In Memory of Mr Dennis Ng, Late Founder of MasterYourFinance (1969 – 2012)

MasterYourFinance represented the next phase of Dennis' life when he devoted more time and effort to educate the public and to raise the level of financial literacy in Singapore and the region.

Dennis' mission and purpose in life was to teach others what he learned, so as to raise their financial literacy and help them reach financial freedom.

A strong believer in the concept of the difference between Good Debt and Bad Debt, Dennis had proven through his personal experience as well as those of his clients that if a person knows how he can use good debt wisely, he can become richer without taking on more risks. He was invited to share his expertise on Using Good Debt Wisely on Channel News Asia’s “Cents and Sensibility” and Channel 8’s “Focus” TV Program.

Dennis believed that there are many routes to achieve success. To him, "Give and you shall receive" is something he stood by all these years. This works for both business and life. When you are able to provide someone with service or opportunity, it will eventually result in you getting either money or happiness. Either way, you are set to gain something but always give without looking for a return. 

MYF Forum
MasterYourFinance forum serves as a remembrance of the contributions by Dennis in his journey to provide financial education to the public. The forum is a storage of resources contributed by many of his students. The discussions and sharing among Dennis and his students are a wealth of knowledge that some may still find the information relevant for reference today.


Dennis Ng's Achievements

Dennis was an Accountant by training with 19 years of Bank Lending experience.

He founded Singapore's first Mortgage Consultancy firm in Singapore in 2003 - HousingLoanSG. Having served thousands of customers, the company continues to serve and add value to their customers till today.

He was the author of three Personal Finance books - Mastering your Personal Finance (bilingual), Why Money Always Not Enough (Chinese), and What your School Never Taught you about Finance (English). Pte Ltd received SME Awards for two consecutive years. In year 2011, Dennis won the Top 5 Award for Emerging Entrepreneur Category in the inaugural SME1 Asia Awards and in year 2012, Dennis won the Platinum Award in Promising SME 500 Awards. These awards acknowledged the contribution and success of Pte Ltd in making a difference in Public Financial Education.


He was a regular contributor to financial magazines and newspapers such as Straits Times, TODAY, The Edge, Business Times, Home & Décor, My Paper, Lian He Zao Bao, Shin Min Daily News, Simply Her, Asia Financial Planning Journal, Executive Inc and Lian He Wan Bao.

He co-hosted a weekly “Live” Radio Talk show with Most Popular DJ Wang Lee Jeng (汪丽贞) on Capital Radio 95.8 FM for more than 2 years from year 2003 to year 2005, the longest Radio Talk Show on Personal Finance in Singapore's history.

He was interviewed for his expert opinion on TV programmes, including “Dollars & Sense” - the first TV Financial Game Show in Asia on Channel U; “Moneyweek on Channel U”, “Cents and Sensibility” as well as “Business Tonight” on Channel News Asia, "Focus" on Channel 8 and "Good Morning Singapore" on Channel 8, etc.

For more than four years (from year 2008 to 2012), he was a featured writer for a fortnightly Personal Finance Column on alternate Tuesday for My Paper ()财经版.

Invited by MINDEF, he conducted full-day Financial Planning Workshops for SAF staff for over 7 years from year 2005 to year 2012.