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by danielcheng
Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:34 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Prof Chan Yan Chong
Replies: 55
Views: 138768

Re: Prof Chan Yan Chong

"Najib introduces GST, raises property gain tax." Looks like it came sooner than later. Now that the fishes have swam in, perhaps future measures will be even more targeted at foreigners. Only good for short term speculation, hit & run as there were no historical track record to base o...
by danielcheng
Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:24 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Prof Chan Yan Chong
Replies: 55
Views: 138768

Re: Prof Chan Yan Chong

Only good for short term speculation, hit & run as there were no historical track record to base on for iskandar. There is also not much local domestic support for the pricing & imagine once the gov't change rules & say only can sell to locals or impose capital gain tax, no one can tell ...
by danielcheng
Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:59 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Dennis, I doubt what you teach works after these 2 months..
Replies: 32
Views: 42970

Re: Dennis, I doubt what you teach works after these 2 month

How can that be? There must be experts from this forum whom made good returns from the stock market in the last 2years! Should be able to make money both ways either up & down, that was what i learnt & come to understand. Those whom profited during this period, please step forward to share &...
by danielcheng
Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:24 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Upside is at least double the downside, what does it mean?
Replies: 5
Views: 8380

Re: Upside is double the downside

If you invest in a stock at $1, & thru TA/FA/CSA you estimate the max loss is probably 20% or 20cts, then you should only invest if the upside potential is at least double the downside ie. 40cts (40%). So, you analyse that this stock you investing at $1 will at most drop to 80cts but will at lea...
by danielcheng
Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:27 pm
Forum: Property Market
Topic: Singapore Government Announced Property Cooling Measures
Replies: 155
Views: 379760

Re: Singapore Government Announced Property Cooling Measures

Hi racoon12, Yes, as the patient had been on life support and not allowed to die after the 2008 crisis, the signs had became very clear to all that things are bad. But as you can see, governments around the world are obsessed with not letting things fail or at least not under their watch, it is abou...
by danielcheng
Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:38 pm
Forum: Property Market
Topic: Singapore Government Announced Property Cooling Measures
Replies: 155
Views: 379760

Re: Singapore Government Announced Property Cooling Measures

Actually all these minor local measures will only help kerb price increase here and there. As the following major events had not happened, i.e. Economic crisis, increase in interest rate, poor business environment, job loss, influx of TOP Condos, EC, DBSS, BTOs coming into mkt etc.. property price w...
by danielcheng
Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:48 am
Forum: Property Market
Topic: Different property groups
Replies: 4
Views: 13034

Re: Different property groups

Frankly, i view Sentosa as being "special" and harder to draw comparison. that's why it's the only place a foreigner can buy a piece of landed property. The target audience may not be the same as those in mainland Singapore(may even not be dist9&10) and the convenience of being "c...
by danielcheng
Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:07 am
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: How big is your wealth container?
Replies: 11
Views: 36160

Re: How big is your wealth container?

Dennis Thanks. Actually what you've penned is technically nothing wrong. I cannot fault that. Just that the market is very disrupted nowadays and sentiment driven. So, it is up to individual's experience and knowledge to participate in the market. Sometimes, it may not behave as expected, both hard ...
by danielcheng
Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:41 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Frank Comments by Dennis Ng on various Topics
Replies: 702
Views: 1208870

Re: Frank Comments by Dennis Ng on various Topics

Did anyone think deeper why is this so? So is rapid progress and relentless pursuit for so-call excellence really good? Maybe capitalism is not a sustainable model moving forward..It may be valid in the last 50yrs. Just like EU may be a workable model for 10-20years, but not sustainable in the longe...
by danielcheng
Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:25 am
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: The value of Dennis seminars is infinite
Replies: 176
Views: 389531

Re: The value of Dennis seminars is infinite

This is how humans are naturally wired. No matter how much we have, It is always not enough. We won't admit it and will also always find reasons to justify it. We are hopeful and thats why we progress and thrive but we say hope is not a strategy. Anyway, all these traits are both our strengths and w...
by danielcheng
Mon May 28, 2012 5:35 pm
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million
Replies: 217
Views: 433668

Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

S'pore has least happy millionaires in Asia Came across this report "The Future Priority Report Apr 2012" (Asia’s emerging wealthy-Views from across Asia on wealth creation and wealth management). When people are poor, they are unhappy. When people are rich, they are also unhappy..except ...
by danielcheng
Sat May 12, 2012 1:32 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: UK Traded Endowment
Replies: 68
Views: 134877

Re: UK Traded Endowment

Hi James, Good to hear that. I can emphatise with you. 1st the red wine, now this concern. Fortunately, you are quite good with stocks. Overall, hope you've made some money in this 2-3 years of your investment journey. On the bright side, the experience you've gained and friends you've made cannot b...
by danielcheng
Sat May 12, 2012 11:26 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: UK Traded Endowment
Replies: 68
Views: 134877

Re: UK Traded Endowment

Maybe James is not angry, maybe he is seeking clarification and advice. Anyways, James, can you recall why did you invest into UK TEP back then? Is 90% downside protection your main objective? If not, it must be the shorter investment timeframe, higher interest return and chance of currency exchange...
by danielcheng
Sat May 12, 2012 12:43 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: UK Traded Endowment
Replies: 68
Views: 134877

Re: UK Traded Endowment

Hi James, Let me put it this way. 3yrs ago in 2009, you viewed a Condo unit. The property agent mtkg the unit shared with you the Pros of this particular unit and also shared some of it's cons. After weighing, you decided to go for it. For the following 3yrs, you managed to rent it out at a 5% yield...
by danielcheng
Wed May 09, 2012 11:22 pm
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million
Replies: 217
Views: 433668

Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Just like to look at things from another perspective. I don't think we should put off enjoying our lives and our resources. While planning for our retirement is important, it is not as powerful as living in the present with an awareness of our future. Putting enjoyment & quality time with our lo...