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Despite some investment guru promoting wine investment as an alternative investment, I always advise my friends No because the market is illiquid and the pricing is not transparent.
I invested with AWI 3 years ago and had when i tried to get the agent to sell the wine, they give excuses that it is my holdings is too small to constitute a portfolio and suggested me to purchase another wine collection instead zzz
Anyone here know if there are reliable brokers that i can part with my holdings?
I am also vested with AWI. They are always giving a lot of excuses. I am also stuck with my wine.
May I know if AWI refers to Australian Wine Investments? If it is, then I would like to share my experiences.
I received a call from an australian guy trying to get me to invest in Australian Wine few months back. He would convince me about how good australian wine is and also about the investment returns.
When I tell him that I am doing better with my stock investments (After attending dennis Stock seminar. ), then he keep saying that he doesn't believe me and said that I am not confident in replying him about this (One reason is that I speak softly, as I received the call at my office table. Don't want my boss to hear me. )
When all else to convince me fails, he start using funny pronunciation with unfriendly tone such as "Fine (F*ck), why not we find (F*ck) a convenient time and place to meet up, then I can give you a clearer picture of wine investments?" After hearing those funny pronunciation, I ended the call with him, as it is unbearable to listen to "Fine or find".
First of all, AWI stands for Australian Wine Index.
In this recent months, it is true that there have been some guy with an foreign accent, did do some calling with the existing clients to buy more wine to make up a 'better' package for selling in auction, as they have recently linked up with some auction house in HK.
However, I told them that I wanted to sell what I have, they say my holdings is not attractive as it comprises only 1 type of wine. He alleged that auction house prefer a package of 'mixed wine'.
When he fails to convince me to invest more, he say I may try my luck to sell on my on. On hearing that, I become fuming mad.
Hi Albert and hahabear, i believe its the same guy by the name of Edwards Davidson (he called himself the Director) that tried to reach me a few months back saying that my lone wine collection cannot constitute a portfolio and there is no way he can put at the Shanghai auction.
He recommended another so-called premium wine (which is way more expensive than the retailprice after i checked on it)
I suspect he is trying to rid of the bad log of stocks that he cannot if i will buy his story
I have invested with Equity Wine Investment. This was in 2008.
The purchase process and subsequent service was OK.
Wine insured under my name and in a warehouse in Bordeaux.
I have not try selling any wine yet. I think their sale charges is 10%.
However, I will not invest any more money into wine. Few reasons:
1. Not so easy to sell
2. High sale charges
3. In Euros - forex risk
I am always prepared to be wrong. Worst case senario, I can have the wine shipped to Singapore and open the wines for celebrations e.g. children's wedding :)
I am also getting a but worried with my wine investment with Assetton. Claris, the agent who serviced me had left. The boss, Mohan, seems unable to rate my portfolio for more than 2 weeks. I emailed him and called him twice. He kept promising me, 'tomorrow', and that he is having a chest infection. Anyone who recently dealt with Assetton? Can share experience pls?
Same here. Getting no traction with Mohan at all. My guess is either he is super busy clinching BIG deals or he is not interested to spend his time on small wine investments like mine. Maybe we need some BIG wine investors eg. Dennis to see if he can get in touch with Mohan to respond to all his graduates' queries.
I am trying to make contact with Claris, whom serve me as well, to see if I can gain any other way into Assetton to help me on my wine investments. If there are any updates, I will keep all updated.
adriantal wrote:Same here. Getting no traction with Mohan at all. My guess is either he is super busy clinching BIG deals or he is not interested to spend his time on small wine investments like mine. Maybe we need some BIG wine investors eg. Dennis to see if he can get in touch with Mohan to respond to all his graduates' queries.
I am trying to make contact with Claris, whom serve me as well, to see if I can gain any other way into Assetton to help me on my wine investments. If there are any updates, I will keep all updated.
Hi all,
I will try to contact Mohan to get an update from him. The last I spoke to him was about a few weeks' ago, when he provided an updated valuation of my wine investment with Assetton.
Not sure if Claris is in Singapore, I heard that she has some family matters to take care of and thus, she may now be in China.
The last I heard from Claris was an email she sent to me informing that she has left Assetton.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
I just spoke with Mohan who came back to work after a chest infection.
After countless emails and phonecalls over a 3-month period, he says he has secured me a buyer for my two cases and will revert with the confirmed price for selling in the next two days.
Actually, if the guy is overloaded and we feel insecure, one possible way may be to transfer the brokership to another famous auction house like Christie's. They take consignment portfolios valued at $100,000 US. My portfolio value now is probably only US$20,000++. If keen, maybe can ask the auction house if we can combine portfolios.