Happy New Year! Sharing a Guaranteed Way to Prosperity!
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:37 am
Tonight, on Chinese New Year's Eve, some people will go through some elaborate ceremony to "welcome the God of Fortune", praying for Prosperity. Let me share with you the Guaranteed way to Prosperity...without even praying.
I always share with people, "just focus on doing the right things. Once you do that, you don't really need to bother about what others say about you."
What are the Right things to do? Do anything and everything that is Beneficial to the Society is the Right Thing to do. Anything and everything that is not beneficial to the Society is the Wrong Thing to do. Forget about self, Life is about each of us developing to our full potential, so that we can contribute to the society. What goes round, comes around, once you focus on doing that, you don't just Survive, you Thrive, becos the more you Give, so shall you Receive.
Just focus on:
1. Increasing the Number of people (customers, clients) you Serve in whatever product/service you offer.
2. Increasing the Value Add of your product/service
In 1 and 2 above, do you think about yourself? Do you need to be Greedy to become Rich? No! Both 1 and 2 focus on you "serving", your focus is on serving the "society"...(it's being Selfless, it's having the spirit of Service and Giving,
Of course, make sure your product/service is beneficial to society and NOT harmful in anyway to society.
By just focusing on doing 1 and 2, Prosperity and Wealth are Guaranteed! Don't you agree?
The root cause of Global Financial Crisis is "self interest", "selfishness" and "Greed", which led to the Problem of Too Much Debt, be it the Europe Debt Crisis or the U.S. Debt Crisis. The solution to Global Financial Crisis is To DO the opposite of what caused it, it's to focus on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving.
The problem of too much debt cannot be solved by having more debt, which is precisely what the entire world is doing, by printing money (borrowing more money)...it'll just postpone the problem and aggravate the problem and when the Financial Crisis finally erupts, it'll just be much Steeper and Deeper than if the world just "bite the bullet", admit the wrong doings, and suffer some short term pains for the consequence of being too greedy and having too much debt.
Can we do anything to solve the Financial Crisis? Can we change the world to focus on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving? You might say you're just one individual and there is little you can do to change anything.
Wrong! You can change the world by first changing yourself! Change your focus from now onwards on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving. Next, spread this message and influence and change your relatives and friends...and they in turn would then change themselves, and influence and change their relatives and friends...and one day, the Entire world will change, since the message would reach them and they notice how relatives and friends, such as yourselves, who despite being selfless and giving, are getting more prosperous and prosperous, and they want to know your SECRET to Success as well.
Ask yourself:"Does all that I share with you make sense or not?"
Don't look elsewhere, look into the eyes of the person you see in the Mirror, yes, ask what that person (YOU) want to do? Do you want to change? When do you want to change?
Let us all be a force to change the world. We can change the world by first changing ourselves.
You don't need to be selfish and think about yourself in order to achieve success or wealth. Maybe this short video can help shed some light why it does NOT make sense to be so fixated about self, and why by Giving to the world, you're actually giving to yourself.
Dustin Hoffman - The Blanket is Everything
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJd3T9lD ... e=youtu.be
Another "amazing" thing I personally experience is that the More Money I donate, the More Money I have to donate...it's simply amazing...even if you don't have much money, can you donate 10 cents, S$1? It's not the amount that really matters, it's the "Sincerity" of "Giving"... and once you start Giving, you start this Virtuous Cycle and Give and you Shall Receive...of course, when you give, you must give without expecting anything in return. Otherwise this "Magic" and POWER does NOT work. Becos True Giving is unconditional giving, without expecting anything in return, not even a compliment or acknowledgement of our giving.
Whatever I share may be Contrary to what you were brought up to believe. Most people are taught to think for their own interests, that's why most people grow up selfish...without realising that the less you give, the less you receive...and they wonder why they are NOT Rich? Why are they just having enough to make ends meet? Why aren't they more prosperous? Then they resort to "luck", to buying Lottery...hopefully to strike it Rich since it appears to them they have little hope of getting rich from their salary...again they forget that "striking lottery" is the Thought of Getting Something for NOTHING...this is NOT how the Universe works, and they wonder why they have not struck lottery yet...
Then some resort to praying to get what they want...again, without realising that NO god in any religion I know will bless and give to someone who is NOT Giving. All Religions teach this Principle of Give and You Shall Receive, Sow and You Shall Reap ( or can be known as the Law of Cause and Effect). This shows that these are NOT religious beliefs, these must be Universal Truths and Laws, which is why all religions, despite their differences, all agree on these 2 principles.
I'm not a Christian, and this message is non-religious despite some reference to religion. I'm sharing the TRUTH with you, and don't ask me why, I know it is the Truth. Let the Truth be your Guiding Light, and let us all be a force to change the world. We can change the world by first changing ourselves.
Do you get it? Watch and re-watch this video until you get it. Or you can try getting someone to hit you with a balloon?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8w0kPbD ... re=related
I always share with people, "just focus on doing the right things. Once you do that, you don't really need to bother about what others say about you."
What are the Right things to do? Do anything and everything that is Beneficial to the Society is the Right Thing to do. Anything and everything that is not beneficial to the Society is the Wrong Thing to do. Forget about self, Life is about each of us developing to our full potential, so that we can contribute to the society. What goes round, comes around, once you focus on doing that, you don't just Survive, you Thrive, becos the more you Give, so shall you Receive.
Just focus on:
1. Increasing the Number of people (customers, clients) you Serve in whatever product/service you offer.
2. Increasing the Value Add of your product/service
In 1 and 2 above, do you think about yourself? Do you need to be Greedy to become Rich? No! Both 1 and 2 focus on you "serving", your focus is on serving the "society"...(it's being Selfless, it's having the spirit of Service and Giving,
Of course, make sure your product/service is beneficial to society and NOT harmful in anyway to society.
By just focusing on doing 1 and 2, Prosperity and Wealth are Guaranteed! Don't you agree?
The root cause of Global Financial Crisis is "self interest", "selfishness" and "Greed", which led to the Problem of Too Much Debt, be it the Europe Debt Crisis or the U.S. Debt Crisis. The solution to Global Financial Crisis is To DO the opposite of what caused it, it's to focus on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving.
The problem of too much debt cannot be solved by having more debt, which is precisely what the entire world is doing, by printing money (borrowing more money)...it'll just postpone the problem and aggravate the problem and when the Financial Crisis finally erupts, it'll just be much Steeper and Deeper than if the world just "bite the bullet", admit the wrong doings, and suffer some short term pains for the consequence of being too greedy and having too much debt.
Can we do anything to solve the Financial Crisis? Can we change the world to focus on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving? You might say you're just one individual and there is little you can do to change anything.
Wrong! You can change the world by first changing yourself! Change your focus from now onwards on "Public Interest", "Selflessness" and "Generosity" and the Spirit of Giving. Next, spread this message and influence and change your relatives and friends...and they in turn would then change themselves, and influence and change their relatives and friends...and one day, the Entire world will change, since the message would reach them and they notice how relatives and friends, such as yourselves, who despite being selfless and giving, are getting more prosperous and prosperous, and they want to know your SECRET to Success as well.
Ask yourself:"Does all that I share with you make sense or not?"
Don't look elsewhere, look into the eyes of the person you see in the Mirror, yes, ask what that person (YOU) want to do? Do you want to change? When do you want to change?
Let us all be a force to change the world. We can change the world by first changing ourselves.
You don't need to be selfish and think about yourself in order to achieve success or wealth. Maybe this short video can help shed some light why it does NOT make sense to be so fixated about self, and why by Giving to the world, you're actually giving to yourself.
Dustin Hoffman - The Blanket is Everything
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJd3T9lD ... e=youtu.be
Another "amazing" thing I personally experience is that the More Money I donate, the More Money I have to donate...it's simply amazing...even if you don't have much money, can you donate 10 cents, S$1? It's not the amount that really matters, it's the "Sincerity" of "Giving"... and once you start Giving, you start this Virtuous Cycle and Give and you Shall Receive...of course, when you give, you must give without expecting anything in return. Otherwise this "Magic" and POWER does NOT work. Becos True Giving is unconditional giving, without expecting anything in return, not even a compliment or acknowledgement of our giving.
Whatever I share may be Contrary to what you were brought up to believe. Most people are taught to think for their own interests, that's why most people grow up selfish...without realising that the less you give, the less you receive...and they wonder why they are NOT Rich? Why are they just having enough to make ends meet? Why aren't they more prosperous? Then they resort to "luck", to buying Lottery...hopefully to strike it Rich since it appears to them they have little hope of getting rich from their salary...again they forget that "striking lottery" is the Thought of Getting Something for NOTHING...this is NOT how the Universe works, and they wonder why they have not struck lottery yet...
Then some resort to praying to get what they want...again, without realising that NO god in any religion I know will bless and give to someone who is NOT Giving. All Religions teach this Principle of Give and You Shall Receive, Sow and You Shall Reap ( or can be known as the Law of Cause and Effect). This shows that these are NOT religious beliefs, these must be Universal Truths and Laws, which is why all religions, despite their differences, all agree on these 2 principles.
I'm not a Christian, and this message is non-religious despite some reference to religion. I'm sharing the TRUTH with you, and don't ask me why, I know it is the Truth. Let the Truth be your Guiding Light, and let us all be a force to change the world. We can change the world by first changing ourselves.
Do you get it? Watch and re-watch this video until you get it. Or you can try getting someone to hit you with a balloon?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8w0kPbD ... re=related