As explained, we obtain information on UK Endowment policies from UK Insurers (Note:
TEP Pte Ltd does NOT generate any numbers at all), many of the information are openly disclosed by UK Insurers on their websites and can be verified by anyone.
For instance, below is one of the UK Insurers, Royal London, announcing with profits bonus rates on 22 March 2012: ... 0322a.html
Royal London, the UK’s largest mutual life and pensions company, has today announced bonuses for 2011 for with profits policies in the Royal London Long Term Fund and in the closed Scottish Life Fund1.
With effect from 1 January 2012:
• Regular bonus rates are maintained for Royal London policies
• Regular bonus rates are maintained or increased for Scottish Life policies
• Most final bonus rates have been increased for both Royal London and Scottish Life compared with January 2011
• The benchmark 25-year payout on a Royal London £50 per month 25-year with profits endowment maturing on 1 January 2012 is £33,7082 , representing an annualised return of 5.9% and a real3 return of 2.8% p.a.
• The payout on maturity of a Scottish Life1 £50 per month 25-year with profits endowment is £30,8312 , representing an annualised return of 5.3%, and a real3 return of 2.1% p.a.
• The payout on vesting of a Royal London 20-year £200 per month with profits personal
pension is £89,3734, representing an annualised return of 5.8%.
• The payout on vesting of a Scottish Life1 20-year £200 per month with profits personal
pension is £79,5404, representing an annualised return of 4.8%.
Commenting on today’s announcement, Royal London Group Finance Director Stephen
Shone said:
“Our policyholders have once again enjoyed good returns from their with profits policies over the medium to long term.
“We believe that for such investors the fundamental argument for investing in real assets remains strong. Over the longer term, real assets - such as equities and commercial property - have delivered above inflation returns for investors. Today’s announcement shows that the annualised return on a Royal London 25-year with profits endowment is 5.9%. This represents an annualised real rate of return (over and above inflation) of 2.8%. And for a similar Scottish Life policy the annualised return was 5.3%, with a real rate of return of 2.1%.
“In the Royal London Long Term Fund, the asset shares for relevant policyholders will be enhanced as a result of a mutual dividend being allocated for 2011.
“In the Scottish Life Fund, we have enhanced asset shares by 6% this year as part of our
program to distribute the Estate. Payouts for maturing policies are also being targeted at
more than these enhanced asset shares.”
Details of the bonus rates and payouts are given in the attached sheets.
1 The Scottish Life figures within this announcement relates to with profits business written prior to 1 July 2001 (the date that Scottish Life was acquired by Royal London) in the ring fenced Scottish Life Fund.
2 Based on a male aged 30 next birthday at outset.
3 In excess of inflation over the period
4 Based on a male retiring at 65
Royal London
Alasdair Buchanan, Group Head of Communications
0131 456 7133
Redleaf Polhill
Marlene Scott 020 7566 6750
Sally Walton
Editor’s Notes:
1. Bonus Terms Explained
Conventional with profits
Premiums secure a guaranteed benefit (for example a guaranteed cash sum called the “sum assured” or a guaranteed pension). A regular bonus is added, normally each year, to the guaranteed benefit and regular bonus already added. A final bonus may also be added at the date of a claim on the policy.
The guaranteed benefits including regular bonus already added are not payable at face value when a policy is cashed in early. Final bonus is not normally payable on cashing in although the amount paid may make some allowance for final bonus.
Final bonus is an additional bonus which represents the returns payable on a policy which have not already been provided by the addition of regular bonus.
Asset share is the actuarial term that describes the share of the overall with profit fund
attributed to a specimen policy. The asset share is calculated by accumulating the premiums paid less all applicable expenses and charges with the investment return credited to the with profits policies over the lifetime of the policy and allowing for any “miscellaneous” sources of profit or loss.
The Estate of the Scottish Life Fund is the excess of the investments attributable to the fund over the liabilities of the fund.
2. Additional information
Past performance is not a guide to the future. Investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Future payouts can go down as well as UP.
The figures quoted are only illustrative. If a recommendation is made, an assessment of an individual’s needs must be confirmed and Key Features provided, together with a projection which is personal to an individual’s circumstances.
Since 1 July 2001, with profits policies for the Scottish Life brand have been written in the
Royal London Long Term fund. However, the bonus rates which apply for these policies are not the Royal London bonus rates shown in this announcement.
3 Royal London Group is a specialist financial service provider. Its businesses focus on
those sectors of the market which value quality propositions, operating through a number of brands:
• Scottish Life – UK pensions market
• Bright Grey – UK protection market
• Scottish Provident – UK protection market
• Caledonian Life – ROI protection market
• Royal London 360° – offshore investment markets
• RLAM – fund management
• Royal London Plus – life and pensions administration
• Ascentric/IFDL – Wrap Platform
• MoneyVista – online financial planning service for consumers
Royal London is the largest mutual life and pensions company in the UK with Group funds under management of £46.2 billion. Group businesses serve around 4 million customers and employ 2,940 people. Figures quoted are as at 31 December 2011.