Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by ilovecck »

Dennis Ng wrote:
Dennis Ng wrote:I'm so happy when Serene Loong (a seminar graduate) shared with me that she shares a similar passion to educate the public and wanted to help educate and empower more people with Real Life Knowledge that works...

What I truly admire and respect her is that she really takes action...

She has the "Just Do It" spirit instead of just thinking about ideas and talking about it...and she started this website called... http://www.reallifetheory.com

Way to go! Serene!
How to be Richer than your boss? Serene Loong shares this short and educational video here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLzTEcb8 ... ure=relmfu
lol, very true indeed, I had a hard time telling ppl abt this, but its getting thru to some and it really makes you feel good when someone gets "it"
Freelance Personal Trainer
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

Hi wemakebread,

yes, that's what I've been advocating and hope to do.

I'm so glad to read your message as it clearly shows you understand what I'm trying to achieve.

There is little I can achieve/do on my own.

But if there are 10,000 seminar graduates, each just contributing say 10 hour to volunteer work or S$1,000 to charity, that would work out to 100,000 hours of volunteer work and S$10 million we can donate to charity each year.

This is what make me wake up and get going every morning.


Dennis Ng
wemakebread wrote:I guess one possible approach is to learn how to make more money (including from shrewd businessman like Mr Wee) and then re-distribute that wealth towards charitable and humanitarian causes.

I believe this is what Dennis has been advocating.
1) we need to achieve abundance so that we have more resources to help others
2) generous people with more wealth will channel towards charitable & humanitarian causes
selfish people with more wealth only benefit their small inner circle
3) we share knowledge to help one another grow so that more of us will achieve abundance
then when we contribute, there is critical mass and large-scale, which brings multiplier effect

Dennis contributing 1 mil / yr compared to 1000 students contributing 1k each / yr.
Which is easier to achieve?
Which is more scalable?
Which is more satisfying and enriching?

Dennis Ng wrote:
We can learn from him on using OPM, but I refrain from learning from him on focusing on Win/Lose. I focus on Win/Win and only make money based on the right principles and values.


Dennis Ng

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

I personally think this 91,200 (individuals) figure of number of Millionaires in Singapore (1.76% of Total Population) is probably a more reliable figure than another figure of 188,000 Households (or 17% of Total Households in Singapore!!!) according to another study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

The info provided actually make me start to lose confidence in BCG. A simple survey, just look and ask around and see whether you can find so many Millionaires that BCG claims Singapore have (estimated 1 out of every 6 persons in Singapore is a Millionaire according to BCG)?

If I can help 1 million middle class Singaporeans reach S$1 million, that would make Singapore leaps and bounds ahead of ALL countries in Singapore. It actually is possible, since 1 million is about 20% of population and Singapore middle class is about 60% of population (in other words helping 1/3 of middle class move up to Millionaire status). Of course, this I cannot do it alone, I need ALL Seminar Graduates (now about 3,000) to help as well. If each of you help educate 100 people, that would make up to 300,000 people already. By the time we have 10,000 seminar graduates, each helping to educate 100 people, it would make up to 1,000,000 (One Million) people!!!

You have NOT just joined another seminar, you have joined a Wealth Revolution. Let's do it together!


Dennis Ng

Asian millionaires counters lost riches in Europe, North America, says report
Updated 09:27 AM Jun 01, 2012
GENEVA - Singapore, China and India posted the biggest increases in millionaires last year as the Asia-Pacific region countered a decline in wealth in western Europe and the United States, said Boston Consulting Group.

Millionaire households in Singapore rose 14 per cent to 188,000 while those in China climbed 16 per cent to 1.43 million and India saw a 21-per-cent increase to 162,000, the firm said in a report released today. Millionaire households in the US fell by 129,000 to 5.13 million.

21 Jun 2012 - No. of S'pore millionaires dips

[*]Singapore triumphed Hong Kong as Asia's home for the wealthy, even as the number of high- net-worth individuals here fell 7.8 per cent to 91,200 last year.

Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific became the region with the largest number of rich individuals for the first time,[/color][/size][/b] according to a study conducted by consultancy firm Capgemini and the Royal Bank of Canada's (RBC's) wealth-management arm.

The World Wealth Report, released yesterday, tracked the number of individuals with investable assets of at least US$1 million (S$1.3 million), excluding their primary homes, collectables and consumer durables.

The population of high- net-worth individuals in Hong Kong saw a much steeper decline of 17.4 per cent to 83,600 last year.

Widespread volatility over the euro zone's debt crisis took its toll on the wealthy, said Mr Barend Janssens, the head of wealth management for emerging markets at RBC.

"Several factors challenged Singapore's rich last year, in particular the 7.6 per cent drop in stock-market capitalisation and inflation hitting a 25-month high of 5.5 per cent," he said.

"However, keeping in mind the fact that the World Wealth Report works on the basis of conversion to the US dollar, the Singapore dollar's relative strength to the greenback helped to mitigate the negative effect."

Declining stock markets hit the rich in Hong Kong much harder than those in Singapore, as most of them tended to have a larger proportion of their wealth locked in equity.

On the whole, the number of high-net-worth individuals in the Asia-Pacific grew 1.6 per cent, to 3.37 million last year.

This pushed it to become the region with the largest population of high-net-worth individuals

in the world for the first time, surpassing even North America with its 3.35 million.

The report also found that there were 22,000 ultra-high- net-worth individuals, or those with investable assets of US$30 million or more, in the Asia-Pacific last year. Such individuals accounted for 0.6 per cent of the rich in the region.

On a country-specific basis, the United States, Japan and Germany retained the biggest share of the wealthy last year.

The three countries together have 53.3 per cent of the world's rich, up slightly from 53.1 per cent in 2010.

Still, North America remained the largest region when it came to the size of high-net- worth individuals' wealth.

The size of the wealth there was US$11.4 trillion last year, while the Asia-Pacific came in second with US$10.7 trillion.

Commenting on the findings, Mr Janssens said the Asia Pacific is likely to "permanently" occupy the top of the rankings in terms of the population of high- net-worth individuals.

But he did not think that the region would overtake North America when it came to the size of high-net-worth individuals' wealth.

"The gap is unlikely to narrow in the near future as the North American rich tend to place more of their investable assets in equities - approximately 33 per cent, compared to 26 per cent for those in the Asia-Pacific," he said.

"So when equities recover, the lead that the North Americans have over their Asian counterparts will expand."

He added that as the European crisis continues, China and Japan appear to offer the most attractive investment opportunities.

"Investment strategies are likely to remain quite conservative," he said.

"High-net-worth individuals will need to prepare themselves for ongoing market volatility... with returns likely to be extremely positive or extremely negative, rather than equally distributed."


Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

as mentioned, if you want to have the chance to be selected to be one of my trainers to conduct my Path to Financial Freedom workshops or Seminars, then you have to go through this "Trainer training" before being considered. This is probably the last time we are arranging this seminar, so it is probably the last chance as the Trainer Kenneth has indicated that he might not have time to conduct this seminar again.

The date is 30 Jun and 1 Jul 2012, 9 am to 7 pm.

Hi all,

The world is getting more competitive. It' NOT enough just to be good at what you do, sometimes whether you get the Promotion or the Deal or get praised by your boss is NOT how good you are in doing your work, but it really boils down to How Good are You in Presenting Yourself and Your Ideas. Learning how to present well can give you the Extra Competitive Advantage over your colleagues and competitors.

Do you know that when I (Dennis Ng) was in Secondary school I have so much stage fright that my legs would tremble even if I were just to go on stage to receive a Certificate of Award from the Principal? Yes, just go up stage to get something, NOT even to Speak!

Can you imagine this same person now being sought after and invited by Various Media including Radio, TV, Various Seminars, organisations inlcuding CPF Board, MAS etc to speak?

Yes, this WAS me. So the good news is Learning how to Present Well is a "learnable skill" (ie. you can learn, NO need to be a born Presenter).

ALL my staff have invested their own money to attend this seminar and ALL of my staff hated me when I made it compulsory for them to attend, but after attending the seminar, ALL of them thanked me profusely for "forcing" them to attend this seminar. They finally realised why I made it compulsory for them to attend (use their own money to pay for the seminar as well), becos if I didn't make it compulsory, I guess probably just 1 or 2 of my staff will make the decision and take action to attend this seminar.

Learning how to speak well has accelerated my success in the last few years, but I learned through many years of trial and error. How I wish that I could have learned from someone all the techniques I learned through the years.

Now you can skip the many years of mistakes I made by learning how to speak well from my good friend, Kenneth Kwan, a keynote and motivational speaker sought after by corporations in 6 countries and featured by News Radio 938 "Live".

Some of you might think that this seminar is NOT relevant to you since you only work as eg. an Engineer, Accountant, Office Executive and you do NOT want to be a Trainer for Wealth Directions....well, you're wrong.

Have you ever seen someone who got promoted just becos he/she can Present better than you?

Have you ever seen someone who got the girlfriend/boyfriend just becos he/she can present better than you?

Have you ever been asked to say something in public, such as your Birthday, your Wedding or Company meeting and you felt that you wished you know how to Present better?

Sometimes, being able to Present well or NOT can be a Make OR Break Moment in your life.

The Upside Potential of learning the "Secrets to Powerful Presentation" can be so much, the downside, just a little investment of your Time and Money. What is a wise decision to make?

I leave it for you to decide. This may be the last chance to attend this Seminar at Special Price of S$1,598 and this coming session is the LAST session. (This seminar is unlikely to be conducted again in future as Kenneth, the trainer is too busy and might not be able to accede to our request to conduct this seminar in future).

Just look at me as a real life example. If I don't know how to present well, perhaps today I might still earn about S$2,500 a month as a Financial Planner instead of earning over S$50,000 a month NOW after I learned how to present myself well.

For this seminar, we cap the max attendees per Seminar to 20, keeping the number small so that we can ensure that Each participant has enough Time and Opportunity to practise what they learned at the seminar in the Seminar itself...it's very different from my seminars as this seminar emphasize on Practice, Practice, Practice during the seminar itself. How I wished that when I started conducting talks 12 years ago that I could have learned from someone the Right way to present...which is why I get Kenneth Kwan to Design and Conduct this Special Seminar "Secrets to Powerful Presentation".

P.S As a comparison, I have paid a few thousand dollars to attend a "Train the Trainer" program (similar program) which they have over 1,000 attendees...obviously, the organiser's main objective is to make as much money for themselves instead of trying to give the Most Value to the attendees.


Dennis Ng

Why are some presentations or speakers more effective than others? Are there ways to totally speak in a way that participants will always be involved, influenced and remember what you have presented? You will learn the techniques of how Great Speakers speak with passion, stir hearts and impact lives. These techniques are easily modeled in a step by step manner, transforming even novice speakers into a great one. If you want to deliver in a powerful manner and create long lasting results, this session is a MUST.

Program Synopsis:-

How to Create a High Energy Environment for Learning
How to ALWAYS Get Participants to Participate and Share Their Learning Experiences
Techniques to Effectively Increase Memory Retention to at least 80%
How to Get Instant BUY-IN from the Audience
Get Hands-On Experience in Creating A Training Program and Delivering It
Search Within The Topics That Resonate In Your Heart!
Learn the Secrets behind Highly Charged Training Programs
Say Goodbye to The Days when People Sleep When You Talk
How To Get Audiences To Pay You To Speak!
Learn Techniques To Overcome FEAR!
Learn To Be A Dynamic Emcee and Ways To Stir The Crowd!
Avoid the 3 Costly Mistakes that Trainers Always Make!
How to Get Your Participants Wanting More!
How to Gather Testimonials That Are Worth Their Weight In Gold!
A Simple Technique That Gathered $8000 in Profit in Just 4 Hours of Training.
Understand How To Use Stories And Emotions That Will Grip Your Audience
How An Ordinary Speaker Can Be Turned Into An Extra-Ordinary Wealthy Speaker!
A Step By Step Process Of Getting Started And Earning Money Immediately

Upcoming Program Details:

Date: 30 Jun and 1 Jul 2012

Time: 9am to 7pm

Venue: 9 Penang Road #13-15 Park Mall Singapore 238459

About the Speaker

Kenneth Kwan is a keynote and motivational speaker employed by corporations to stir desire with their audiences. He has personally spoken to 6700 people and has travelled to 6 countries. Clients like Ministry of Manpower, Sime Darby, AIA, Ricoh, Immigration and Checkpoints Authority and many more have invited him to speak to their staff.

He has also been featured over National Radio, 938FM and has eight articles featured in the Straits Times and HR magazines. He seeks to help you make an impact, not an impression.

What others say about Kenneth

“This program got me started to do something which I always avoid. It makes me face my greatest fear and I found that it is not so difficult after all.” - Chelsia Lim, Relationship Manager

“We may have witnessed great speeches but what Kenneth has done is to distill down the techniques so that we too can move and inspire from the stage.” - Serene Loong, Investor

“It's a really great experiential learning experience. Your techniques added my knowledge in these areas.” - Hendra, Software Development Engineer

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Posts: 9781
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:16 am
Location: Singapore

Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

You know almost next to nothing to analysing a stock and how to choose a stock to invest. Will attending the 2-day Secrets to Making Money in Stocks Seminar really teach you "how to fish" (How to choose stocks to invest?) This is a question or skeptism many people have before they attend my seminar.

Here's a real life example - JamesTai.

You can read his first posting in this forum asking whether should he sell Starhub, a stock he holds, just after attending my seminar when he is still not very familiar with what is being taught in the seminar. Then compare to his posting after he learned to apply what I teach in the seminar when he discovered Orchard Parade Holdings.

You can literally see and feel his Transformation from knowing almost nothing to having the confidence to choose stocks to invest.

P.S. after I analysed Starhub, I actually bought Starhub shares at S$1.95 (which was also informed in this forum) and anyone buying Starhub then would be making over S$1.80 by now or about 92% gains), (current share price S$3.35, and Starhub gives out 20 cents divdend per share for last 2 years)...imagine seminar graduate jamestai was asking whether should he sell starhub shares at S$1.95. If he had not asked the question in the forum and sold Starhub shares then, he would have missed out on making S$1.80 in gains (including dividends) and even suffered losses becos he bought at S$2.21 and sold at S$1.95...this once again shows and prove to you that increasing Investment knowledge can indeed help you to become Richer.
Dennis Ng wrote:
jamestai wrote:13 Oct 2009


Need some advise, not sure should I cut my losses for my Starhub stock.

This my current STARHUB shares holding.

Number of Shares: 5000
Average cost per share: $2.2130
Last closeing price on 12 Oct 09 : 2.00
My current losses is around: $1015

Since STARHUB lost the EPL right, the share price drop from around $2.15 to around $1.96. I am not sure does it still make sense for me to hold on my current STARHUB and hoping it will help me to make a profit in future. Some say STARHUB stock pay good divdend. But I not sure does it still hold true after it lost the EPL rights to Singtel.

Any opinion and advise is very much appreciated. Also I wonder does any body know what is the NAV for STARHUB.

Hi James,

you need to ask yourself, why did you buy Starhub at S$2.21?

Why are you thinking of selling Starhub now that the price is lower at S$2?

If price is lower, it actually makes the share more attractive not less. It does not make logical sense to want to buy at a higher price but think of selling at lower price.

Nobody buys Starhub for its NAV. As explained in my seminar, NAV is only useful for assessing Financial stocks and Property stocks.

For starhub, the key things to look for is its Operating Cashflow and Profits and the sustainability of its profits.

Let's assess the Financial impact of Starhub losing the EPL rights. Total revenue from Pay TV (cable TV) only constitutes 19.6% of Starhub's total revenues. Out of which, Starhub says only 30% of its Cable TV subscribers subscribe to EPL, or only 5.88% of its total revenues.

According to starhub, its EPL offering is actually at a loss. Thus, losing EPL might not reduce starhub's profits by much, Strahub's profits might actually increase if offering EPL is money-losing as Starhub said.

Starhub made about S$311.3 million for year ended 31 Dec 2008, down from S$3.30.3 million, mainly becos of higher expenses of its Pay TV business (increase of S$86.5 million).

Starhub has total shares issued of 1.71 billion shares, or Earning Per Share of 18.28 cents. Last year it paid total dividends of 18 cents per share.

If starhub reduces its dividend and pays say, 16 cents per share, based on share price of S$2, dividend yield is 8%.

Starhub has about S$237 million in Cash and Debt-equity ratio is about 14.38%. Even if Starhub needs to expand, it is still possible for Starhub to maintain dividend of say, 16 cents per share.

I hope the above sharing is useful. At the end of the day, you need to make your own decision. Above comments is not meant as investment advice to you. Ultimately, we have to be responsible for our own investment decisions.

All the information I shared are obtained from newspapers and the financial information from sgx website, something accessible by everyone, including yourself. One does not even need to be a shareholder of Starhub to get hold of such information.

In the 2-day seminar, basically I've taught "how to fish". Thus, graduates of the seminar can then apply what they learned to "look for fish" themselves.

Feed a man a fish you can only fill him for a day, teach him how to fish and he'll never go hungry again. This is why from Year 2009 onwards, I'm conducting seminars to teach people how to fish (how to invest).

Actually, Singtel, Starhub and M1 all majority owned by Temasek Holdings. Competing aggressively to pay for EPL Rights only benefit "outsider who own the EPL Rights" and burn a hole "indirectly" in Temasek's pockets.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Posts: 9781
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:16 am
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

Read and feel the transformation of seminar graduate jamestai yourself.

In Oct 2009, when he made his first posting, you can feel he is so unsure and still unclear about investing.

One year later, after he managed to learn and apply what I teach in the 2-day Secrets to Making Money in Stocks Seminar, you can notice the confidence in his posting, when he discovered an undervalued stock "Orchard Parade Holdings", applying what I teach in the seminar.

Thus, if you still have doubts that I really teach people how to fish (How to Invest) and that after learning how to choose stocks to invest will you make money or not, I hope this real life example can gives you the confidence that I really can teach you. The only question is are you Willing to learn? When are you going to learn? After you learn, when are you going to apply what you learn?


Dennis Ng
Dennis Ng wrote:
jamestai wrote:13 Sep 2010

Hi Dennis,

Just wonder did you know about this REIT stock ORCHARD PARADE HOLDINGS LIMITED ?

I look at their Financial statement on 13 Aug 10, it reported that it NAV is aound $2.44. So I look at their share price today and is around $1.14. I was surprise because this is almost 46% discount from it's NAV.

And looking at it's income statment, it profit compare to the same quater last year, it has improve significantly.

It's property make up of

Orchard Parade Hotel
Albert Court Hotel
49.9% Stake in Yeo Hiap Seng
THe Floridian Condo Development

Net asset value (for the issuer and group) per ordinary share based on issued share capital of the issuer at the end
of the (a) current period reported on and (b) immediately preceding financial year.
Net asset value per ordinary share based on
issued share capital at the end of the period/year
page 11
30.06.2010 31.12.2009
$ 2.44 $ 2.34
30.06.2010 31.12.2009
$ 2.26 $ 2.23

James Tai
Hi James,
great. You have identified another undervalued Property stock. Yes, Orchard Parade is closely held by Far East Organisation....typically its share price is "laggard" compared to other property stocks.

However, there is no doubt about the value of the properties it own. In the last phase of the Bull run (which we are entering into), typically laggard stocks would rise much more than the Blue chips (eg. Capital Land). So, I will not be surprised if the share price of Orchard Parade would surge up in the months ahead. In year 2007, Orchard Parade's share price was as high as S$2.90.

When you buy a stock worth S$1 and pay about S$0.50, that is a Classic "Benjamin Graham" strategy......so far, whenever I used this strategy (Price to Book Value) to buy a property stock, I have always Profitted and never made a single loss before.

That's what I want from all my graduates. That you analysed a stock first and Present your findings and comments, and I would then also take a look at the stock and share with you my comments. This is how all my "multi-millionaire" sifus (teachers) teach me, and this is how I want to pass on the knowledge/experience I gained. By doing so, you Learn How to Fish for yourself, instead of me giving you a fish.

Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day, Teach a man how to fish and he'll never go hungry again. I'm here to teach all of you (graduates) how to fish, NOT here to give you fishes. A Real Teacher's greatest satisfaction is when his students surpassed him. While a "fake teacher" who just want to earn your money want you to forever depend on him and his "trading software" so that he can milk money from you forever.

Hope my reply is Crystal Clear to you. Please note that I'm just sharing my personal comments and not giving investment advice and not advising anyone to Buy/Hold/Sell any stocks.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Posts: 9781
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

r22875 wrote:Impressive. Although Chinese is my first language, I didn't practice often in work. But I believe it is still a competitive edge as you mention. I will sign up for the Chinese session then. Probably it will refresh my language in some way. Anyway, I am following up on the things you taught in the class now to assess feasibility. My banker actually agree and claimed that he is doing the same equity financing already, although he has not gotten his first million. :lol:
yes, but in taking equity loan, need to have some Prudent Measures to mitigate the risks as I shared in the seminar.

Once a person adopt the right strategy, then he/she is on track for his/her First Million and subsequent millions...I started with S$50,000 in 1998.....then reached S$250,000 in year 2002...then reached S$600,000 in year 2006...then reached S$1 million in year 2008...then reached S$3 million in 2011...

Just aim to get about 100% returns in every 5 years, that would double your wealth every 5 years...

S$100,000 x 2 = S$200,000
x 2 = S$400,000
x 2 = S$800,000
x 2 = S$1,600,000

so it is indeed possible for an average middle class to achieve the first S$1 million in 20 years (excluding value of house)...I did it in 15 years.

Not forgetting along the way we further boost our capital by regular savings...eg. I formed the habit of saving 20% of my income, even when I got my first pay check when I first graduated back in 1993...(my income was S$1,500 then, 20% is S$200...

Today my income is at least 10 times more, and becos my expenditure did not increase proportionately with my income, nowadays I save about 70% of my income instead of 20%...

The richer I become, the more I can give back to society, give to charity...this is another Joy and motivation for me to get Richer, so that I can give more...give and you shall receive....the more you receive, then the more you give, it then become a Loop and Cycle...give..receive...give...receive...so joyous, so fulfilling.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Posts: 9781
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

seminar graduate Hendra shared that FOCUS (shared by Robert Kiyosaki) means Follow One Course Until Successful.

Like you, I've tried many things, I've learned many things from many different seminars/books.

Now what I teach is actually a combination of many things I learned over the years, including the over 600 books I read; the many seminars I attended (invested over S$150,000 of my money to attend such seminars); learning from different Real Life Multi-millionaires in Singapore.

Did eveyrthing I learned work? No. Some of the things I realised do not work in Singapore.

Does what I teach work?

So now whatever I teach is a selection of the things that really work plus some of my own "enlightenment" and combining of different teachings that none of my teachers actually teach me. (since they teach me bits and pieces, not what I collectively now teach).

I'm sure it does, becos I have personally applied and reached multi-milionaire status.

Thus, I'm very certain that if you follow what I teach, you will reach your First Million, it is just a matter of time.

However, it is like learning to swim or cycle. I can teach you the swimming strokes, the breathing techniques etc...but you still need to go into the water, try to swim yourself (practise and apply what you learn), swallow some water (fail sometimes, lose money on some stocks), before you finally learned how to swim (how to invest).

I cannot swallow the water for you, you need to swallow the water yourself, experience it yourself, in order to learn how to swim.

However, I'm there beside you to guide you, to encourage you, to support you, until you learn how to swim and reach the other side of the pool (your first million or Financial Freedom).

Follow One Course Until Successful.

I'm certain you will succeed following the course becos it is tested and proven, it is not based on theory, that may/may not work in real life.

The only questions are:
1. Do you want to learn from me? (You can choose to learn from others as well).
2. When do you want to learn?
3. After learning, when are you going to apply?
4. Are you going to give up just becos you swallow some water (make some losses) or do you realise that swallowing some water is a necessary process before you learn how to swim.
5. Follow One Course Until Successful.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Posts: 9781
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:16 am
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

I feel so happy to read what seminar graduates dragonhart2 and sereneloong wrote in the postings below:
dragonhart2 wrote:dear Serene,

tks for sharing....yes...your employer is not your financial plan! You are! we earn, we save and we build our financial fortress....brick by brick, day by day....have faith..... one day, we can stand tall on our own. together, we can form the Master Mind Alliance and do much much more than if we are on our own....there's only so much each of us can do......:D

sereneloong wrote:wow Jason, that was very heartfelt :) You have inspired me to share:

I have always been a good student (top schools all the way) and good worker (I work on average 12 hours a day at MNCs). On the social interaction front, I was also ok, can relate to people. I am well-like at work.
But when the financial crisis hit in 2009, it was like my track record didn't matter at all. I got retrenched nonetheless along with half the department. It felt like everything I was taught didn't quite work.
The old mantra society and my parents told me: study hard and get a good job - was only half the story. Then I joined Dennis' wealth revolution, and the rest like they said, is history.

The reason I start http://www.reallifetheory.com is because I believe I can help spread practical knowledge that will make a difference in people's lives. I do up the videos based on
what I have learnt in the last 10 years of attending/reading self-improvement seminars and books which has probably cost me about $30K. Using my life as a laboratory, I only put up theories that hv worked for me,
many of them from Dennis of course!

Here's to CANI!

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

How do we grow? We grow by stretching beyond our comfort zone. Today (7 July 2012), Adrian Chua is conducting the first half of How to Save and Accumulate One Million Dollars Seminar in Mandarin, it is a huge leap for him, as he's not very confident about his Mandarin! I told him, that Chinese was my weakest subject in Primary 2 as well.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater

Adrian Chua: " 2 years ago I attended this seminar. 2 years later, I am helping Dennis to conduct part of the seminar with Dennis."

I want to help to educate as many people as possible, that means I need a group of Trainers, instead of just Dennis...this year, my main focus is to groom the first 5 to 10 trainers, so that they can help in the mission to educate 1,000,000 people to reach One Million Dollars!

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

yes, Ms Tan.

I used to think that as an individual, what can I do? How can I change anything? I'm just an individual.

Then I learned from Master Cheng Yan, founder of Tzu Chi Foundation who said:
1. do not underestimate what an individual can achieve. Many drops of water make an ocean. You just need someone to start gathering the water together and why wait? Why not be the one who do it?

2. She also said:"if something is Right, Just Do It." She said everything we say or do there are bound to be people who don't like us, who criticize us, or may express all kinds of opinion and comments about us. Why bother with others? We cannot control what others say or do, but we can control what we say or do. And if you see something is Right, something is worth doing, just do it.

And last but not least, I like to share this teaching by Jim Rohn (the sifu of Anthony Robbins) in this short video: 4 questions You Should Ask yourself:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAa9FagS ... re=related

Watch and re-watch this video by Jim Rohn and then answer the 4 questions yourself. I answered them and that's why I am now doing what I am doing.


Dennis Ng
Ms Tan wrote:Isn’t “flash mob” similar to what Dennis is doing in teaching Financial Freedom? Of-course this is not 100% identical, I just like to connect the dots with my own imagination, my way of seeing the world.

The way one person started the music and brings in random people together as a group to jointly play the music and grow the participation from the rest singing together is such an amazing and joyful event.

This is like Dennis started the financial education alone and orchestra to a team of Wealth Educators, Forumers & Seminar Graduates to spread the message out to others to be financially literate to achieve Financial Freedom.

Dennis Ng wrote: My dream and deepest hope is someday some of you can be much, much better than me, so that all of us can then reach out to educate even more people.
I don’t see how Dennis’ dream cannot come true. I can vision that many of us will be Millionaires or Multi-millionaires with Hearts, the S$100 Million Charitable Foundation to help bridge the Rich-Poor Divide will be established very soon. Cheers!

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

Hi jason,

thanks for sharing. I highlighted in bold BLUE what I also feel very strongly about, looks like you and I have in common a few values and principles.

I've been conducting free Public talks through various organisations eg. CPF Board, National Library, MAS (through its Money Sense public Financial Education program), but I realise that when the talk is FREE, people do NOT really Value what is being taught and in the past, there are always people dozing off in my talks.

I realise that when I charge serious money for my full-day Seminars (alot of the content not taught in textbook and thus would NOT be approved by MAS and CPF Board in their public talks), that people Now Value what I teach.

For instance, I share freely on Radio, newspaper articles the "Formula for Wealth", but I find that many people after learning about the formula do NOT take it seriously. But actually anyone who APPLY the Formula for Wealth will create more Wealth...and the Best thing about the formula for Wealth = how many people we serve x value add we provide is that by applying the formula, we are helping more people and making a difference in more people's lives and at the same time increasing our Contribution and Value Add to the society and at the same time, becoming wealthier ourselves...so it is Win/Win/Win...

It is a world of abundance, actually everyone can become Rich, but the problem is that we have been "brainwashed" and educated since young to "compete", that for someone to win, another has to lose...thus the entire society is now Operating on a Win/Lose principle...and look at the Mess and the Stress (to win others) have created in the society...

Thus, the best way is for us to Succeed and Lead by Example, so that they can see that what we say is NOT theory and can be done and we have done it...this is why I waited till I reached over S$1 million dollars before I conduct public Financial Education seminars in a BIG way, becos I know that unless I have reached Mount Everest, how can I claim I can guide others to climb Mount Everest?

I'm not sure how many people really change the way they plan their finances, or invest their money after attending my seminar, but as the boy in the "starfish" story said:"to this starfish (he rescued), I made a difference.

Once again, I want to tell all seminar graduates that I am 100% committed to teach/guide you, but you yourself must take action to Learn and Apply what is being taught...I can't change your life, only you can change your life, but I can help you avoid some pitfalls and mistakes that I have made, so that YOUR Path to Financial Freedom can be a smooth instead of being treacherous.


Dennis Ng
dragonhart2 wrote:dear Dennis,

Thank you!!!

actually None of my colleagues know abt how i stumble in primary school....but i am proud that i made it!

i am already trying to influence the people around me by doing this:
"that each of us go out to help 3 persons and then tell them the only condition for our help is that they also try to help 3 other persons after we helped them..."

i feel sad for their circumstances, they or rather WE have to take unfair treatment from our superiors just so that we can put food on the table....we had no choice.....

After attending your seminars and Kenneth's "Secrets to Powerful Presentation" workshop, i felt an obligation to help others improve their lives....Quite a few of my colleagues dabble in the stock market buying at the wrong time without proper knowledge about investing in stocks....i try to advise....most of the time, it was too late or he just refused to change...i just patiently try to influence slowly.....they have to swallow a lot of water before they realize what i share is right......fortunately, a few to them are changing now..starting to listen....saying...Jason, u were right!
so now i share with them how to analyse and when to take action....i am more than happy to see their wealth grow, i don't lose any profits by sharing with them the knowledge and skills....There are just so much abundance of wealth out there, we don't have to compete with one another...all can win...all can have wealth if u want it! i never ask for anything in return(in fact, i don't need anything from them).....i just want to help make a difference....a smile on their face is more than enough.

do note that: if their mind are not ready, it takes lots and lots of patience to slowly change their mindset towards "prosperity consciousness"....end of the day, it is really up to them to take action....i will not and cannot force them to change.

i also encourage them to set up some small capital business(multiple streams of income), and i share with them my own story about setting up the Training Firm with my wife....we are getting projects already! They were very impressed. i find that many of them know that our employer cannot be the sole source of income....but most of the just think and procrastinate from taking action....so i lead by example.....i guess, they are still comfortable enough not to take action......it's alright, but i will be there to help when the time is right.....when They start to see my success, they will be inspired! i won't have to sell my ideas anymore.....so i must succeed and lead by example..this is the best way to teach.

Dennis Ng wrote:
dragonhart2 wrote:hi participants,

i have posted the slides under "Technical charts and Analysis"

Hi Jason,
once again, on behalf of all seminar graduates, I would like to thank you for your selfless sharing of your knowledge/experience. Your real life story of how you transformed from a F9 student to A*Star is truly inspiring, and I hope this can inspire and encourage all seminar graduates and their children.

The most wonderful thing about sharing is sometimes, we touch some lives and made a big difference to them. Over the years, after conducting many seminars, sometimes I have people who walked up to me after seminar and said that they just want to thank me personally for changing their mindset and changing their lives. I always tell them that no, I didn't change your life, the only person who can do so is yourself. But I'm glad you have benefitted from what I shared...

Of course, most people may not actually come forward to express their appreciation and I have to say that even though this is not what I expect from anyone, but such words truly can be a big morale booster to me...Thus, I tell myself that I will be generous with my compliments and I make it a point to let the person know they did a good job or went the extra mile...and each time I do that, the smile that brighten their face when they hear it and some were not expecting such words of praise that they even blush...and to me, nothing is more happy to me to put a smile on other people's faces.

What is life all about? To me it is each of us focusing on Continuous and Never-ending Improvement (CANI) so that we can develop to the best of our potential, so that we can contribute the most to the society...and hopefully, when we leave, we made the place better than before we were here...

I was watching the movie "Pay it Forward" (again, on HBO on demand service)...and I start to think we can also start this project, that each of us go out to help 3 persons and then tell them the only condition for our help is that they also try to help 3 other persons after we helped them...

Pay it Forward Video Clip

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 ....if this goes on, we can literally change the world as many people would realise that there is still people who are helpful in our society which has become so consumed on "self" and not really caring about others and the world...

We can change the world first by changing the person in the mirror...we cannot control what others think or do. We only have 100% control on what we think or do, so let's make it happen, starting from ourselves.

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by sereneloong »

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In less than one month, www.reallifetheory.com is #2 on the organic searches of Google!!!
This could not have happened without you. Thank you all who have helped spread practical knowledge through Real Life Theory.

Please continue to raise financial literacy levels by clicking 'Like' on the Facebook page here:
http://www.facebook.com/reallifetheory? ... 2544333196
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

Hi sereneloong,

I really applaud you for taking action and taking the time, money (to register website, website hosting etc) and effort in making www.reallifetheory.com a Reality!

I think the short videos are very good becos they are simple to understand and most people do not have too much time to watch a long video.

Thus, I have shared your website in this forum and also to my over 7,400 facebook contacts (over 5,000 friends, over 1,900 subscribers to my daily updates and another 515 people who sign up my facebook page.
sereneloong wrote:
Screen Shot 2012-07-17 at 11.48.18 AM.png
In less than one month, www.reallifetheory.com is #2 on the organic searches of Google!!!
This could not have happened without you. Thank you all who have helped spread practical knowledge through Real Life Theory.

Please continue to raise financial literacy levels by clicking 'Like' on the Facebook page here:
http://www.facebook.com/reallifetheory? ... 2544333196

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
Dennis Ng
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Re: Our Goal is to help 1 million people reach S$1 million

Post by Dennis Ng »

Risk/Reward Tradeoff.

You can see from the term that Real Investors always consider Risk first, ie. worst case scenario, how much will they lose? Then if they are comfortable with absorbing such loss by asking (what if I'm wrong, will I be financially ok?)....

Only then, then they look at the potential upside. And they are only interested to invest if the upside potential is at least double the downside (by now, the meaning should be clear and I shall not repeat myself).

The average person either will ask: is there risk? (of course everything has risk, even if you sleep, there is a risk you may not wake up tomorrow). How much is the returns? (greed comes in and they are naively attracted if someone tell them a High return). Then they wonder why they always lose money in investing? When in actual fact, investing without KNOWLEDGE is actually not investing, but simply Gambling.

Yes, in the Million Dollarss seminar I also shared that Dr Tony Tan (our current President) shard that "when you take care of the downside, the upside will take care of itself" .

Thus, a person who really know how to invest is almost 100% guaranteed to get Richer and Richer over time...becos he always has the "odds in his favour". Real Investor will NEVER gamble becos the odds are too low and not in his favour. Similarly, real investor also will not go to Casino to gamble, becos the Casino has an "House Advantage" that given sufficient time, the Casino typically is the one who wins, and its customers (the gamblers) are the ones who lose.

for meaning of House Advantage, go read this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casino_game

There are many real life stories of how some people got addicted into gambling becos at first they are winning and making money from Casino, and this keep them going back...then they start losing, but they always console themselves that the next Round he/she will make money and if he/she just get back his/her capital, he/she will stop gambling at the Casino. Guess what? They cannot stop themselves, be it winning or losing...and over time, in the end they always lose and there are many real life sad stories of family being broken up, or the gambler committing suicide, or even threaten to kill his/her family members if they don't give him/her more money to gamble...

Once a person know that if a person know how to invest, getting Richer and Richer is almost 100% guaranteed, then this person will NOT gamble. I'm a good real life example. All my family members (I mean my parents, brothers and sisters) will buy 4D, I'm the only person in the family that do not buy 4D...and guess what? I'm the richest amongst all of them, but the fact is that for many years, my income is lower than my 2 other brothers. (my sisters are all housewives).

Thus, I became a multi-millionaire and reached Financial Freedom NOT becos I earn a high income, but becos I learn how to Plan, Manage and Grow my money. For many years when I worked in the bank from 1993 to year 2000, my total spending for 5 days' lunch can be just S$20 or less (means each lunch I spend S$4 or less)...and then I spend about S$100 on the weekends. Thus, my personal total spending for 1 month can be only just S$480 or slightly over...

This is why when I first started work in year 1993 when my starting pay was only S$1,500, and take home pay only S$1,200, and I give my mother S$200 per month and I still manage to save 20% or about S$300 every month. As my income grows, my spending increased, but I always make sure that the increase in expense is less than increase in my income...

And now that I'm financially free, even if I buy a Rolex for S$15,000, I'm actually not spending my own money, becos if I made say, S$200,000 from stock market in 1 year, then I'm just using part of my winnings as a form of "recognition" for myself, for doing a good job of growing my money. On the other hand when I was not financially free, I wore a S$40 Casio watch for 7 years..

Most people cannot become Rich becos they spend like the Rich EVEN when they are not Rich. I see so many people carrying LV bags, but it is only during the recent Europe trip that I finally convinced my wife to allow me to buy a LV bag for her as a gift...then at Paris airport, we saw another tour group where teenagers were carrying LV bags, of course the mother also carry LV bags...imagine a teenager who is just a student already used to LV bag, then this becomes a habit, this will become a burden for her if when she works, her income is not high, just S$3,000 or so...and buy a S$2,000 bag...

And then ironically, you see more and more Singaporeans in their 60s and 70s still working, working in Mcdonalds, working as toilet cleaners, working as hawker centre cleaners...I guess NONE of them when they were young DREAM that one day this is their FUTURE...but this would be the future of many Singaporeans if they continue to just spend, spend and spend, without learning how to save money and then grow the savings through investments.

It is becos when I reach 60 years old, I don't want to see any old people FORCED to work (not becos they want or like the job, but becos they need the money), I swore to myself that I will do my utmost to help as many Singaporeans as possible, learn how to master their finances so that when they are old, working or not is a choice they can choose to have, not a must.

Why are people having problem saving enough retirement savings even when they retire at age 65 while I could retire at age 39 (3 years ago)? The CAUSE of the problem is they don't know how to Plan, Manage and Grow their money through investments. That's all.

I'm a Living Real Life Example that this can be done and I hope by sharing my personal journey that I can inspire many more people to want to learn how to master their own finances.

Albert wrote:Daniel, that is correct.
So, you analyse that this stock you investing at $1 will at most drop to 80cts but will at least increase to $1.40 or more before making the Buy decision.
My take on the upside is twice of downside is :

Look yourself as a risk manager. Focusing on the RISK, then the POTENTIAL! If the Risk(downside) is 20cents, you expect to get 40cents(Upside) in return. "When you take care of the downside, the upside will take care on its own"

Often people focus on the upside where greed comes into play, and forgot that in each investment you can lose too. We are running a marathon and not a sprint. Thus, it is ok to risk 20% to gain 40%. That is why Dennis say that it is ok loss 6 out of 10 times but still gain as a whole only if you stick to upside is twice of downside

Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny

Note: I'm just sharing my personal comments, not giving you investment advice nor stock investment tips.
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