy measures to deal with the deficit. Thus, the current crisis will last a long time.
Way out
Public still expect the global economic recovery can be the same as in the past. This is impossible. Global economy, a rising cycle of emerging economies must lead. However, after the growth is mainly dependent on exports. Unless they change the growth mode, otherwise, the global economy will recover.
To current exchange rates, the developed economies of the world economy, accounting for 70%, emerging economies accounted for 30%. However, purchasing power parity terms, the two almost comparable. Emerging economies of the future will be difficult to sustain the export growth model, because they are larger than in the past too much.
Emerging economies must be export-led growth to consumption-led growth, so that the global economy can regain momentum. However, the emerging economies, the income level is still too low to consumption patterns. Shortcut is to attract multinational companies to invest heavily in order to quickly increase revenue. As the political risks rising, demand is low, multinational unrest in Europe, hoping to find a new home. East Asia, especially China, conditions are favorable, the new home can be a multi-national corporations.
Germany, East Asia and oil exporting countries with large trade surpluses. With the debt crisis in Europe to reduce the demand for Germany's major trading partners, its trade surplus will be reduced. Oil-exporting country's economy is more a single, not suitable for multinational companies settled. Only East Asia has a labor force, growth potential and capital surplus, enough to attract multinational corporations.
Once settled in the East Asian multinational companies, their investment will be sufficient over the East Asian consumers living on the West. Investment process will increase the wages of Asian workers to Western levels. They subsequently have enough spending power, so that these investments have returns. This will build the new global economy, a major project.
China must play a major role in this process. As the world's second largest economy and largest trading country, China has the ability and responsibility to do so.
China must be the right way to its trade surplus into the global economy, to make it function properly. To attract multinational companies to enter China's capital market, is the first step in the global economic recovery is a necessary step. This is consistent with China's interests.
The author is director of Rosetta Stone Advisors, economists
This new wealth comes from the "New Century" published in 2011 38 Date of September 26, 2011 subscribe to "New Century" | Registered financial new network
Developed economies to maintain growth of about 1% -2%, inflation of 3% -5%; and emerging economic growth of approximately 4% -6%, inflation of 5% -10%. Likely to remain the global stagflation years
Andy Xie
To the global crisis has long-term crisis. Deal with the debt crisis of the euro zone policy, labeled a just another band-aid to ease the immediate pain and nothing more. The Fed is expected to implement the third round of quantitative easing and the Obama administration $ 447 billion fiscal stimulus plan as well. Structural problems and debt problems are affecting the global economy. Both in the short term is difficult to solve.
Some people expect serious than the U.S. debt crisis, this is wrong. Euro debt and the fiscal deficit is much lower than the United States. When the government runs out of resources that can contain the crisis, it will allow the European Central Bank to print money to solve the crisis. Eurozone crisis will last, but not as broke as the subprime mortgage crisis.
Europe "band-aid" type of measures likely to stimulate the appreciation of stocks and other risky assets. As before, the appreciation of the duration will be shorter, probably only three months. Recurrence of the crisis will give rise to short-period asset markets.
Developed economies to maintain growth of about 1% -2%, inflation of 3% -5%; and emerging economic growth of approximately 4% -6%, inflation of 5% -10%. Likely to remain the global stagflation decade.
Inflation is likely to bet the next decade will be the best investment. Although gold is stabilizing, but the bull market is not over. Energy and agriculture are also running on the same bull trend. For sale to multinational companies in emerging markets may have a very good development.
Debt trap
Greece is about to bankrupt the financial markets is expected to lead to a new round of turmoil. Euro area banks, especially Bank of France and Germany, holds a large number of Greek bonds. Fear is reflected in the following two aspects: First, banks are reluctant to lending to each other, and second, stock prices plummeted. Collapse of these banks so that investors expect the stock price before the fall of the Lehman situation.
Greek bond prices almost certainly indicates that Greece to bankruptcy, but the accounting rules, the official in Greece before the bankruptcy, the banks will not need to determine for the loss of Greek bonds. Therefore, even if these banks may be insolvent, they now do not raise capital. Other European countries, the debt crisis for Greece is no consensus, precisely because of this accounting factors.
Greece is in a vicious circle. With spending cuts to reduce the budget deficit, the economic decline, tax revenues decline even more powerful, so assistance can not be completed in the second EU deficit target specified. EU assistance has been the second time the next batch of 80 million euros capital injection postponed until next month to deliver. Greece in order to avoid bankruptcy, the money is required. Greece impossible goal, so the EU or lower the threshold, or to abandon Greece.
The market is waiting for bankruptcy. Greece bankruptcy is inevitable. Deep black hole of debt, and Greece become addicted. I think it will not be next month, because European banks not ready. France and Germany must take action to strengthen its banking, bankruptcy or confusion caused by the devastating blow.
If you hear France and Germany to take action to increase the bank's capital reserves, then the bankruptcy will be within sight of Greece.
Financial crisis from the financial markets over the past errors. In Europe, since the introduction of the euro on expectations, and the euro after the release of the German bond market interest rates will transfer to Southern economies, which lead to excessive demands on the credit support, thus promoting the rapid growth of German exports. Through the center of London's financial markets, Germany's trade surplus and transfer to the southern European countries that lack the cash to complete a cycle. Although ample financial market liquidity, 24 hour trading, but the efficiency is very low, and will lead to worldwide disaster, catastrophe frequency is also high.
Or those markets, and now are asking how the southern European economies that will repay its huge debts. Because these countries do not reply quickly enough to market requirements, its bond interest rates soared. Once interest rates high enough, a debtor will go bankrupt. Southern European countries in such a self-fulfilling farther and farther down the road to bankruptcy.
For example, Italy's national debt is 120% of its GDP. When the interest rate is 3% of the time, looks like you can afford, the market is not worried, are willing to let a moratorium on repayment of principal. When interest rates rose to 6% of the time, the interest burden can not afford, the market is no longer willing to let the moratorium on repayment of principal. Vicious cycle may soon lead to bankruptcy.
This over-reliance on financial markets to all countries a lesson. Money may come very easily, but when you need it most, it might run away. The cost of catastrophic. High interest rates, may dry up economies like Italy's capital, be dragged into the list of developing countries.
Over the past few years, Chinese local governments are taking the same path. They borrowed a lot of debt because of rising land prices would be expected to repay the money. Despite the fragmented real estate market around the world, but this is expected in China remains very strong.
Most local governments in China are difficult to repay debt. Urbanization requires economies of scale. Only a few cities in population, employment, infrastructure investment increased a virtuous circle. Those who spend a lot of money, hoping to attract foreign population increase employment of the city, many will eventually be disappointed.
Errors in financial markets in developed countries the debt bubble. The reason why this situation is tolerated because of the competitiveness, the developed countries gradually lost to developing countries. Bubble brought about by globalization just to fill the employment gap. The key challenge is how to solve structural problems. Otherwise, the crisis will never stop.
Europe is facing the same problem. Globalization has led to equalization of wages for similar jobs. In the past, a person's place of birth can decide about his or her standard of living. Information revolution and globalization makes international companies worldwide hire staff around the world can work. For the world as a whole, which improves efficiency, that is the whole pie bigger. This is the workers who compete with emerging countries, the workers have developed an unprecedented dramatic effect.
Division of labor within Europe, the southern European economies is mainly responsible for labor-intensive industries. Before globalization, everything is going well. Debt bubbles so that they can monetize the debt, so as to maintain the standard of living. Foam concentrate in the Greek government bonds to support through the areas of employment. Spain's real estate bubble will flow into the country foreign labor income.
European debt crisis of uncertainty exists one and a half, and looks to continue for a long time. If France and Germany decided to give their bank funding, uncertainty will temporarily disappear. However, Europe needs the fact that long-term fiscal austerity will lead to future political uncertainty to the global economy and financial markets have a negative impact.
The local population aging, as well as emerging economies continue to improve productivity, curb Europe's growth potential. Europe must be frugal in order to break even, that is, the Europeans must accept the sharp drop in living standards, reducing benefits, raising taxes or raising the retirement age. Over the past decade, Germany has done this, other countries must follow suit. But this is very difficult. Many people refused to lower euro-zone countries, the standard of living, to pressure their respective governments, trying to find another way out. But another way is more debt, will eventually lead to more crises.
Similar to the United States with Europe. Part of their economy is similar to Southern Europe. U.S. unemployment rate is high, more because of the reality of globalization, rather than domestic demand is insufficient. Obama administration's stimulus will not solve the problem.
Sluggish growth and high unemployment in the next decade will be entangled with developed economies, lingering. Germany are doomed. Developed economies of the future policy direction is tight and not stimulating.
The next decade developed economies facing economic difficulties may lead to social instability. London-style unrest could spread to other major cities. This will make it difficult for policy measures to deal with the deficit. Thus, the current crisis will last a long time.
Way out
Public still expect the global economic recovery can be the same as in the past. This is impossible. Global economy, a rising cycle of emerging economies must lead. However, after the growth is mainly dependent on exports. Unless they change the growth mode, otherwise, the global economy will recover.
To current exchange rates, the developed economies of the world economy, accounting for 70%, emerging economies accounted for 30%. However, purchasing power parity terms, the two almost comparable. Emerging economies of the future will be difficult to sustain the export growth model, because they are larger than in the past too much.
Emerging economies must be export-led growth to consumption-led growth, so that the global economy can regain momentum. However, the emerging economies, the income level is still too low to consumption patterns. Shortcut is to attract multinational companies to invest heavily in order to quickly increase revenue. As the political risks rising, demand is low, multinational unrest in Europe, hoping to find a new home. East Asia, especially China, conditions are favorable, the new home can be a multi-national corporations.
Germany, East Asia and oil exporting countries with large trade surpluses. With the debt crisis in Europe to reduce the demand for Germany's major trading partners, its trade surplus will be reduced. Oil-exporting country's economy is more a single, not suitable for multinational companies settled. Only East Asia has a labor force, growth potential and capital surplus, enough to attract multinational corporations.
Once settled in the East Asian multinational companies, their investment will be sufficient over the East Asian consumers living on the West. Investment process will increase the wages of Asian workers to Western levels. They subsequently have enough spending power, so that these investments have returns. This will build the new global economy, a major project.
China must play a major role in this process. As the world's second largest economy and largest trading country, China has the ability and responsibility to do so.
China must be the right way to its trade surplus into the global economy, to make it function properly. To attract multinational companies to enter China's capital market, is the first step in the global economic recovery is a necessary step. This is consistent with China's interests.
The author is director of Rosetta Stone Advisors, economists
Andy Xie: China's real estate burst
November 11, 2011
(This topic is what we will see next year for big things. Just weeks Secretary-General has raised the issue of debt in Europe.)
I think 212 years, at least since the 2008 six months after the most difficult time. The financial crisis into an economic crisis has now become a political crisis. Zhou Secretary-General also talked about political problems have originated after the financial crisis, the Government of each country as a rescue, to stimulate the economy to resume, is the issue this way, and not thinking behind the crisis deep-seated problems. Why is there such a problem, because this generation of leaders is a bull market produced a bull market leadership in the midst of a crisis response it is very difficult, so it becomes the only means to stimulate. 2009, 2010, economic recovery is an illusion, and does not solve the structural problems, economic prosperity is based not, financial markets have seen this, so do not want to stay with the government to play, the government in recent years is to achieve its purpose by borrowing money, borrow money from financial markets so that the government is not sustainable, so the financial markets and the government formed a political crisis on the game.
I think that Europe is now in recession, and this recession is not forecast the market was negative 0.5 this figure is likely to decline in Europe a few percentage points, similar to the situation in the United States in 2008 or 1998, the situation in Asia. Because there is no way to operate the banking system, banking system, there are a large number of bonds, bank debt after the devaluation on the lack of capital, and now can not borrow money between banks, so we all went to the central bank to borrow money, so the banking system is unlikely to support economic development, so the credit crisis is inevitable. Substantial decline in Europe, is to solve the debt crisis is not resolved all inevitable. To solve the debt crisis is the only way to go a substantial reduction of expenditure, expenditure cuts will cause a drop in demand. This recession is a process must be taken in Europe, Europe's problems is the problem of declining standards of living to be, politically, this is very difficult. Europe, which is lost in the global competitiveness, to maintain their standard of living is supported by government borrowing, the financial bubble era in the economic operation of such a model can be maintained for several years, the market came to a realization that Europe must accept the decline in living standards (the reality).
Germany ten years ago to see this problem, Germany dropped its own substantial salaries, social welfare, we have recently seen a decline in wages in Ireland are 20% done, which is in line of other countries should, in order to make Europe economy go forward. Short term, the European economic recession is inevitable in the long run if you can not accept falling living standards, will only delay the crisis. Why is politics so important that only makes people trust a leader, it may reach such a result. A few months after the debt crisis in Europe is no way to delay (critical moment). Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong just mentioned the issue of government bonds in Italy, 6% a year, ten years is 6.7%, the interest is false, is now the European Central Bank in support of this market, but the finance function is not available, the total size of the debt of Italy was 1.9 trillion euros, if not the scale of the financing will be ringing off the hook in this country. After a few months we will see great changes in Italy, how they like to deal with this matter.
Now we consider the case of the United States may become a little better, in fact, America's problem is not resolved, the crisis of 2008 the United States with the use of taxpayer money to save the financial system, it is the relative stability of Europe's financial system, but the consequences of doing so is government debt is very high, the government can not afford to maintain fiscal spending, so cut, a cut on the intensification of social contradictions, contradictions in American society is more severe than in Europe. United States is now one-tenth of the family house is close to the bank, the government reported unemployment figure is 9%, if the job count nearly 19 percent, the poverty rate has now more than 15%. In such a difficult economic situation, this year's medical costs rose by 9%. Intensification of social conflicts is, is the U.S. presidential election next year, next year the U.S. will be very much negative news, negative news is not necessarily a temporary financial crisis, bad news is mainly caused by social conflict, and now we see the movement of the U.S. occupation of Wall Street is just beginning, 30 million unemployed protest movement may have a lot of support, the United States finally come out from the crisis, and ultimately to the formation of new political forces to change the state of the system. America's core problem is the problem of unfair distribution of the bourgeoisie and the shareholders, the owners of real estate, now the owners of real estate, now turned into a negative bourgeoisie the bourgeoisie, the stock market is lower than a decade ago, the bourgeoisie did not do any good, the formation of a privileged class, using the legal system for their own money, it is mainly in the distribution of benefits, lawyers, doctors, bankers, it is not a system of free competition in generation, is made by the system to protect high-income, if the system is not change, not stability of American society, why it should be in the great political changes, the United States will have a new round of economic growth, so next year is very volatile year in the United States.
The third event, China's real estate bubble is burst. Last year, I think real estate will be dragged down in 2012, the first half of this year I changed my opinion, in the second half will fall, I saw the national monetary policy will not loose. In the first half did not fall because the developers to take advantage of other industries to his financing, such as logistics, construction companies, any business and real estate developers have become his financing platform because it can delay the real estate industry To this day, in poor sales, tight credit situation lasted until today. But today I see that the industry has lent him money to take over, can not afford, so to a sharp decline in real estate is inevitable.
Wu said China just to restructuring the economy, restructuring of China's economy is beginning to adjust real estate, house prices and household income distribution, the government's core indicators, the high prices the government money, the people have no money, the economy can not be balanced. Real estate bubble burst, the Chinese economy in the long run is a good thing, it needs the same impact as tax cuts, people can not afford to fear the house will not dare to spend money, if house prices fell after the country's economic the impact of a good thing. So through the difficult months later, after the Chinese economy is still good. China's economic might is the real estate in recent years due to China's manufacturing industry is big but not strong, how the problem caused by everyone trying to expand the manufacturing, use this platform to do the financing, financing out later real estate, China has a special phenomenon, China's steel ex-factory price is lower than the selling price, how could we have done trading losses, the steel company to pour money in the bank of steel, he and the developer did usury, but I have not observed less engaged in the steel logistics companies, they repeated to the bank's mortgage is secured, Piandai. This is a serious problem, the Chinese real estate enterprises have closed down the next few months, when consider how the Chinese government, is not to save it? If you save it for the long term, China is negative.
Because once again confirmed that the model is kidnapped Chinese government to make money, kidnapping, bank, as long as the government kidnapping, kidnapping, bank is not quite, this economic model is not broken, there is no way out of this economy, we are engaged in financing, how to move forward and the economy . It would have caused the collapse of the financial, is not caused by industrial, industrial collapse may soon change hands, the financial problems above can spend a little time to resolve, so the impact on the economy is limited, the real economy can still functioning. Even if some factories closed down, a shortage of blue-collar workers in China, so the economic slow down that no political consequences, laid-off workers find jobs is relatively easy, and now China is college students find jobs, students can not find work because China's economic growth model, banks engage in stimulating, growth is the plant site and do not need so many blue-collar, service industries do not need so much refinement, all construction sites and factories, if the repeat is engaged in a inflation, and students still can not find work, a vicious cycle. China in the next six months as long as the wound crossing the hurdle, and then the world economy is not good, hard-working Chinese people, this year's per capita GDP was $ 5,000, only one in nine developed countries, less than half the world average, I like the whole world turned to the Chinese people who are not so hard, and China is 24 hours on site seven days a do my house there is a site I am very clear, there is no such world. Many people say that Chinese people difficult to manage, many people, this argument is wrong. Chinese people to the Government what they want, the world no nation so well pipe. Chinese government as long as the wound and rescue anyone who do so, ulterior motives, he is up to the real estate speculation, is to save themselves, the government as long as six months later the wound came, regardless of the future Western economic good, China's future is very bright.
(In the November 11 "2011 new financial summit: China and the world" speech)
November 11, 2011
(This topic is what we will see next year for big things. Just weeks Secretary-General has raised the issue of debt in Europe.)
I think 212 years, at least since the 2008 six months after the most difficult time. The financial crisis into an economic crisis has now become a political crisis. Zhou Secretary-General also talked about political problems have originated after the financial crisis, the Government of each country as a rescue, to stimulate the economy to resume, is the issue this way, and not thinking behind the crisis deep-seated problems. Why is there such a problem, because this generation of leaders is a bull market produced a bull market leadership in the midst of a crisis response it is very difficult, so it becomes the only means to stimulate. 2009, 2010, economic recovery is an illusion, and does not solve the structural problems, economic prosperity is based not, financial markets have seen this, so do not want to stay with the government to play, the government in recent years is to achieve its purpose by borrowing money, borrow money from financial markets so that the government is not sustainable, so the financial markets and the government formed a political crisis on the game.
I think that Europe is now in recession, and this recession is not forecast the market was negative 0.5 this figure is likely to decline in Europe a few percentage points, similar to the situation in the United States in 2008 or 1998, the situation in Asia. Because there is no way to operate the banking system, banking system, there are a large number of bonds, bank debt after the devaluation on the lack of capital, and now can not borrow money between banks, so we all went to the central bank to borrow money, so the banking system is unlikely to support economic development, so the credit crisis is inevitable. Substantial decline in Europe, is to solve the debt crisis is not resolved all inevitable. To solve the debt crisis is the only way to go a substantial reduction of expenditure, expenditure cuts will cause a drop in demand. This recession is a process must be taken in Europe, Europe's problems is the problem of declining standards of living to be, politically, this is very difficult. Europe, which is lost in the global competitiveness, to maintain their standard of living is supported by government borrowing, the financial bubble era in the economic operation of such a model can be maintained for several years, the market came to a realization that Europe must accept the decline in living standards (the reality).
Germany ten years ago to see this problem, Germany dropped its own substantial salaries, social welfare, we have recently seen a decline in wages in Ireland are 20% done, which is in line of other countries should, in order to make Europe economy go forward. Short term, the European economic recession is inevitable in the long run if you can not accept falling living standards, will only delay the crisis. Why is politics so important that only makes people trust a leader, it may reach such a result. A few months after the debt crisis in Europe is no way to delay (critical moment). Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong just mentioned the issue of government bonds in Italy, 6% a year, ten years is 6.7%, the interest is false, is now the European Central Bank in support of this market, but the finance function is not available, the total size of the debt of Italy was 1.9 trillion euros, if not the scale of the financing will be ringing off the hook in this country. After a few months we will see great changes in Italy, how they like to deal with this matter.
Now we consider the case of the United States may become a little better, in fact, America's problem is not resolved, the crisis of 2008 the United States with the use of taxpayer money to save the financial system, it is the relative stability of Europe's financial system, but the consequences of doing so is government debt is very high, the government can not afford to maintain fiscal spending, so cut, a cut on the intensification of social contradictions, contradictions in American society is more severe than in Europe. United States is now one-tenth of the family house is close to the bank, the government reported unemployment figure is 9%, if the job count nearly 19 percent, the poverty rate has now more than 15%. In such a difficult economic situation, this year's medical costs rose by 9%. Intensification of social conflicts is, is the U.S. presidential election next year, next year the U.S. will be very much negative news, negative news is not necessarily a temporary financial crisis, bad news is mainly caused by social conflict, and now we see the movement of the U.S. occupation of Wall Street is just beginning, 30 million unemployed protest movement may have a lot of support, the United States finally come out from the crisis, and ultimately to the formation of new political forces to change the state of the system. America's core problem is the problem of unfair distribution of the bourgeoisie and the shareholders, the owners of real estate, now the owners of real estate, now turned into a negative bourgeoisie the bourgeoisie, the stock market is lower than a decade ago, the bourgeoisie did not do any good, the formation of a privileged class, using the legal system for their own money, it is mainly in the distribution of benefits, lawyers, doctors, bankers, it is not a system of free competition in generation, is made by the system to protect high-income, if the system is not change, not stability of American society, why it should be in the great political changes, the United States will have a new round of economic growth, so next year is very volatile year in the United States.
The third event, China's real estate bubble is burst. Last year, I think real estate will be dragged down in 2012, the first half of this year I changed my opinion, in the second half will fall, I saw the national monetary policy will not loose. In the first half did not fall because the developers to take advantage of other industries to his financing, such as logistics, construction companies, any business and real estate developers have become his financing platform because it can delay the real estate industry To this day, in poor sales, tight credit situation lasted until today. But today I see that the industry has lent him money to take over, can not afford, so to a sharp decline in real estate is inevitable.
Wu said China just to restructuring the economy, restructuring of China's economy is beginning to adjust real estate, house prices and household income distribution, the government's core indicators, the high prices the government money, the people have no money, the economy can not be balanced. Real estate bubble burst, the Chinese economy in the long run is a good thing, it needs the same impact as tax cuts, people can not afford to fear the house will not dare to spend money, if house prices fell after the country's economic the impact of a good thing. So through the difficult months later, after the Chinese economy is still good. China's economic might is the real estate in recent years due to China's manufacturing industry is big but not strong, how the problem caused by everyone trying to expand the manufacturing, use this platform to do the financing, financing out later real estate, China has a special phenomenon, China's steel ex-factory price is lower than the selling price, how could we have done trading losses, the steel company to pour money in the bank of steel, he and the developer did usury, but I have not observed less engaged in the steel logistics companies, they repeated to the bank's mortgage is secured, Piandai. This is a serious problem, the Chinese real estate enterprises have closed down the next few months, when consider how the Chinese government, is not to save it? If you save it for the long term, China is negative.
Because once again confirmed that the model is kidnapped Chinese government to make money, kidnapping, bank, as long as the government kidnapping, kidnapping, bank is not quite, this economic model is not broken, there is no way out of this economy, we are engaged in financing, how to move forward and the economy . It would have caused the collapse of the financial, is not caused by industrial, industrial collapse may soon change hands, the financial problems above can spend a little time to resolve, so the impact on the economy is limited, the real economy can still functioning. Even if some factories closed down, a shortage of blue-collar workers in China, so the economic slow down that no political consequences, laid-off workers find jobs is relatively easy, and now China is college students find jobs, students can not find work because China's economic growth model, banks engage in stimulating, growth is the plant site and do not need so many blue-collar, service industries do not need so much refinement, all construction sites and factories, if the repeat is engaged in a inflation, and students still can not find work, a vicious cycle. China in the next six months as long as the wound crossing the hurdle, and then the world economy is not good, hard-working Chinese people, this year's per capita GDP was $ 5,000, only one in nine developed countries, less than half the world average, I like the whole world turned to the Chinese people who are not so hard, and China is 24 hours on site seven days a do my house there is a site I am very clear, there is no such world. Many people say that Chinese people difficult to manage, many people, this argument is wrong. Chinese people to the Government what they want, the world no nation so well pipe. Chinese government as long as the wound and rescue anyone who do so, ulterior motives, he is up to the real estate speculation, is to save themselves, the government as long as six months later the wound came, regardless of the future Western economic good, China's future is very bright.
(In the November 11 "2011 new financial summit: China and the world" speech)