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by ngtfook
Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:31 pm
Forum: Property Market
Topic: Property Prices rise again in April 2011
Replies: 17
Views: 31899

More people now holding off purchasing decisions in anticipation of falling property price... S’pore private homes market quieter By i_property | Property Blog – Wed, Jun 1, 2011 By Sheena Chua It seems that those who are looking for private homes of their own are in no hurry to buy. Speculation th...
by ngtfook
Wed May 25, 2011 10:40 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: A Very Good Book: How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
Replies: 1
Views: 3519

Thanks for sharing.
by ngtfook
Wed May 04, 2011 11:45 pm
Forum: Property Market
Topic: Residential properties: Why are investors still buying?
Replies: 7
Views: 19129

sharing a good article about potential property bubble. Is S’pore facing bubble trouble? CNBC.COM, On Sunday 1 May 2011, 23:43 SGT Fed chief Ben Bernanke's pledge to keep interest rates low for an extended period may have cheered the stock markets but one economist cautions it may be fueling a prope...
by ngtfook
Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:32 am
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: The value of Dennis seminars is infinite
Replies: 176
Views: 389533

Re: Referral Fee

I do not like the idea of referral fee. Since we are helping our friends why is there a need for referral fee? Sorry if I have to bring this out. Hi kklok, I agree with you not to have a referral fee for recommending a friend or client to the course. We can earn our income via investing rather thro...
by ngtfook
Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:45 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: FREE Chinese Talk on 20 Mar Sun 5 pm at Bras Basah Complex
Replies: 3
Views: 5216

A lot of "guru" out there boosting their 'achivement' as a marketing gimmick. In actual fact, many of them not able to testify their wealth. They 'motivate' you during the preview and use high pressure sales tactic to get you sign on. I for once fell into this trap. A bad lesson learnt. :c...
by ngtfook
Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:17 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Replies: 2
Views: 3405

Obama is playing a dangerous game. :shock:

There is no logic and irrational to shutdown the govt department despite running a deficit. The logic approach should be reduce expenses and maintain essential public services.

I am glad to see the positive outcome. :D
by ngtfook
Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:51 am
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Currency War - books written by Song Hong Bing
Replies: 17
Views: 23207

I just read a book " The Great Super Cycle - Profit from the coming inflation tidal wave and dollar devaluaion" by David Skarica (2011, John Wiley & Son Inc). His predictions: 1. Bond look like a bubble . The parabolic action in the bond market is indicative of moves that happen near t...
by ngtfook
Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:27 pm
Forum: Housing Loan
Topic: How to Choose a Housing Loan Wisely?
Replies: 26
Views: 137798

Hi Dennis,

thanks for the super fast reply and good advise. :D
by ngtfook
Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:05 pm
Forum: Housing Loan
Topic: How to Choose a Housing Loan Wisely?
Replies: 26
Views: 137798

Loan duration: A minimum loan duration is five years and the maximum 30 or 35 years, or till you are 65 or 70 years old, whichever is lower. One way to decide on loan duration is to time the loan duration to match your intended retirement age. So, if you plan to retire by age 60, you should ensure ...
by ngtfook
Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:29 pm
Forum: All about Investing
Topic: Frank Comments by Dennis Ng on various Topics
Replies: 702
Views: 1208880

Agreed. I read thru almost all posts way back to 2006. I have gain learnt a lot financial knowledge from the postings. It is like Finance for non Financial Manager. Simple, easy to read and understand, practical and real life examples.
by ngtfook
Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:52 pm
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: My sifu said:"Dennis you're wasting your time teaching.
Replies: 64
Views: 84149

Actually most importantly is what you believe. You believe that an average person like you can reach financial freedom so that's why you think all others can too just that lack of knowledge.. That's y you r doing this right :)  I can feel the sincerity, your passion and your eagerness in helping o...
by ngtfook
Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:36 pm
Forum: Property Market
Topic: "33,000 is a lot of unsold flats" Mah Bow Tan Says
Replies: 2
Views: 10342

I concurred that the property investment is not condusive during this period. I think it is the seller market. I sold my private property in Mar2010 in less than 2 weeks. There are lots of potential buyers with ready cash!? :?: I sense the fear in people as they may be jump in to preperty market jus...
by ngtfook
Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:59 am
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: Get Dennis' New Book "Why Money Always Not Enough?"
Replies: 20
Views: 32187

Hi Dennis, I listen to your talks on 958 radio this morning. Agreed with you that a lot of people is paying thru the nose as they over stress themselve in property and car. Your book "Why Money is Always not Enough" summarize it well tthe WHY and HOW to ensure money is alway enough. I like...
by ngtfook
Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:29 am
Forum: Financial Principles
Topic: Give and You Shall Receive (Prizes for Active Forumers)
Replies: 109
Views: 281182

Thanks Dennis, James, Jimmy, ein55, etc...

I am new to the forum. For the last 1 months, I went thru many postings in relation to investing and I find the discussion is lifely and beneficial. Everyone is keen to share and emits positive energy.

Keep up the good work!